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Posts posted by Trumpish

  1. "Since the authorities involved could not locate her assets, they had to suspend their operations,” he said. “They didn’t know where to start. And they couldn’t find any assets that belonged to her." 




    Prayuth has no need to declare assets. Yingluck has no assets to declare. Well done girl, well done.


    Seize assets before court verdict indeed. I doubt there is much chance at all of other countries co-operating with Thailand if they are going to play these kinds of games. Other countries are rather partial to at least the semblance of law and justice.


    Som nam na.

  2. 1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

    Kool-Aid alert.???  The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


    Sorry you and I are done here. Thank you for the time but you are not being clever, only amusing yourself. Better time spent somewhere else. 


    Welcome to Thailand have a good stay!


    Wow, that was spooky. I just got deja-vu from when I was 11 years old. I lived next door to a real-life brainbox. He later went on to be a pretty well-known biochemist. But he annoyed the hell out of me because whatever I did or said, he would bamboozle or confuse me, and im not that easy (perhaps now) to bamboozle or confuse. Anyway, after a while I got really fed up with coming off second-best to this guy, so I tried to think of a really devastating one-liner - one that would really kill him. But the best I could think of as a retort was to say:


    "You're not smart you know, you just think you are, but you aren't really. Everyone says so, so it must be right. So there."


    But the reality is that he really was a lot smarter than me. And he worked harder, and was hungry for knowledge. Of course that was then and this is now and I recognise that better brain-power manifests in many different ways - so long as you stay off the Kool-Aid and don't necessarily believe what people say. Otherwise you end up being delusional.


    But I do agree we are not benefitting each other, it's a bit like trying to explain Nietzsche to my goldfish. All it does is pout at me. So I think we are indeed done, but of course, you're welcome to have the last word...

  3. On 2017-6-20 at 11:07 PM, dexjnr555 said:

    Do not ever call me 'friend' ever again. You, along with your little pals here, are a disgrace to all fair-minded farangs here in Thailand.

    Sent from my Pixel using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Everyone is a friend, friend. I have no enemies. Sorry you think I'm a disgrace but I guess I'll just have to learn how to deal with that and not get all depressed and mope about and stuff.


    Do you think you could help and maybe teach me how to be a proper person? Like you?


    Who are you again?

  4. 30 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    What ever your Kool-Aid alert is. Fan of Ken Kesey I presume! 


    Nope and Don't twist words. Although you can do what you want since they are harmless and not offensive as of yet. 


    Who or what is Ken Kesey?


    I can't twist your words friend, only you can do that. If you write things carelessly and don't really mean them or know how they will be read, it isn't my fault.


    Not offensive? Never offensive, not my style.

  5. 22 hours ago, observer90210 said:


    Would you not considert the PM laying the tracks, as plain propaganda as per Thai cultural standards, and not a reflect of the reality?


    If the Bangkok Skytrain works well, why would this venture not be sucessful -  should it be with or without the Chinese?


    And what to feel  everytime one flies on Thai Airways or another airline, inbound or outbound Thailand, with Thai pilots and air controllers managing their airspace? There are no a crash hazard alerts, daily?


    Surely there are some fine trained professionnals out there?  So what is the issue with the fast track train?????

    "If the Bangkok Skytrain works well, why would this venture not be sucessful -  should it be with or without the Chinese?"


    Well, for one reason, the Skytrain only travels about 20mph. Might make a difference. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

    Technology.  I am so happy that there is facebook.  Instead of a limited few reading a suicide  note, now millions know about this girl taking her own life.


    There should be a special type of facebook or live feed website for those who give a crap.


    Facebook - the last refuge of the socially inadequate who needs constant validation to feel good about themselves.


    Nearly 25,000,000 FB accounts in a country where there are only 70,000,000 people.


    What a surprise.

  7. On 2017-6-20 at 11:06 AM, holy cow cm said:

    And your point..... Invade? China, what are they doing? Hint. It covers a lot of water and spits on all other countries. What has Russia done and is in line to do again? The Middle East is a dung heap and will never get better because of the people and that Muslim s the religion of genocide, and with the USA a great many areas in the USA the same, low life trash and gangs.


    China taking Tibet going after Taiwan when they should be free is ridiculous as the world is strong armed to back China one nation policy through money. No country is perfect, and for you to hit out on the US is uncalled for. Seems you are anti US but from there. Be mad at all of them or none!

    And you know all this because someone told you presumably. Wasn't American by any chance I suppose?

  8. On 2017-6-20 at 10:44 AM, holy cow cm said:

    Then you might as well find an island somewhere and go live as almost every country in the world will piss you off in some way or the other. Put your anger on China. So much more deserved. 

    Why? As has been said by someone else, it is USA which have caused almost all conflicts since WW2


    And lost them all - except Grenada, a colony of it's 'BFF' the UK, and they left there because all they had was coconuts. No oil.


    Why you hate China?

  9. 2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    As an acclaimed "Aussie" you are unaware of what is a Bogan, when even I as a humble farang,  heard about it from my exGF who was half Australian!!!.....are you a Tazzie?:cheesy:


    No, actually I'm from Perth. We don't play duelling banjos so much.


    What's a Bogan? or should I assume it's just a word you heard somewhere and thought it sounded cool?

  10. 1 hour ago, dexjnr555 said:

    Do not ever call me 'friend' ever again. You, along with your little pals here, are a disgrace to all fair-minded farangs here in Thailand.

    Sent from my Pixel using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Ooh. Touchy. Must be from Tazzie. I suppose being Thai would be a bit better than being a Taswegian. Mind you, I've got a hole in my back garden that would be better than being from Tazzie.


    What's a Bogan?

  11. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    I rather have them all punished but if not possible then just a few instead none at all.

    Furthermore this junta stayed on far longer as any before. In general there are more normal governments. So its still a win if politicians get punished.

    Anyway i really do want them all punished as i HATE corruption on any side. You can see me cheering in old topics when democrats were caught and punished.


    "as i HATE corruption on any side"


    A bold statement my man. And untrue. I've only ever seen you comment on corruption when it's alleged to be by a redshirt..

  12. 1 hour ago, Catkiwi said:

    What a load of waffle. You can't factually generalize about Thais or any other nationality.

    No? Really? OK. You don't even generalise about Aussies? I'll bet you do. Hypocrite.


    How do I know? Because it's human nature, it's how we adapt to the world. If you didn't believe that each nationality can be generalised, and if you didn't want people to make assumptions about you, then I doubt you'd have the word 'Kiwi' in your moniker.


  13. 36 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    Well I hate to be the bringer of bad news but The west sacrifices millions more with all their arms sales and wars. I don't want to sacrifice anybody. I just want to live, be free and happy. If Thailand gets to regulated for me I will move on. I do not believe in regulations to protect me from myself like seat belt laws and never will.


    The first sentence is a really discredited piece of excuse-making. What the west does is not a reason for what Thais do, and I wish people would stop saying it is, because the whole argument is redundant and just a little illiterate.


    Here's a little exercise in exploring your own psyche, I'm sure there are lots more.


    If you heard that the new suits in Pattaya were made from human skins, and worse, were made after Cambodian workers had been rounded up, kidnapped  and euthanazed for their skins


    Would you still come for your nice visits to nice Thailand? Maybe not. What will have happened is that a threshold of tolerance had been passed for you. So the argument is no longer absolute and about morality, it's about convenience and pleasure. Tolerance is based on data (proof: if you heard that 3000 Cambodians had been killed, you would (hopefully) be outraged. What if it was only one and he was affected by cerebral palsy and the government had compensated the family? Would that affect your tolerance? No? how about if he was American? Would that affect your tolerance? How about if the Thai authorities claimed that all of those euthanazed were Thais and had volunteered for a payment of 1 million baht paid to the family? How about now?


    Let's be honest, everyone is prepared to accept a certain amount of immorality so long as it doesn't impede their enjoyment of what else they can have to take their mind of the moral concerns they unconsciously know they should be observing. That's why they feel conflicted and have to come on TV to protest why their tolerance is actually OK and not repugnant. My acceptance level is just different from yours. I detest what Thais do (in the round) and how they do it. You don't. That's OK, we have different levels of tolerance. Which is fair enough, just don't come on here and tell us all how your level of tolerance is better and more enlightened than mine. Which is exactly the effect of what you have written.


    And as to the last point, let's be honest, you don't care if laws restrict you, you care if laws impede your enjoyment. If they do you'll move on to pastures greener and laws less enlightened. Good luck because the world is changing faster than I think you realise. And if you think that Thais don't sneer at, exploit and denigrate other nationalities then you have your head up your bottom. This is whay Thais are disliked throughout SE Asia, and why they are not trusted in UK, USA EU etc etc. If you think they don't laugh and sneer at you behind your back just after waiíng you, then you must live in a bubble. Evert time a Thai lies to you and you accept it, or steals from you or cheats you, confirms in their mind how much smarter and more superior they are to you.


    Thais have no respect for people they don't have a personal relationship of some kind with. And the personal relationship is usually based on favours owed or money paid. Any relationship or 'connection' you might feel exists at the time of conversing with a Thai ends when you turn around and they start shaking their head at how stupid the foreigners are. Test it, go ahead, learn about body language; learn about facial micro-expressions, try to intuitivly understand what they are actually feeling rather than what they might be saying at the time. Then turn around sharply after they've wai'ed. See what they're doing. And cringe in embarrassment when you see it.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Othello said:

    Didn't he say all Thais will speak English too??

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I don't remember - probably. If so then I had probably already given up expecting to hear something sane - or perhaps I was too occupied in laughing. TBH, I think I gave up after the lingua franca bit. Limit to everything.

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