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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. And still no word about the 1 million Pfizer shots Tammy Duckworth said were being held up for what appears to be almost two months now.
  2. My wife uses these a lot. Fortunately, she spends all her money as soon as she gets it, so there's nothing in her account to steal.
  3. It's tied to inner ear problems. Many people with a vestibular condition have been laid low by these vaccines. Here is just one topic with 643 pages of people having neurological and balance problems after taking the vaccines, especially Pfizer and Moderna. https://vestibular.org/forum/dizziness/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/
  4. And the government continued to hold water in the dams all throughout until October. Then, when it was time to use resources such as the Mahasawat, Pomelo growers in Nakhon Pathom paid in order to divert the water from their fields (and also an Old Dutch Mill dairy plant) and pour the water on Thawi Watthana instead. Tens of thousands of peoples homes flooded for almost three months in order to save trees and a dairy.
  5. Yes, something there with AZ. I had two shots of Sinovac with few side effects other than some tiredness over three or four days. I received the AZ "booster" on 30 September. Almost three weeks in and I'm still constantly dizzy, tired, and have recurring bouts of nausea. I wish I had never taken the AZ.
  6. Because, maybe, these are Chinese subs with a Thai flag. An outright naval base given over to the Chinese might cause problems--right now. But not a Chinese sub "pen" with Thai decals stuck all over it.
  7. The fairy tale is the belief that those subs will be independently manned and crewed by Thais only. The crews are already getting their training in, I think, Wuhan, of all places. And when the subs hit the seas, you can bet that Chinese "advisers, technicians, maintenance specialists, and weapons specialists" will be right on board. No need to track them. They will not be able to move without Chinese naval "help."
  8. There is something to this. Maybe more. Because it's not just submarines but all the other military hardware being bought from China. Thailand is all but part of a Chinese defense pact. If real hostilities break out, Thailand isn't going to be able to sit on the fence. They're putting a target on their back. How is the other side to differentiate between Chinese submarines and Chinese submarines supposedly manned by Thais? They can't. They won't. Those subs will be vaporized.
  9. Very thin research record. Most of it consists of a few articles with multiple authors.
  10. Seems the people on this forum who ordered several months ago paid three or four times that price for Moderna. You wuz robbed.
  11. Almost three weeks since Don thanked Tammy. Anybody seen the 1 million Pfizer shots? Have they already been distributed? Or still waiting for clearance?
  12. Same doctors you see in the private hospitals you also see in the public ones.
  13. Thailand has quite an effective medical system, I think. It absolutely does deserve to rank above the US, as the OP indicates. Have a sudden illness in the US? Try calling your physician, if you're lucky enough to get one that will see you, and they will tell you to make an appointment (in two or three weeks at the earliest) or go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital and expect to pay $$$$$. In Thailand, when I need to see my inner ear specialist, for example, I just go over to the hospital twenty minutes away, wait in line for about five to 20 minutes, and then I'm in. Have a sudden eye problem? Same as the inner ear specialist. Same hospital. Go and be waited on within minutes and pay 750 baht for two retina scans. Try that in the US and see how many weeks and how much money you pay. I've had things like kidney stones treated here within 16 hours--different hospital. Medically, my care in Thailand is much superior to the US.
  14. Absolutely. In fact, people should have had the opportunity to improve their exercise routine during these times. Begin the day running up 100 flights of stairs, two stairs at a time. Walk to grocery stores. Whenever there is an option, take the more difficult physical path. Plenty more ways to improve health without expensive gyms or olympic pools
  15. Barely a B-list actor these days. But, who knows, if you're the sort who liked Dumb and Dumber, you might like this as well. Same people involved.
  16. When I worked at a certain prominent Thai university, my Thai Chinese students (and that was about 99 percent of the class--a few Thai Japanese were there as well) expressed open contempt for "pure Thais." They claimed that were it not for them, Thailand would look like Laos. Must say that I found much better attitudes from my Chinese Chinese students than my Thai Chinese ones. Usually, when 10 to 15 percent of one ethnic group owns 80 percent or more of a country's wealth, that is a problem. Interesting to see how the Malays dealt with a similar issue in their country.
  17. First, you sound like someone who needs to toddle on along to the next topic, if this one bothers you so much. Second, to answer your question, I'll bet not one person posting or reading this topic woke up this morning with even a thought of CP or their patriarch in their head. And we all would have gone right through the day completely oblivious of the question had not CP itself started to threaten law suits and magnify the topic to headline news.
  18. Rather than just Thailand, the article and the numbers therein apply to "Southeast Asia."
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