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Posts posted by Nienke

  1. Oh, yeah, I forgot about PugPig!

    But, in theory, someone could wander around and take a photo of a dog which was in a cage, for totally therapeutic reasons or for training purposes, and post it on the internet without checking why that dog was in his cage/crate. Then we have a situation similar to the OP.

    PugPig????!!!!! xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png I sure hope that never will happen! Not that I'm secretly hoping for pit-pugs, though. wink.png

    And yes, in theory people can take pics of dogs in their cage, like the little injured one at the kennel at the moment, and make up a story. Actually some people don't even need that for making up a story, as we have seen on this site already a few times. whistling.gif

    In defense of the OP, it occurs a lot that (young) dogs are kept in their cages most of the day, while the owners are at work. The dogs are fed well, receive their (too) many puppy vaccines, receive the tick/flea/heartworm treatment regularly, are often bathed, and many have a fan. These dogs, in general, look pretty good, and are much loved by their owners. The dogs are let out of their cages in the early morning and late afternoon/evening. Sometimes a couple of hours, sometimes only for half to an hour twice a day, and some are left out in the night. Only a few owners will take their dog out for a (long) walk and/or will play with their dog. Is this good for the dog, especially when it's a puppy? .... No, it's not really. Many of these dogs lack the sufficient mental and physical stimulation, which is one of the welfare requirements.

    In the more temperate-climate (read: cold and rainy) countries, (young) dogs are often kept in the house and/or in their bench for hours in end, while the owner is out for work. Once the owner returns home, the dog is taken out for a pee and poo, and then usually the owner continues his/her own business as he/she is tired from work, need to eat, need to internet or whatever and the dog is left on its own again. Not much different from the (during the day) caged dogs here. Boredom and obesity is a *very common* welfare issue under the pet dogs and cats in these countries.

    It's actually heart-breaking to see/read that so many people (including some of the readers here) think that when animals as pets (or in zoos) are well-fed, receive regular health-checks and vet-care and some space to walk around (more often than not, always the same space day in day out, year in year out) have all their requirements met.

    As it is fairly common to keep pet-dogs in their cages during the day while the owner is at work and has no one to take care their pet when they are away, or when an owner is afraid for a re-design of their garden, I have no problem believing the OP.

  2. My dog has actually spent time in a cage, at Nienke's kennels, after having had an operation on his leg- so, there are valid reasons why dogs 'sometimes have to be in a cage'-OK.

    And, while I am on that subject, what would happen if someone passed by while the owner of the kennels was out, at the vet's for example, and took a photo of my dog in a cage and posted it on a forum without speaking to the owner to find out w hy he was in the cage- now, do you understand why I think there might be 2 sides to every story?

    P.S. Please don't waste your time feeling sorry for me.

    Operated for patellar luxation to be exact. Approx. 30% chance the problem will re-occur. :(

    Small dogs are (much) more prone to this problem than large dogs. Over-vaccination can trigger the problem as can early spaying neutering.

    Mr. Teacup was both over-vaccinated and neutered before physical and mental maturity. You can thank the breeder and your vet for this. :(

    For taking a picture of the little man in his bench, they would have had to enter my house into my office while passing my excellent en-garde (for food) pit-pug.

  3. .Oh please why do dogs have to be put in cages.If anyone feels that way simply do not have a dog because you obviously don't understand their needs.

    Actually, I have stated earlier that I'm in favor of crate-training a dog, and I don't think it's cruel to confine them for short periods of time during the day, and during night time.

    IME, fearful dogs prefer a small mostly enclosed space. They feel more safe there. A cage/crate/bench can give them that feeling of safety. I have currently two fearful dogs in the house. Both will run back to their crates as soon as something scares them.

    A bench can also give them a feeling of peace; a place where they can withdraw from playing and running kids for example (provided that the parents have properly taught their kids to leave the dog alone as soon as the dog seeks his safe haven)

    I've seen it several times that during fireworks and thunder the dogs (with one or two exceptions) remained quiet when in their cages. They would freak and try to break out when loose in their runs, not so when in their cages.

    Currently I have one dog most of the day in a cage. The X-ray showed a broken hip, most probably from a road accident, as I found her about a week ago covered in ticks and fleas, with gums almost white, dying next to the road nearby my house. Tictox is the answer against ticks and fleas. Dead within the hour. Ticks and fleas are not covered in my welfare talk, btw. She is led out on a lead every 2 hours during the day. But, after a quick pee and poo, often done at the same time, she herself 'walks' back to her cage.

    Crate training can help with toilet training.

    I have 6 dogs in the house. 4 of the 6 have to travel to their owners abroad between 2 weeks and 3 months from now. So, they sleep in their crates.

    3 of the 4 travel dogs are female and one is male. 1 female is heavily in heat. All these dogs will be inside dogs and, thus, need to learn to behave inside. As the female's owner prefers to receive 1 dog and not 8 or 9 the male will be crated when it's her turn to be loose in the house.

    Once a dog is crate trained and likes to stay in there, the owner can take his dog's 'covered bed'' where-ever they want to travel to.

    In my old place it was at night quieter at my place with my 30 to 50 dogs than at my neighbors and village nearby. That is because at my place the dogs slept in their cages at night while my neighbor dogs were free at night, alarmed by every falling leave (as it seemed sometimes).

    It is when a (healthy) dog is kept in such small confinements for long periods of time and repeated daily, and for the convenience of the owner, it will become a welfare issue.

  4. I said, "Dogs are companion animals, not zoo specimens."

    To which Nienke replied: "No they are not."

    Domesticated dogs (I'm not talking about wild animals or street dogs) favor humans within their pack instinct, even if the pack (as it is now with me and my one dog) is only you and it. Unless of course I misread this reply and Nienke means, "No, they are not companion animals, they are zoo specimens."

    Ooohhh blast! That came out a tad crippled. Result of a crappy internet connection and posting from my phone where I couldn't read the whole message at once. :(

    What I meant to say was: yes, dogs are companion animals and should not be kept in small confinements for long periods of time. And neither should animals living in zoos. In fact, imho, no animal should be put on display for the sole pleasure of the human being. Loads of suffering going on there. Also among those who do get a good diet, regular vet checks, and have an in- and outdoors, because there is high over-exposure to humans (which, for wild animals, is extremely stressful. And that often on a daily basis) and a huge lack of sufficient space for their natural need for mental and physical stimulation.

    Luckily for the animals there is a change going on as recently scientists have signed a declaration that animals do have a conscious awareness just like us:


    The down-side is that it will take a while before people will change their behavior.

  5. It might be worth noting that the cage with the younger one in it, the one I have never seen out of the cage (although I have seen the cage empty and the dog, apparently, in the house in the evening), has a lock on it and it is kept locked, even at some times when the owner is home. That would indicate that the owner fears that someone might steal the dog. I assume huskies are expensive to buy here and he might be paranoid. (Which begs the question: Why buy a pet so expensive that you are too afraid to do anything other than keep it in lockdown?)

    It is very possible the owner is afraid their pet will be stolen. It does happen.

    Dogs are companion animals, not zoo specimens.

    No they are not. But also zoo specimens have the right to have their welfare requirements met. Lots and lots of animal suffering under these poor creatures. Maybe/probably even much more then out pet animals. Not even to mention the enormous suffering under the majority of our farm animals. (which doesn't make me against eating meat. It makes me against the way we keep and treat our farm animals)

  6. Treat others (I include animals) like how you would want to be treated...I personally would not like to live in a cage so neither do my two golden retrievers...

    Unless there is a good reason like illness, injury, female period, safety risk to the general public/residents etc that is pretty much it...

    My guess is the potential a dog can do damage to a garden or yard: poop urine digging chewing etc. If that is the case, then one solution is divide up the yard so the dog has a dog run or some space including shade shelter water access sun dirt/grass area for pooping (it goes over the fence daily) etc...I have given up trying to maintain a nice lawn inside their living quarters...

    We have 120 sq wah for our property and given the front section of about 80 sq wah for them and the back yard of 40 sq wah is my wife's garden, fish pond, sala and child play area...


    Of course, keeping a dog in a cage for too long is cruel. But keeping dogs in larger confined area's without sufficient interaction (play, such as games where they need to use their brains. Not just running next to a jogging owner with an ipod on the head or after a ball time and again) isn't fun for them either. (not saying you do that CB. I'm reacting in general here, not personally).

    Even with a 2 rai piece of land, dogs will primarily sleep till their owner comes back. Then they are ready to go and do fun-stuff ... together.

  7. Where is Nienke? Well,busy cursing 3BB as again my internet is s***.

    Keeping highly active (mentally & physically) fast-growing (all) pups in small confinements for long periods of time (longer than 2 hours average) can do (severe) damage to both the physical and the mental health of a pup.
    And i've seen it on more than one occasion.

    As most know already, i'm not against crate/cage/bench/doghouse/kennel training IF and only IF the well-being of the animal is taken into account and the requirements for his or her welfare are met.
    Sufficient physical and mental stimulation is one of these requirements.

    Many pet dogs are well-kept where it concerns diet, access to clean drinking water, and protection from disease. But most pets lack proper understanding from their owners/care-takers) where it concerns their behavior development and language, and sufficient physical !AND mental exercise. This includes dogs kept by foreigners.

    • Like 1
  8. Hi All,

    I will be transiting through Bangkok airport on 17 September. We are staying for 1 day and then heading to Vientiane Lao PDR the next day. I have contacted the AQS and received a reply from the Mr. Anusorn, a Vet for the AQS there. Although I am able to complete all that is asked for a transit permit, I was not given an application form R 1/1. Anyone has a copy of this and can forward it to me? I have an old one that someone used in 2008 but I am not sure if that form is still usable.

    Thanks for the help


    They recently changed their website. Here's the new url:


  9. Or you can go the legitimate way and don't risk the life of the kitten.

    The kitten needs the regular kitten vaccinations, especially Rabies. (Not sure if a microchip is required.)
    Then an export permit and health certificate from Malaysian site, and an import permit of the Thai site.

    More info here, and/or call the AQS at Suvarnabhumi for more advice (tel.nrs in link below)

    import/export info: http://aqi.dld.go.th/th/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=297:importation-of-live-animals&catid=80:kmresearch-&Itemid=123
    import/export document: http://aqi.dld.go.th/th/images/stories/document/form-movement/form-r1-1.pdf

  10. Simple. Life goes on as usual, only a bit more soaked.
    Get up earlier, put on a raincoat and cap, release the dogs in the dog runs and then start feeding them plus Oink naturally, and get soaking wet.
    When staff comes in (one most probably praises the sky as it's his day off), send them to the dog kennels where they can feed and clean with a roof above their head.

    Pick up the empty food bowls, get more soaking wet, and do the dishes.
    Bring a most gorgeous little pup from the house to the dog kennels, to introduce him to the beagle and his Thai girlfriend where he can stay play, enjoy and stay dry. Add some more drops to the soaking part.
    Take the stray dog I found a few days ago, lying and dying next to the street on my way home, out for a pee and poo combined with some toilet training, and more soaking.

    Change clothes, and do some fun trick training in the kennels, while attempting to stay dry.

    Time for coffee, some internet, bring dogs home, lunch. Then, hopefully rain has lessened, stopped altogether, or find out that was wishful thinking. ;)

    • Like 1
  11. Anyone know of or has experience with a good washing machine repair shop.

    Only the timer on my machine is broken. The rest is still in good condition. So, prefer to repair not to replace. Already enough trash around.

    Doi Saket area would be great, but elsewhere is fine as well. As long as the repair guy does a good job.

    Thank you in advance. :)

  12. Try spelling the name right, then search Google. That will bring up this link which should be helpful: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DoGoArgentino-Club-of-THAILAND/165098330216158

    There's an email address on the "about" page.

    Yup, 5 minutes google search:

    A number from an ad placed 4 years ago: 0-8165-77413 Bog chance it doesn't work anymore

    But also

    Khun Lek Tel. 087-7045530 and 085-4400506

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lekdogoargentino.whiteguard/about

    Khun Lek has pics of DA-puppies on his page as recent as last June. :)

    I suspect Khun Lek and the DACT are one and the same.

  13. Yes. You should feed him as well during night time. I did it, when I had two little puppies. Otherwise they start whining, just like real babies.

    At the moment she's barking pretty much every minute she's awake. Of course, it's been tough on her being taken away from her mother at such a young age.

    Often when you put a (large) teddy bear or other soft toy with the puppy, the puppy will snuggle up against it and falls asleep. You may give it a try.

    • Like 1
  14. Hi Suki,

    I'm very sorry about your distress. This must be horrible for you.

    For a reasonable priced cargo agency, I suggest to contact:
    Natcha Sankum(Jan)
    Dynamic Air Cargo Co.,Ltd.
    Bangkok, Thailand.
    Tel: 662 693 5999

    You still will be stuck with this very costly quarantine period, though. I have not idea how you can get around this. Actually, i think you can't.

    If taking your dog with you is really no option, then I suggest you call and mail Soi Dog foundation in Phuket, Care for dogs in Chiang Mai, etc. they may be willing to help you by putting an add on their facebook pages for example.
    Have this ad translated into Thai and ask the Thai facebook pages, where they help (stray) dogs etc. if they are willing to place an ad on their page. There are several. You can ask your Thai friends to help you with this.

    Oh, and put pictures of your dog here as well. Maybe a short vdo-clip of him?

    I wish you good luck.

  15. Not sure if Thai Farm Animal Rescue is still around and the telephone number available, but you can give it a try: http://dog.rescueshelter.com/international?th

    Otherwise there are shelters in the Isan with thousand of dogs awaiting to be taken out form there on their way to a good home. You can contact Soi Dog foundation for more info on this: http://www.soidog.org/en/newsletter-sign-up/past-newsletters/tos3/

    Btw, labs are not exactly good guard dogs. They may bark at strangers .... inviting them for a ball-game inside or are all theirs for that delicious whatever-kind-of-food they are holding in their hand.

  16. I also understand I'll almost certainly need a house, as apartments/condos wont accept dogs. Are there plenty of houses for rent that are dog friendly? What about small (1 bedroom) houses?

    There are many people with pets in Chiang Mai. Most condo's don't accept pets, though. But for a big dog a house with (large) garden is way nicer anyway.

    It will take some house-hunting but most pet-owners have found a place to their liking.

    Which area is the best? That depends on what you like. I live in Doi Saket, fairly close to the lake with dam, and just love the area. Others love Mae Rim, and again others like Hang Dong, etc.

    Are there other large domesticated dogs kept as pets, rather than soi dogs? Or will Nugget stick out like a sore thumb (not that Im terribly concerned about attracting attention)?

    Yes, many. Boxers, rotties, pitts, bullies, poodles, Shih tzu, chi's, poms, goldens, labs, huskies, cockers,etc Not so many hounds dogs, though.

    There's one boxer-breeder in CNX.

    Many good veterinary hospitals and pet shops. Several dog boarding places, of which I am one. ;)

    Are dogs expressly forbidden in bars/restaurants? Or are there some pet-friendly establishments?

    If you politely ask, sit outside, your dog is well-behaved, and it is for lunch, you will be surprised that many restaurants are actually quite tolerant.

    Foreign-owned restaurants tend to be more tolerant about dogs.

    However, because there are dogs on the streets, owned or stray, about everywhere you go, it is often a total drag to take your dog for a walk.

    Several dog owners take their dog to Huay Tung Tao, near the 700 years sports stadium, for a run and/or swim, or behind the Veterinary faculty along the canal road.

    If more questions arise concerning doggy issues, you can contact me by email (info @ luckydogs . info ... remove spaces) or by pm. :)

  17. A few not mentioned are I am Gourmet for cheap Western Food, the menu is pretty average but the staff and friendly and they do a reasonable plate of ribs there. Mr Esarn does good North Eastern food if you didn't guess by the name, good gai yang, somtam and beef sausage it's in Doi Saket town itself near the market and on the road to the Amphur.

    There is also a little Mom and Pop style Thai food place just along from the Tesco Lotus that does standard Thai food, I grab their Salad with Pumpkin Sauce for 30 Baht to take away they do good size bowls of noodles here and all the usual.

    Just past the Doi Saket turn off is Dairy Goat Cafe where you can get a good fresh goat milk smoothie and various pork dishes cooked in goats milk, everytime I've been there they have been out of Goats Cheese but it is on the menu, kids can feed the kids and goats as well.

    My top pick is Sol E Luna Italian restaurant just before the Doi Saket turn off, great home cooked Italian food with a friendly no frills atmosphere..I love this place.

    May I add:

    Le Cafe: https://www.facebook.com/Le.Cafe.Doisaket

    Sol E Luna: https://www.facebook.com/soleelunachiangmai

    Fiore Rosa: https://www.facebook.com/FioreRosaChiangmai

    Pizza Giardino: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pizza-Giardino/219946448050488

    I am Gourmet: http://cm-eat.blogspot.com/2013/12/i-am-gourmet.html

    Tao Garden: https://www.facebook.com/taogarden?fref=ts

    Locanda Ristorante: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Locanda-Doi-Saket/482222021818980 and http://www.locandadoisaket.com/

    Pizza Plus: https://www.facebook.com/pizzaplusss and http://www.pizzaplusss.com/

    Dairy Goat Cafe: https://www.facebook.com/DairyGoatCafe and http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/634705-dairy-goat-cafe-doi-saket/

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