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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. It seems to me, looking from afar, that you folks have even bigger problems than Starmer. This jailing of political opponents couldn't have happened unless you had willing judges eager to act like Roland Freisler and a compliant police force busy applying laws to native peoples differently than to their colonizers based solely on political interests.
  2. There's no getting around it. This joke was a monumentally stupid thing for Trump's campaign to allow to happen. It's the closing day of a campaign under constant scrutiny for the slightest mistake in a venue that magnified events far beyond the usual. Every word spoken on the stage should have been approved beforehand. That it wasn't just proves once again how stupidly and sloppily Trump operates.
  3. So is this then the situation? Starmer's government knew the truth and not only covered it up but lied so he could tag his opposition with a charge of "misinformation" and lock up his political opponents? If so, this is Stalin level political terrorism.
  4. Mark Cuban beat him to it. Cuban worked at Dairy Queen for a day in 2002.
  5. Everybody in this country wears a uniform. This is hitting where it hurts.
  6. Honestly, I don't think we will see people break towards one candidate or the other until the very last couple of days.
  7. Tulsi, yes.
  8. No, I don't believe Trump can win. Almost any other Republican could have sailed through the campaign to victory. But it had to be Trump.
  9. I just think things were better when we didn't have a tax on remittances, a tax on worldwide income, or when we did have lower electricity prices, stability at immigration, and a more favorable exchange rate. All thanks to Prayuth.
  10. I'll bet this person frequently finds silverfish in their salad.
  11. Why are Americans the fattest, most out of shape, healthily unfit people in the world? Because they've been fattened up on bad food, terrible health policies, and one government after another beholden to Big Ag and Big Pharma. How many people would take the mRNA covid vaccine if they had it to do over? I know I'm happy I got two shots of the Chinese vaccine instead.
  12. I'm indifferent to who wins. I dislike both Harris and Trump. But I think it would be quite the ironic twist were the people pushing this on the Democrat side to find out that what people with a background from Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, and Chile respected most of all was a strong man. Those groups don't care much what Puerto Ricans think.
  13. I don't know. I think there are plenty of instances of white caudillos coming to power with the backing of Indians and Mestizos throughout Central and South America. Just look at the pictures of caudillos from the 19th century to the present in this wiki article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudillo Granted, most of them are dark (or white) haired. But the greatest of all might have been the wife of Juan Peron, Eva, who was a blond bombshell.
  14. There is a rather significant tradition of the caudillo in central and south american politics and culture. Who knows? Maybe this side of Trump will appeal to them even more.
  15. Prawit wasn't invited to the meeting. So he'll be clear to claim the PM slot now.
  16. What goes largely unnoticed about Taiwan is the role of the KMT. The KMT wants a Hong Kong-style agreement with the PRC. And the KMT are just a whisker away from gaining power. This would mean a peaceful absorption of Taiwan into the PRC. For that reason, I now do not want to see American weapons sold to Taiwan. There is a good chance they would end up as part of the PRC's arsenal.
  17. Was hoping this was a snappy headline for banning sugarcane burning. No such luck.
  18. Just saw grapes on offer at Gourmet Market the other day. Glad I passed them by. Almost bought some.
  19. Yes, because I have pointed out in many of my posts that white women, fitting this woman's profile, form the core of Harris's supporters. They have made politics into their religion, and are prepared to go to any extreme to get what they demand. Black women, otoh, are pretty much playing out to form, voting in their usual racially acceptable categories and responding to fellow black church ladies. The black women are mentally safer than the white women.
  20. I wish the days of Prayuth would return. Prayuth was better.
  21. Going to raise the retirement visa to match?
  22. It seems a rather ugly incident occurred at Harris's rally. A black woman had to intervene and pull a white woman away from screaming at an infant.
  23. Harris will win. Because of abortion. White women, mainly, suburbanites, Xers and Boomers, dead end career millennials, and frustrated zoomers. All women who have substituted politics for religion. Trump's male voters, I would bet, will fizzle, because they would rather drink beer at a bar and worry over fantasy football instead of go vote. Trump of course did this to himself with two of his three supreme court nominees, Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh. These two are Catholic first justices. So they reversed Roe v. Wade, while at the same time not being bothered by DEI or open borders, which they actually tend to have sympathy for. So Trump set up his own failure by stupidly following the advice of the Catholic dominated Federalist Society. What a fool. https://www.ncronline.org/news/leonard-leo-has-reshaped-supreme-court-he-reshaping-catholic-university-too
  24. I could go for a climate accord. I don't believe anybody wants to wallow around in polluted air, dirty beaches, poison water, or contaminated soil, all under a blistering 2 degrees extra heat. But the accord needs to have punishment provisions for those who don't meet the goals. Everyone who doesn't meet the goals. That means something like import bans and trade penalties for those who refuse, especially countries such as China and India. Those countries can't be allowed to pollute freely while everyone else's efforts go for nothing because of them. Trade isolation for the violators of climate goals is the only fair way to do this.
  25. I do believe she will win. I've said so since she replaced Biden. Women are going to vote massively in her favor because of the abortion issue. It may have seemed to have disappeared from the campaign, but I would bet that young women and suburban boomer and Xer women will vote 70 percent or more her way. In the end, Trump's male voters will not bother to show up. They'll probably go to a sports bar to talk about the NFL or the NBA instead.
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