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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Radon will get you before climate change does.
  2. And there it is, the real reason environmental devastation is taking place. Too many people. Some nations and their people have voted in the most fundamental way to decrease their population and thus reduce carbon emissions. But then their governments and world bodies step in to tell them they cannot, that they must bring in immigrants to keep those numbers up and even expand them. Japan is the greatest example. They've spent decades in developing robots and digital alternatives to requiring a person to man every booth, dig every ditch, and operate in elder care. Now, however, you have people like Biden calling them "xenophobic" because they don't want their "culture" turned into an "economy."
  3. Speaking hypothetically, criticism is one thing. It's another when, say, people make public admissions of bribery and sexual exploitation.
  4. Good first post. There seem to be a lot of people who come into Thailand new and, having heard stories about corruption and bribery, think they'll just fit themselves right in. Little do they realize they are stepping on other people's turf and making enemies. It's also a problem, I think, when someone posts narcissistic youtube videos bragging about sexual predation. Anyone like that is going to step in it.
  5. I think his application for a cannabis license just went up in smoke.
  6. So why come to Thailand and take out their rage on Thai people that have nothing to do with their situation and who, for the most part, live in much more dire circumstances than they do? There should be immediate consequences for these violent acts: jail, fines, deportation, blacklist.
  7. Maybe just savoring those very last moments of freedom.
  8. And these Russians have 90 days (albeit soon to be just 60) to go rancid.
  9. Who is this? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5982757/Staff-doggy-daycare-centre-caught-camera-kicking-pooches.html
  10. Jeezus! He should run, not walk to the nearest airport and get out while he can.
  11. Watching it, I had to turn on the subtitles to understand what he was saying. After viewing, I'd say he has a string of defamation suits coming his way. Best to get out of Dodge right now.
  12. I do wonder if this video is going to help him, what with him walking around the entire time with a smirk on his face.
  13. Wonder what type visa/extension he has. Clearly not eligible for a retirement extension, hope to God he's not a teacher, and I don't think there is a Youtuber visa.
  14. What is going on with under 50s in the West coming to Thailand? They have hair trigger anger problems seems to me. They're even worse back in their home countries, where people explode into rage and murder over the slightest things. So glad I'm here, instead of there.
  15. King Slutzky apparently will not be getting the food catering service she demanded.
  16. Faculty who interfered with police need to be arrested and lose tenure. All these people must go on the No Fly List. They have openly identified themselves with and supported Hamas, a terror organization. Letting them on commercial aircraft could bring about another 9/11.
  17. Sorry. In the Thai universe, this is penny-ante stuff. I'm surprised anybody noticed.
  18. My view right before the election was that PTP/Thaksin were the supreme campaigners and political maneuverers. And it's true. Nobody in Thailand can compare to them. They run circles around everyone else. I also feared, however, that PTP grabbing power would be bad for expatriates in particular. Prayuth basically left immigration alone--just the 400K year round maintenance, I think. He was a status quo politician. And for me, that's what I want. No changes. Now we're getting changes galore, and I can't see anywhere it's for the better, not only for expatriates but for average Thai people. And ultimately, it's their interests that count. And I think Prayuth was better. I now look at 2021 to 2022 as a sort of Golden Age in Thailand.
  19. If you guys constantly fixate on the weather, you're going to feel miserable.
  20. Just would like to see a few showers to cool off the roof tiles.
  21. Wait until Srettha taxes that charm school you operate.
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