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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. 5 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    How about starting by employing some real non corrupt police, and make them do their job

    i read that there are only 250,000 coppers in this country....not enough to enforce any laws surely !!

    I have seen coppers NOT wearing helmets cop cars with NO rear number plate no doubt others on here have seen the same.....most I have seen on a motor bike has been 5 plus a dog !!!

  2. 15 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    perhaps this is too delicate a subject and , doubtless, has been revisited many times....,why 65000 ? small families in my province get by on 9000/month; so why 65000 ? (yes i know some idiot in a backroom somewhere just made it up); in general , why must the thais put the financial requirements at levels that would qualify for higher-than-high-middle-class ?

    IT IS BECAUSE one is required to have 800k in bank this figure is divided by 12 to give 65 k income per month then it equates to the 800k required SIMPLE

  3. 15 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Max One lane is okay..install more zebras crossings with speed hill bumbs, make it a 30 km zone.each vehicle that not stops for pedestrians on zebras fine them a 1000 bht on the spot.Now in how many days would the problem been turn around?Next do same at Theprasit.


    who will be there to fine them 1000k not enough coppers to enforce ....good idea though perhaps cctv on zebras should be installed to catch drivers who DO NOT COMPLY to allowing pedestrians to cross safely on zebras ???

  4. On 6/16/2017 at 11:10 AM, mercman24 said:

    the very first thing tourists should have printed on their landing card is. DO NOT CROSS ON A ZEBRA CROSSING. Thais do not STOP, you will be KILLED

    THEY are NOT taught what a zebra crossing is for and who has the right of way unlike the people of the UK.....pedestrians have the RIGHT of way on a zebra Thai drivers totally ignore this !!!!!!!!!! But what CAN WE DO ???

  5. 7 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    It seems the Mercedes Benz driver was up set with the Cam vehicle driver.

    You see cam vehicle driver moved over to the fast lane and proceeded to drive considerably faster than the slower traffic in the left lanes....but, it turns out to be considerably slower than the Mercedes driver who was mostly likely driving much faster still and came up from behind the slower moving cam vehicle driver.

    You can assume the cam vehicle driver began to move over to the middle lane because the Mercedes driver was on his tail so he moved over to allow the Mercedes driver to pass...and gave way.

    You can assume the Mercedes driver is pissed off  because the Cam Vehicle driver was, in effect, blocking his way from going as FAST as he was trying to go in the fast lane....but,  in effect, considered speeding excessively.    

    So rather than simply get past the cam vehicle driver the Mercedes driver cuts in front of him and stops momentarily and flashes his brake lights as the means to let the cam vehicle driver know that he interfered with his much FASTER driving ( speeding) being done in the "fast lane"

    Here in Thailand the drivers commonly use the fast lane to speed excessively..... when they can..... and expect everyone else using the faster lane to give way to their much higher speed and get out of their way....... believing any slower then their speed vehicle is interfering with their much higher speed and in the wrong and to be admonished for not driving as fast as them.

    In other words they think if you do use that higher speed "fast lane" then you should also be driving as fast as they are and in effect excessively speed...or why use that lane at all..... is their mentality.

    This is the common Thai driver mentality that causes accidents by the percentage of Thai drivers that basically do what they want and expect the other drivers to see what they are doing and forced to give way or have to accommodate their often risky and often reckless and dangerous driving conduct.  


    agree full with you...........they are brain dead when it comes to driving.........will never change and we can not change what is in their heads when they are on the roads

  6. 15 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    you should always leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you for exactly this reason. You should be prepared and able to stop if the vehicle in front of you comes to a complete stop.  Here there were several seconds between the car slowing down and stopping and being hit by the truck. 

    "the dashcam driver could have crashed on the Benz for braking for no reason." who can define this statement Thais TOUCH their brakes for no reason at all.....they do not realise that when take foot off gas pedal the revs of the engine actually slow vehicles down..many are "brake tappers" for no reason.

    I agree with you that enough space should be between vehicle on front and yourself...this is taught in the Uk and, I assume in the States BUT NOT THAILAND

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