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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. All these complaints. And the crowds. And the pollution. It makes me yearn for the Golden Age of Covid Thailand. Cleaner air, fewer people, easier to get around, no problem finding taxis. I really liked things then. (The economic problems are out of my lane, so, yes, Covid Thailand caused economic destruction. But as someone living here on a retirement extension, it was the best time I've ever experienced.)
  2. BTW, also several places at $1000 or less. But the quality of similarly priced houses in Goliad seems a lot better.
  3. Limited opportunities to work often time means lower prices for rent for retirees. I like Goliad a great deal. It's majority Hispanic and 40 percent Anglo. But I like Hispanic ways, especially those from Mexico.
  4. Goliad has less than 2000 people I think. Victoria, too, seems okay. A place with 80,000 or more, just a little bit over Victoria, is Mission, Texas. It's right along the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Might be even more options there.
  5. Just did a quick look at house rentals in Goliad, Texas, because I happened to have Goliad on my mind. Several houses around $1000 or less listed on rental dot com. Goliad strikes me as a pretty good place. South Texas, warm, picturesque in places. https://www.goliadtx.net/
  6. I really don't mind the Chinese. They look to get value for their money and will not take being cheated.
  7. I'd rather we take in another 10,000 illegals than this parasite.
  8. Why would you be "proud" your uncle was eaten by cannibals? To me, that sounds humiliating.
  9. I was never banned there but I stopped using it after a couple of months. This was several years ago. They started snipping out parts of my posts almost immediately. Several TVF posters of the year at first migrated over there. But at least two prominent ones were banned or runoff.
  10. Bring back the Thaivisa bar/pub!!!
  11. Reading this topic has caused me to wonder: how many people posting to this forum are housebound or nearly so due to age or illness?
  12. Everything that the establishment feared Thaksin would do, he is now achieving with their help.
  13. Never escalate the situation, especially if you are determined to do a chimp out.
  14. Depends on the situation, but if the man put his hands on her and physically coerced her in any way, then he should have been arrested. And that is precisely what this sounds like:
  15. Good point about the showers. I take a shower every time I come back from going somewhere or, of course, from working out in the yard. It refreshes you for at least 30 minutes to sometimes an hour.
  16. The more technology makes it possible to surveil, the more laws that will be enacted to take advantage of the surveillance. The noose gets ever tighter. Everywhere. Did the camera just catch you buying beer, when you could have bought organic vegetables? Bad for your health! You now need to pay a higher health tax.
  17. Try and rent a house. Don't get stuck in a condo. I'd feel like I'm in prison in a condo. I have a large two story house in the western suburbs of Bangkok. Leading off from my office is a large second story verandah that is 14m deep and covers the face of the house lengthwise. Easy to take a break and enjoy outside, with a fan if necessary. Good to go work in the backyard and trim trees, bushes, and pull weeds. I don't even run the aircon until after 10pm at night, and I set it at 31 (highest my Mitsubishi will go). Get yourself acclimated. You will not do that sitting inside your condo. Walk, move around. You'll feel better about yourself and your environment. Don't lock yourself in.
  18. Thaiger had/has its own forum. But it was a disaster. They had hair trigger bans and heavy censorship. It was far, far worse than AN ever was at its depths a couple of years ago.
  19. Wasn't there a plan to put one in every village a couple of years ago?
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