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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. He, as I am, is voting his economic interest. Only a fool would vote against it. It's the most fundamental reason there is to cast a vote.
  2. I sort of agree. I just can't stand the prospect of listening to her for four years. But I can't stand the idea of listening to him, too. Add a favorable exchange rate on to your reasons btw. As is, the poll doesn't allow for another non-Harris, non-Trump choice, so I didn't bother.
  3. "I'm Xi Jinping and I approve this message."
  4. That she has suddenly gone on this media interview blitz, albeit all of them friendly interviewers, after hiding from the press for over two months shows she and her campaign are panicking. It looks and is desperate. And even with friendly interviewers she is chopping up responses and, as proved when the teleprompter went out in Michigan, incapable of continuing her own stump speech for even an extra 30 seconds. This is unprecedented levels of dullness.
  5. She is breathtakingly stupid. Even Biden is coming out contradicting her now. Funny, once they got Joe away from his handlers and let him do live press conferences, he's looked bright, alert, and on the ball. What drug did they have him on the past few years? Apparently, seeing Harris as a possible successor has awakened him to the pending disaster.
  6. What if I'm just saluting the Emperor Vespasian?
  7. Musk's rocketry program has given the US a clear cut lead in reusable rockets. China is desperately trying to steal the technology and grab the lead in it. So, of course, the US government goes after Musk, while pouring ever expanding sums of money into Boeing's worthless pockets, where they can't begin to compete with Musk.
  8. Maybe going after TikTokers, Youtubers, and other "influencers" who live here on education visas and the like. If so, that wouldn't be a bad thing to do.
  9. Yes, if there is one thing we should have learned it's to trust the government: Bay of Pigs Gulf of Tonkin Watergate MKUltra WMDs in Iraq Now, don't forget to keep asking questions about Maui and North Carolina. East Palestine has been successfully erased from the memory bank already.
  10. Maybe they should. But human participation may spot things a drone would miss. Actually, Thailand could well go out to the RTAF Museum and bring back into service the O1 Bird Dogs they've got sitting out there. Wonderful observation aircraft, durable, reliable. I think Ravens used them as FACs during the war in Laos. There are successor aircraft of course. But the helicopters at least make sense for peacetime emergency services. The US helped several months ago, if I remember correctly, by donating inflatable military river boats. Both beat submarines and new jets.
  11. Could be useful as spotters and emergency food, water, and medicine drops. I'll bet they would work great in a place like North Carolina right now. Not to mention a flood like Thailand had in 2011.
  12. Nevertheless I think both Texas and Florida could go for Harris. Much has changed since 2020. And there are certain issues, abortion and health care, that put Trump on the defensive with suburban women and men. I'll not be surprised if Harris takes Florida or Texas or both.
  13. The lies about going to war are big trouble. The other things, the exaggerations and gaffes, simply demonstrates the man does not have the ability to think quickly on his feet. He is a lumbering oaf. Having the oaf as president, in case of the equally stupid Kamala blowing a gasket, would be a humiliation for the US.
  14. Actually, those "misstatements" are lies, exaggerations, and a few knuckleheaded gaffes.
  15. These helicopters will never be used in a war. OTOH, they just might prove useful during natural disasters.
  16. Self serving FEMA press release. Laughable.
  17. It's about illegals in North Carolina. You're just trying to poke your nose into something you know nothing about.
  18. North Carolina? Possibly. I would check Texas and Florida, too. The inward migration from places like California to those two states makes things hard to determine, I think. Too, the abortion issue seems to have settled into the background right now. But I would expect a blitz during the last month of the election.
  19. Yes, these numbers are good. I hope they hold up and are not revised downwards next month. A good economy, with people employed throughout its sectors, helps every American. Better to be in the American economy than than anywhere in Europe.
  20. Hong Kong is now fully Communist. So no surprise. Communists want total control and want to know everything you spend your money own. Think social credit system, where there are, say, rewards on things like baby food (helping reverse the demographic decline) and penalties for wasting your money units on beer and other items that reduce productivity.
  21. Absolutely! Plus enjoy paying cashless when there is a power outage (frequent in my area of Bangkok especially in rainy season). Several times I've been in 7 Eleven or similar store and when the power is out, staff is right there with a clipboard, recording purchases, cash received, and change made.
  22. But both evils are really, really evil. What to do? Trump should have stayed on the sidelines in this hurricane disaster. But he never learns. However many votes he got for stepping in the middle of it, he probably lost for the same reason. He should just have let Harris prove herself the anti-American radical she is. Our choice in this election is between Stupid but cunning Trump and dumb as dirt Harris. This hurricane relief fiasco is showing both of them at their worst.
  23. Why are you trying to deflect this topic about hurricane relief in North Carolina to people lying on their immigration forms in Thailand? Has nothing to do with the topic.
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