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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I've had a Panasonic that is still working after 14 years. But downstairs I have a much older heater. I've repaired it once. It only cost 400 baht and that was about four or five years ago. Still going since then. I'd see if there is an easy repair, first. But I repair everything, including fans, light switches, a/c, or pump. I never go new, because new is usually worse.
  2. Quite some time ago, I seem to remember a Taiwanese military statement that in the event of a PRC invasion, Three Gorges would certainly be in play.
  3. Expensive. Soooo expensive! You not come, here. Okay?
  4. True, for probably an increasing number. Just hope they don't come here. Stay in their same time zone.
  5. Srettha managed to get a news story where Thailand ("Thai") and G7 were in the same sentence. Success!
  6. Maybe it's just the increase in news about this topic, but it seems to me that post-Covid people are meaner and more violent. That's the way they are at home, and they bring it with them when they go on vacation to foreign countries.
  7. What does 430 baht get you in Switzerland? The pieces of this story indecipherable.
  8. How does Italy's role in the G7 affect visa waivers for Schengen (just three out of the seven G7 members)?
  9. Oh, yes, I agree. The US has been utterly inept. One of the reasons China gets results in its diplomacy is that it doesn't hesitate to punish countries who act against its interests. The US doesn't do that. It just takes it on the chin, so to speak. Plus China would never allow its citizens to be treated badly without a major reaction. Remember about a year or so ago, when Chuwit was publicizing the growth of Chinese triads? The Chinese embassy responded with a public message instructing Thai media that they should not include criminals' nationality when reporting on them. Notice how few stories these days mentions Chinese organized crime? Chinese pressure worked. The US doesn't give a fig. So it looks like a weak and pitiful giant.
  10. Let them choose whomever they want. I'm not arguing the point. But Thailand should not expect the privileges of an American ally, if it's going to side with Russia and China. That's all.
  11. The US has already "lost" Thailand. Or, rather, Thailand has already decided to side with Russia/China. No use trying to reverse it. The Thais have made their choice. That's okay. It's their sovereign right to do so. Just don't expect US investment or continued access to US markets. Vietnam, too, is a sham. I've posted recently about the slow moving coup in Vietnam, which has seen the installation of hardline generals who are pro China and have effectively ousted the economic "liberals" in an "anti-corruption" campaign just like the ones Xi runs. Vietnam will never go against China, who controls the tap on the Mekong. So Philippines it is. Japan and the Philippines are the only trustworthy American allies in Asia. I don't include S. Korea or Taiwan as trustworthy, because both of those countries are ready to cut and run. And Taiwan has a pro PRC party in the KMT that already controls its legislature.
  12. Thailand has very little strategic value to the West. The country is encircled by Chinese satellites and sympathizers. Mainland SEAsia is a write off. Chinese bases are already in Cambodia, and they're coming to Thailand with the Chinese submarines. Time to reorient US/Western interests to the Philippines and let Thailand live with its choice as a member of the Chinese/Russian/Iranian bloc.
  13. Jeezus! How long are you people going to argue over the damn menu? What a trivial waste of time.
  14. Axis applies to the term as it was initially used, where a European land power combined with an Asian expansionist (along with their allies) to start World War II.
  15. It's no longer valid to do a Srettha to Prayuth comparison. The true comparison now is Thaksin to Prayuth, because Thaksin is now back and fully in control.
  16. More and more evidence that Thailand under Srettha is not only "bending" towards China but becoming a full fledged member of the China/Russia/North Korea/Iran axis.
  17. Yes, you can now see just how true it is that Prayuth was better.
  18. Sooner or later, most of you will come to realize that Prayuth was better.
  19. A certain amount of rote learning is necessary. At the lower levels a great deal of rote learning is necessary. You can't think unless you have something in your head to think about.
  20. Mon Thong. That is what you're most likely to find in Tops, the Thonburi Market, and Don Wai, which are the three places I go to for durian. Just writing this, I'm watering at the mouth. Will head out to Tops to buy some more tomorrow.
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