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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Two feature films, three books, and now this documentary. You could sink the Bismarck and get less recognition.
  2. Ironic, when you consider who was at the Thonglor party that started all this.
  3. Probably the most oversaturated, boring news story of the last 6 months.
  4. I agree. In fact, I would go one step further. Immigration should issue hygiene monitors for Europeans. Failure on the part of Euros to take at least one shower per day documented by an wristband app should result in a 5000 baht fine for each day missed.
  5. Well, I've got three shots now. Two sinovac and one AZ. Even before that, I had the all clear on the MOPH app. So, I got mine. I can fly. I don't care about anybody else.
  6. Good idea. Surround all those British and Russian condo owners with 95 percent Chinese. They seem to like them so much.
  7. Anybody know what happened to the 1 million Pfizer shots?
  8. What is this? Six or seven topics today so far in the "Thai News" section that work the UK into the headlines or the subject. Is this all supposed to be a way to discuss UK news while omitting other countries, now that the World Forum is gone? What next in the headlines: "Thais Worry as Energy Costs Rise in the UK," "Thais See Hope as UK Exports Increase," "UK Police Review Stirs Thailand to Consider Reforms," "Hurricane Force Winds in the UK Seen as No Threat to Thailand."
  9. If you are a follower of the modern game, I can see how you appreciate these players the way you do. But there are so many other factors, aside from the rules, that have changed QB stats and play. Look at the turf they played on in the 70s and 80s. Essentially, is was a concrete slab with green fuzz on top. Nothing made the game more conducive to concussions than players being slammed down on concrete. That is what probably drove Staubach out of the game. But for my money, the best QBs were those back in the 60s. And remember they called their own plays!!! Unlike today's QBs. The three I most enjoyed watching in order were: Joe Namath, Don Meredith, and Sonny Jurgenson. Nobody before or since (although I never saw Sammy Baugh or Otto Graham) ever was more creative with passing the football than Joe Namath. It shocks me to see how his memory has been so largely forgotten. Then, there is Don Meredith and his favorite receiver, Rapid Robert Hayes. NFL teams basically invented the zone defense to deal with Meredith to Hayes. (I remember when the Philadelphia Eagles unveiled their umbrella defense for Hayes and Meredith then went out and threw for over 400 yards.) Nobody was ever faster than Hayes, although NY Giants' Homer Jones thought he was. Last is paunchy Sonny Jurgenson. The man couldn't move to save his life but he could master the passing game like nobody else except maybe Namath. Finally, go back and look at NFL films highlight shows from the 70s through the 90s. They were all built around hits. People like Jack Tatum, Cliff Harris, Dick Butkus, Deacon Jones, Randy White, Ronnie Lott, Mike Curtis. To be honest, I don't know why there weren't more deaths and paralysis back in the 70s. The game was almost downright deadly. Put that all together, open season on QB sack rushers, bump and run DBs, horse collaring, playing on cement turf, and you'll see why so many QBs were decimated by injuries. Namath couldn't even walk at the end of his career. Had Tom Brady played back then, different story I think. Bottom line: it's just a different game now.
  10. I followed the Cowboys from the time of Don Meredith, Craig Morton, Jerry Rhome, and Staubach, when all four were on the roster (Rhome was a decent QB). But, now? I despise Jones. That man is moral sewage. I enjoy seeing him suffer when he loses. Don't really care for this free agent era, either, where people change teams at the drop of a hat. What was the old saying: you're a fan of the uniform, not the team these days.
  11. Why? Because the rules were changed to protect him. If you go back even to the 1990s, Tom Brady wouldn't have lasted. And go back further, to the 1970s, and the likes of Brady would be mopped up off the field. Rules have changed to protect QBs from any hits whatsoever while in the pocket. Rules have changed to allow receivers to run free without so much as a bump from a DB. It's touch football out there, now. Brady is not in the same league as QBs such as Staubach, Bradshaw, Namath, or Tarkenton. That goes in comparison to Aikman and Favre as well.
  12. Not much American information on this forum. Everything is slanted towards the UK.
  13. Well, I've had three shots and have the all clear on the MOPH app on my phone. But my wife has had zero shots. And she is the one that travels, while I mostly stay home. She is saying she will not be able to get anything until November, because she is waiting for Pfizer and will not take AZ.
  14. Seems to me that a lot of what Xi is doing is smart. Cutting the Tech giants down to size before they can try and control things as they do in the US. Paying off Evergrande domestic debtors last week and stiffing the foreign debtor means a controlled implosion for housing prices--he'll let the bubble ease as much as possible. And housing needs to come down in China. Too much inequality. Taking down the private educational businesses was another good move to make access to higher education more fair. And lastly he pulled the rug out from under the "sissy boys." I only wish the US had the guts to do half as much as Xi.
  15. Another day and still now word of where the million shots of Pfizer are???
  16. People becoming more and more desperate. This sort of thing will get worse.
  17. Laos. (At least for a little while) Mexico. (Could make Mexico, in the right city, permanent)
  18. Should have opted for Taco Bueno instead of Taco Bell.
  19. I live in Sala Thammosop, on the south side of Borom. In 2011, I had 80 cm of water in my house from the end of October until the beginning of January. Consensus seems to be that my village is safe this time. But at least I'm already prepared: kept a lot of things upstairs anyway after 2011 and all the house electrical plugs were raised 1.2 meters back then, too.
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