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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Yes, absolutely. Part of the price they pay for getting to work in the US and not being a citizen. BTW, I worked for many years in Thailand and get no benefits from Thailand's retirement program. Why should a Thai working in the US cash in on what I am denied in Thailand?
  2. I still think that Trump as president would start with another one of his big "splashes." This one would be a reversal of his previous China policy. I think he would surrender to China, drop tariffs, and give Xi free rein in Asia. Don't think so? He's already done some of it. Reversed his own stance on banning Tik Tok. Worked a deal to drop tariffs during his presidency in return for China promising to buy soybeans.
  3. There appears to be two or three universities offering this course. If I were one of the others, I would be angry as hell that the university wasn't identified because it tarnishes them indirectly.
  4. I always enjoyed that area. But I haven't been there since 1989.
  5. The article belies the euphoria of the headline.
  6. Yet another reason for the US to redirect its investment and financial interests to the Philippines, instead of mainland SE Asia.
  7. Is she less of an attraction than she was a few years ago? Seems so. Don't see her pictures plastered around as much as they used to be.
  8. A good start would be to deny any and all ssa and medicare/medicaid benefits to non-citizens.
  9. What's your favorite character from Dickens?
  10. Is that Nadler who is the only one standing on the right?
  11. Halloween is a fun opportunity for people to gather around and do things other than going to bars. Watch horror movies, for example, something Thais are good at producing. Back before covid, when I was still teaching some university classes part-time, you could see students walking around campus in costumes. And if Lotus and others use it for commercial advantage? Okay, they make the stores colorful for a few days, as they do at Christmas and Chinese New Year. I always enjoy that. They may even put a few holiday related foods on sale. Even in Thailand, Halloween can be a seasonal gateway to cooler days, crisper mornings, and clear skies. I'm happy to see Thailand celebrate it.
  12. Again, easy enough to determine if she worked anywhere during 1983. Beyond that, if she did, and then it should be recorded on her SSA earnings history, it will also be easy to deduce from the total amount earned what her average hourly wage was and how that compares to McDonald's hourly wage for new employees covered over the summer vacation time period. Of course, it could be that she didn't work there long enough for the manager to file her paperwork, for her to earn any measurable amount of money, and therefore have any deductions.
  13. Just cut them off. No benefits at all for non-citizens. No free housing. No free food. No cash. No telephones. No health coverage. Nothing. They'll leave of their own accord soon enough.
  14. If you login to My Social Security and go to the homepage, at the bottom there is a link to My Earnings History. It doesn't provide any employer's name (I don't remember if the yearly hardcopy I used to receive did provide that), but it does show income during any given year. So, it will not show if Harris worked at McDonald's in 1983 but it will show if she worked at any time during 1983 for any business required to deduct social security. Easy enough for her to show that she at least worked somewhere, if she did, during that year, I would think.
  15. I agree with you, there. The entire political edifice looks to be stuffed with degenerates.
  16. This is really degenerate and scummy on Trump's part. Not to mention stupid. It's the sort of comment that can only lose you votes, especially among swing voters. Poor judgment, bad instincts, and yet another step Trump has contributed in making the culture cruder than it was before he opened his mouth.
  17. The tip of the iceberg? Robert Malley. https://nypost.com/2024/09/18/us-news/disgraced-iran-envoy-robert-malley-may-have-participated-in-classified-white-house-organized-call-after-security-clearance-was-suspended-state-dept-ig-says/ Ariane Tabatabai. https://nypost.com/2023/10/20/pentagon-aide-called-iran-spy-keeps-security-clearance/
  18. Most people don't like Mitch. https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/trackers/mitch-mcconnell-favorability
  19. Seems to be a lot of Iranian agents embedded in US Intelligence agencies.
  20. The White House may realize it, too. The Energy Department is pushing out guaranteed government loans for biofuels before things change. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gevo-calumet-shares-jump-us-220251259.html
  21. Went down like a sack of potatoes.
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