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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. After 20 years, in other words, absolutely nothing took that would have made Afghanistan more tolerant, enlightened, or even slightly democratic. It went right back to being what it really is. Twenty years and trillions of dollars utterly wasted. And somewhere George W. Bush is painting a picture.
  2. He could still skedaddle. There is a family precedent for doing so at the last minute.
  3. MFP doesn't worry about much other than doing a gender purge of its own members. Otherwise, they're completely silent and useless. Prayuth and the army, however, must be looking at this and getting quite a chuckle, as PTP commits one economic blunder after another. Like me (Prayuth is better), I think they're going to come back with the biggest I toldya so in the last 20 years.
  4. Yep. Looked and listened. The Biden speech plagiarizes Reagan. Biden would have been better off just asking AI to generate a speech that sounded like Reagan's. That's what I just did below:
  5. Accusations are out that Biden plagiarized Ronald Reagan's 40th year D-Day commemoration speech yesterday. People will argue, but the outline and some of the words apparently are the same.
  6. And besides having its (Muslim) religious police who can burst in on people in their hotel rooms, Malaysia also racially and religiously discriminates against Chinese ( Buddhists), Indians (Hindus), Indigenous (Orang Asli), and any other minority unlucky enough to fall under Sunni Muslim Malay control. It is a benighted place. And just about every Thai law, institution, and social practice is better.
  7. Yea but my wife is going to spend it anyway. At least this way just gets a microscopic chance of a lottery win and gets the 3000 returned to her. Even if it does lose to inflation, it's better than the nothing she is going have right now.
  8. Malaysia, where the religious police can raid your hotel room. And all that diversity is fake.
  9. Because if there was a government change and PTP was ousted, then maybe their immigration "adjustments" wouldn't take place. All of it, immigration, taxes, VAT, cannabis (not an issue for me but is for a lot of folks) would be put out to pasture.
  10. If there is going to be a change, I hope it's before the September immigration changes.
  11. This guy is tatted up even more than the club manager who killed the Russian.
  12. Is there a time limit for Thai audits. In the US, it is generally 3 years, with some exceptions for 6 years. But after three years, you generally don't need to worry. What about here?
  13. So, he's going to arm Mexico to attack the US. Would probably have better luck doing so with Canada.
  14. Glad to hear more people say it. Prayuth was better!
  15. My wife would love this. She could max out the monthly minimum every week.
  16. What if they simply decide to flat rate a minimum? Base it on the 65,000 per month to meet the visa extension qualification. Anybody who pays less than that has to prove it and come loaded with evidence that can be or (probably) not be accepted. That would be for everybody at the low end. They could still rupture the people at the high and have time to put them at their mercy.
  17. Got ya, chief. I can understand your unwillingness to deal with it.
  18. This is what your link says: "Under the FATCA inter-governmental agreement signed today, Thailand will share information about accounts held by U.S. persons, and the U.S. will share information about accounts held by Thai persons." It does not say that the US will share information about accounts held by 'U.S. persons.'"
  19. Last episode #6 was a bit of a yawner. Hope it comes around again. It was getting much, much better. Dark Matter did get me to go back and watch Sliders again, which is a much more clever series. And John Rhys-Davies is superb in every part he has ever played. Like the 90s cinematography, too. High contrast highlights the action so much better than the low contrast monochromatic gloom in most contemporary TV.
  20. I thought the rising ocean level was sinking the Maldives. Pretty soon only fish will be visiting there. Who do they think is going to take them in before they drown?
  21. Sorry, I don't want to keep pushing it. But the FBAR, which I do file every year, is for the US. For Thai revenue to get the number, that would mean they would still have to access a US government data base. Is that legal? Do privacy laws in the US prevent it. I remember when the US embassy stopped the income letters for visa extensions a few years ago. Then, I thought part of the reason was the US State Department was prohibited from accessing and thus verifying IRS and Social Security statements. How would Thailand's government be able to access US government databases that other US agencies can't even access?
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