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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. 3 hours ago, steve73 said:

    The OPEX should not determine the ticket price.


    The price should be determined by comparison with the alternatives vs. convenience and if the resultant demand doesn't cover the opex then it will fail.


    Alternative is a bus(es) or a taxi.  Bus would be around 3-400 total one way (I'm guessing).  Taxi probably more like 3000+ but could take 3-4 (or possibly more).  Time wise the Ferry is probably a little quicker (depending on traffic could be a lot quicker).  So 5-600 pp for the ferry would be acceptable IMO, for the convenience.


    Now if it were a car ferry, you'd need to compare cost of driving... perhaps 1.5-2 k for fuel (nothing else really matters).  Then a 1-way cost of the car should be perhaps 2.5-3 k, to include upto say 4 passengers. 


    660 one way for me driving 330 kms in my 2,5 triton double this for return trip I can carry 5 people or more if in the pickup back area 

  2. 19 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    It is a tad embarrassing but this stuff has been happening for years in the tourist areas, it's just everyone has video on tap now. If it really shakes you up, only one thing to do. :thumbsup:

    most people have phones with cameras so it is easy to photo or video such acts carried out in public

  3. here's a couple of questions for you all to answer.....why do Thai drivers indicate to go around a bend....why do Thai drivers indicate when GOING down a multi storey car park?? 

    They are entering a one way road (can only turn left) why do they indicate??

    why do they put the HAZARD warning lights on when approaching a JUNCTION??

    Do they get taught these actions within the 5 hours of tuition?


  4. On 4/29/2017 at 7:22 PM, Surasak said:

    What you are saying is 17 or 18 hours minimum is sufficient. The same may apply to Thailand if those hours were spent on the road. Sitting in a class room watching videos and doing the theory is not driving instruction.

    I have never heard of this "rule of thumb" I spent a full TWELVE MONTHS learning to drive then went in for the test and passed first tme

  5. I had 12 full months learning to drive (NOT 5 hours or even 15 hours TRAINING)...then had 6 driving lessons before going in for my test.

    The answer to this is a bi bi big BIG no extending from 5 hrs to 15 is a complete joke. Should be 15 months or longer. This country should implement the English driving test which is a theory test and a practical test. 

    NO THAI would EVER pass they don"t have the mentality, understanding, and will to learn how to drive properly.

    Get licence I CAN DRIVE is their attitude ....how wrong they are. There is a Thai HIGHWAY CODE none even know that this exists so how can they ever drive properly....many can not even read.

    You can not instill anticipation, perception and the reading of the road to people who do not have the brain. 

    I am sorry to say that bad driving and carnage will exists in this country for many centuries.

    The attitude is I have motorbike ...I am bigger than a cycle....I have car ...I am bigger than both of these....I have pickup.....I am bigger than all these...I have bus so I AM BIGGER than all of you!!!

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