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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. 1 hour ago, mogo51 said:

    Well luckily ypu seemed to have missed the Thats trying to negotiate the roundabout. They cannot work out that those already on roundabout have right of way. 5hey all enter, stop and look at each other.

    Mind you I am sure there is no driver education to support installing them!

    they are NOT taught how to use roundabouts in Thailand

  2. 3 minutes ago, johng said:

    I went past the ex roundabout this afternoon and they where busy painting a very large "box junction" the yellow "do not enter this box unless your exit is clear" which I think is just about as ignored/not understood as roundabout etiquette.

    The traffic lights seemed to be stuck on green.

    waste of time MONEY painting a box here NO ONE knows what to do!!!

  3. 30 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    ah the who dares wins roundabout. thought it was better than the lights but you really had to approach it like you were not stopping, but at the same time be prepared to stop. i am a big fan of roundabouts but they dont really work thailand, a bit like democracy really.

    they are  NOT taught how to use a roundabout when learning to drive...thats why so much confusion GOOD thing they removed it...IT SHOULD never had been there in the first place

  4. 9 hours ago, gmac said:

    Why?  The roundabout worked so much better than traffic lights.  I always come into town that way when I need to visit Jomtien immigration  and usually waste 2+ minutes sitting at the earlier traffic light which holds every one up sitting waiting for a green light to appear from a direction that actually has some traffic.  The roundabout on the other hand was always completely clear no hold up at all.

    no one knew who had the right of way on the round about ( they are NOT taught when doing driving lessons/test!!) traffic light are MUCH better

  5. 19 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The average yearly rainfall in the Netherlands is 765mm.


    Bangkok just received 156mm over night.. thats 20% of the Netherlands Yearly Rainfall in one night... 


    Hats off the the Water Engineer of the Netherlands if they can handle the same.... In making a comparison with another city in order to tarnish Bangkok's response its only fair to compare like for like. In this case the levels of precipitation are worlds apart. 

    they have many drains and canals in Holland and controlled by many sluice gates and locks not same in BKK

  6. 16 hours ago, FredNL said:

    Waist of time and money !!!

    of course it is....just like the tunnel on Sukhumvit road Patts.....if the canal is built they could use ROVER 2 & ROVER 3 ....the ferries which are suppose to be running from Bali Hai to Hua Hin

  7. 7 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Police are waiting for a medical report, before arresting those responsible.

    What a load of hogwash., police cant be ar...d more like, as it is aan old lady.

    No money in it for them.

    TRUE why is there a Police Force in this country??

    They should arrest these louts and put them in Klong Prom prison for the rest of their lives

  8. 4 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

    That is right.. usually they take your licence and you pay your fine and pick the license up at the police station...   or like happened a few months ago when driving with the brother-in law... he gets stopped for 'speeding''.. no radar mind you...  you can give me 200  Bt now or I take your license and you drive (20 ks) to the police station and pay 400 Bt... what you want to do?

    seems like a case of blackmail surely this should NOT be ALLOWED !!!

  9. 55 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    It is funny you should say that.


    I was working on site in Pathum Thani a few years back and I went there on my 125 cc bike. The numbskull security guard came up and said, "Good idea, you have added mirrors," whilst pointing at the factory standard Honda mirrors. :shock1:


    In his village, it must be standard to rip them all off as soon as possible.

    another brain dead thai security guy....obviously does not think mirrors should be on a bike..

  10. 18 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Indeed. Drilled into all UK bike licence holders over and over and over again. Look back, look over your shoulder, look back. Stopping, look back, turning, look back, pulling off, look back, changing lanes, look back.


    I suspect the driver had not undergone any bike training in the UK (which has been mandatory to get a licence for many years) but figured he could handle both a scooter and Thai driving conditions.

    agree with you totally if you look at motorbike in photo( do not know if it was the ladies in question) where are the MIRRORS ?? I see many many many many m/b's with out this vital equipment....WHY ARE THEY ALLOWED ON THE ROADS....i see BRAND NEW bikes with NO mirrors which I am sure is against the law....or is there NO LAW regarding MIRRORS on mb's

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