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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. 14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Nah! Can't be that truck. They aren't allowed to show photos of the suspects anymore! :smile: It looks like it or the driver, might have been injured during interrogation though. If you look in the back left of the picture you can even see doctors and nurses checking on the patient.

    "Police are focusing on whether Yingluck’s passport appeared to be stamped on their soil",  HOW WILL THEY KNOW ITS YINGLUCKS WHEN THEY CAN NOT EVEN DETERMINE WHO'S POLICE TRUCK IT IS???

  2. 11 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    In the West moving over for an ambulance is automatic- you just do it- because it has been drilled into you from day one and it makes sense.  As much as I like Thailand- the driving in Thailand is atrocious. The me first attitude is part of the problem as well as the disregard for all laws.  I have always moved over for an ambulance in Thailand and watched as no one else does.  As one of the posters stated- even if one thinks there maybe no one in the ambulance- you never take that chance- moving over is the only way.


    Thailand needs a massive public relations and information campaign directed at the driving public regarding this issue as well as excessive speed (yes-it does kill) and drink driving.

    a question was asked "should the training time for drivers  be increased from FIVE hours to TEN hours" herein lies the problem... NOT enough time or education given to DRIVE properly ....these Thais do not even KNOW that there is a THAI HIGHWAY CODE!!!

  3. 20 hours ago, CatCage said:

    the driver claimed he had music playing loudly in his truck cab and couldn't hear the ambulance's siren and horn blasts.


    So he had no rear view mirrors as well? Maybe he needs another fine for driving without due care and attention and one more for playing loud music in a public place.

    He was in his CAB this is NOT a public place................!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 6 hours ago, wanderluster said:

    try contacting https://www.aainsure.net/contact_us.html              and ask them about what you want


    also ask about expat group insurance, they offer special deals to expat clubs.


    english should not be a problem

    i wet to expats club Pattaya a couple of weeks ago....very helpful....got forms for health insurance.....covered by AXA insurance.....I would not advise anyone to take out health insurance with a Thai company.

    I had insurance 6 yrs ago with one......they did not pay out for my time in hospital !!! Muang Thai was the insurance

  5. 20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Lots of unconfirmed reports that she is in Dubai, but I have yet to see any actual confirmation. I am sure she has enough friends here that she could remain hidden locally, as well or better than a certain monk. After all the best place to hide is right under peoples noses.

    I would have bloody good laugh if after all the palaver it turned out she hadn't run off at all.

    Shes in the famous tunnel now opened on Sukhumvit !!!....working as security guard!!

  6. 2 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

    as a motorcyclist, here is my question regarding "Not keeping to the outermost left hand side lane" because they never state any statute which should make it easy to dispute.


    Section 33 (500B)
    [When driving, the driver shall keep to the left of the road and must not drive beyond the
    middle of the roadway, except following situations:
    a. there is obstruction on the road
    b. the road is prescribed as one-way
    c. the road width is less than 6m.

    Section 34 (500B)
    [If the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall
    keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus
    lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:
    a. there is obstruction on the road
    b. the road is prescribed as one-way
    c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction
    d. when overtaking another vehicle
    e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

    Section 35 (400-1000B)
    The driver of a truck, passenger vehicle, motorcycle, vehicle of low speed or traveling at
    lower speed than those of other vehicles moving in the same direction,
    shall keep to the
    curbside of the roadway as close as possible.
    If such a roadway is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction or has a
    bus lane specifically arranged on the left-hand side, the driver shall drive the vehicle in the
    outermost left-hand side lane or close to the bus lane, as the case may be.

    do you know that it is ILLEGAL to undertake....???!!!

  7. 1 hour ago, Moti24 said:

    "Daily News said they were working in the dark crime underbelly of the resort."


    If they already know it's the dark crime underbelly of the resort, it should have been wrapped-up long ago!


    22 hours ago, maxpower said:

    Toyoto Fortuners are converted pickup trucks and nothing to get excited about.

    thought they were classed as SUV's nothing like a PICKUP !!

  8. 2 hours ago, Moti24 said:

    How is it confusing?  Four people in the sedan died, three at the scene and one in hospital.  All seven in the van were injured.  


    RiP to the sedan occupants.  The BiB will sort it out.

    IT STATES that the Police are investigating.....strange, as MOST reports state that the Police will check the cctv !!! without cctv these bib HAVE NO IDEA how to investigate

  9. 16 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Absolutely spot on Smed's old boy .. Trying to cross 2nd road ( particularly at night ) is a treacherous experience .. even if the large vehicles slow or stop for you its  the mental motorcyclists who will take you out .. Subway's or footbridges ( as they have in provincial cities and Bangkok ) are the only really safe options .. 

    THEY have built a stupid tunnel costing millions....waste of money which could have been used to create footbridges over second road....!!!

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