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Posts posted by Trumpish

  1. 3 hours ago, scorecard said:


    I don't consider getting caught red handed (on TV no less) signing documents to execute a serious abuse of authority smart? Perhaps you do. 


    I don't consider ordering a state bank to loan hundreds of millions of baht to the Burmese gov't so they could buy his products, and it was quickly discover.to be too smart. Perhaps you do.


    I don't consider railroading big changes to sacrasant laws about foreign ownership in the face of the nation to be highly moral ? Perhaps you do.


    And many more...

    I don't consider any of that smart, but hey, they were elected so they get to choose what they try to do. that's called democracy, though I know you don't care for it much.


    Prayuth elected himself. For reasons he still lies about.


    End of really. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, nong38 said:

    It all sounded such a good idea, but, someone has to pay and I cannot help but think that China might well be doing the job but they will send Thailand the bill and say "you did not understand".


    How much debt does the region owe to China and ponder that for the future?


    It'll be quite enjoyable to see the great liars, cheats and thieves skinned like a rabbit by better lairs, cheats and thieves. Thais learned to lie, cheat and steal from the Chinese. Now they've gotten too big for their boots. They think the apprentice can lie to, cheat and steal from the Master.


    Good luck, this is going to be great entertainment, watching Prayuth and his co-conspirators come a humungous cropper.

  3. 1 minute ago, baboon said:

    I bet his reaction pales in comparison to the junta fanbois on here. Hope the cardiac wards are on standby...

    Imagine what will happen in about 5 years when the patience of the Thai people finally runs out. There'll be lots of reasons why they were red supporters after all and it was all a terrible misunderstanding. Lots and lots.

  4. 7 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

    Indeed, sit and laugh while yet another group of working  lose their income and their lives.


    Then complain about crime and the stupidity of the common thai, while shelling out brown notes to have your way with their children while ignoring the fact that your own country is falling apart. 


    Oh what fun you will have. How very much better you are.


    Sorry mate, no sympathy. Populations get the governments they deserve. USA got Trump, Thailand got Prayuth. Thailand is falling apart and I don't give a fig. Not my country, I just live here for a while.


    I'm not better or smarter, statistically, Thais are dumber, it's not the same thing.


    I really don't have any sympathy for them, they've done it to themselves by accepting these clowns. Not my problem. Time for a beer.


    And I *am* going to have a lot of fun watching Rome burn and I don't really know why you won't be. Don't care very much either..

  5. 1 minute ago, Bezdomny said:

    Among all corrupt Thai politicians she is my favorite. Or somebody suggesting that junta is not corrupt and actually doing their job?

    Personally I think she was much less corrupt than those she chose (or Thaksin chose) to surround her, though that is my feeling and I do not claim it as fact.


    The junta, in contrast, is rapaciousMy opinion supported by what facts are generally available, notablt yhe corruption park and the submarine/personell carrier deals.

  6. 2 minutes ago, seminomadic said:

    Yup, all part of the reconciliation. Be as much of a  d ! c k as possible to the other side when you have the upper hand. As Britain and France did to Germany after WWI.


    That's the way to do it, boys. Keep it up. Repeat after me: "the wheel of fortune doesn't turn for us." 


    Indeed, though Germany had the last laugh. I'd love to see Prayuth and his co-conspirators being dealt with very severely.

  7. 10 minutes ago, LuckyNo4 said:

    Would love to know how the elite move tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars out of the country. When i go to the bank to do an international wire transfer its like being grilled by the SS.

    So would I, though not much to move. I gather Thaksin shovelled a few dozen cash-laden suitcases onto the plane. A percentage to the customs men and its wheels up. Mind you, the elites wanted him to flee so they gave him permission to go the the Beijing Olympics. Outstanding

  8. 1 minute ago, Bastos60 said:

    right,  I had a chuckle when I read the article. They will need a few years to figure out what she did with her assets. 
    The woman apparently is now dead poor. I wonder if she would accept 5k for LT. Just to help her get on her feet again.


    She's already laughing her socks off, and good luck to her. So am I and it's not even my assets they want.


    Whats LT?

  9. 1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    Sorry, but I saw no "evidence", only a lot of words, as usual.  


    Still, it was good to hear that the project was going ahead for NATIONAL and NOT PERSONAL reasons.  Just the same as the tank, personnel carrier and submarine orders then?

    It's his best bet at leaving a legacy that people won't laugh at. Of course he wants to force it through. No experience in HSR? No matter, Thais are honest, industrious and quick to learn. So why did China want to hire Chinese only?

  10. Well maybe. Giver the Thai predilection for corruption and incompetence, I'll wait with mounting glee as this unfolds. Like I said to another poster recently. I'll meet you in 5 years and we can look back on what we are looking forward to at the moment. I wonder who'll be laughing...


    Maybe I'm wrong to see this as a defining issue for Thailand. Maybe I'm wrong to think they'll balls it up like they balls most things up. Maybe the junta-huggers (as I have seen them described) will queue up to attack my lack of confidence in their herose. I guess time will tell if I'm right or wrong. 


    He who laughs last, laughs best, and I'm chucking and shaking my head already because it seems they can't even get the damn thing started properly. Getting it finished will be a whole other thing. Passenger demand? Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima. That's only start the day the sea starts lapping at their doors.

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