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Posts posted by Trumpish

  1. 1 hour ago, observer90210 said:


    Thanks for the sensible answers!!!


    All my answers are sensible, if you don't happen to like them, that's your problem, not mine. Not to be too abrupt, but 'sensible' is a subjective view. My dog. for example would consider  my posts very un-sensible, but the lad down the road thinks they're spot on. He's Thai so I don't take much notice of what he thinks, though I'm always polite. If he ever shows signs of wanting to learn something then I can review my opinion. I can be useful to him in several subjects but I'll not hold my breath while waiting for him to want to learn anything except how to impress his friends on Fateboo.


    But I still wonder, what on earth went wrong in your case?


    I stopped drinking the Kool Aid and started seeing how things are, not as I had been told they are (mainly by Thais, who all think they're wonderful). It was a natural process that started when I started to notice how Thais were actually behaving when they weren't trying to impress someone. Mainly very stupid and surpassingly self-absorbed and  ill-mannered.


    And what makes you say that TV won't be around in three months?


    I won't provide details in public. Lets just say I pay attention. I am however prepared to take modest bets.

  2. 1 hour ago, Blinky62 said:

    I'm still curious we these people are from . Where they have such great airports . Australia emoji1037.png nearly 3rd world England , Heathrow nightmare. Smoking banned almost everywhere in the world .Buying food or drinks at an airport. Everywhere in the word twice the price as the city . Yes BKK has its busy time slots , but many times straight through . Clean tidy , well sign posted . For the people that get off a 12 hour flight and start complaining about everything to the airport workers . Do you really expect them to smile back at you ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    erm. I don't think I quite got that but I'm sure it was important. Could you write again in simple English?

  3. 10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    That has ruined an already dodgy project. You can just hear the excuses already, that wasn't our poor work that made the train crash, it was the Chinese. 

    Dodgy... sounds about right.


    I just had a conversation with my Thai wife, and we agreed that the proposed rail line linking China and Malaysia won't happen. It won't be late, is just won't happen. Oddly, she asked why the Chinese demanded that Chinese labour be used. Then it dawned on her. Revelation. Two reasons:


    1. Economic: The Chinese get paid what Thais would otherwise get paid - and take much of it back to China..

    2. Efficiency. The Chinese don't want to have to rely on Thai labour to get the thing built well.


    The downside, as soalbundy has already posted, is that when it goes wrong or just doesn't happen, the Chinese will get the blame. Of course by then, submarines, troop carriers and whatever else will already have been paid for, and there's a whole other story.


    Only one thing I can say for sure about this (what I believe will be another Thai farce), is that I won't be going on any high-speed train driven, managed or anything else by Thais, not when I review the number of times their low-speed trains break down or bump into things. Same as I wouldn't even consider flying on one of their Air Force aircraft. The machinery I trust, the maintenance and the people I don't.

  4. 14 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Perthaps you could blame yourself for living or visiting a foreign country towards which you manifest such aversion and despice against it's society and infrastructures ?:smile:



    Cart before horse, which should have been obvious. When I first arrived, I fell under the same counterfeit spell. After about 3 years I began to realise the way things are as opposed to the way I thought things were. Massive mistake really. I got it wrong. I drank the Kool Aid.


    Now I don't, I've learned from experience by watching and wondering and comparing and asking 'why is it so?'.


    Tell you what. rather then have some mod delete the post for some contrived reason, how about we speak again in 5 years, and see how much you've changed your view after learning how to pay better attention? What say you? Observer by name, Observer by nature? My impression is not.


    Of course we'll have to agree contact details because I doubt TV will still be here in 3 months, let alone 5 years.

  5. 1 minute ago, Classic Ray said:

    Thai workers did a lot of the tunnelling works on the Dubai Metro and were highly thought of there. Not many other Thai engineers except my mate Wichit I took there to help me with the Test and Commissioning of the Comms systems..


    I have worked with a lot of Thai engineers and they are generally very competent, although I doubt many have experience of the very different requirements of a high speed railway like Japan and Taiwan have.


    With the right guidance they will be OK and I am sure will pick up some useful knowledge. I repeat "with the right guidance".


    Ay, there's the rub.

  6. 12 minutes ago, tso310 said:

    The only real issue I have is with car parking or rather the lack of it. Having to park blocking other cars and then having to have the hand brake off is dumb. I'm talking about the car parks adjoining the terminal which I thought were supposed to be for short term parking.


    Ah yes. The Thai national refrain: "That's not how it was  supposed to be, Who canI blame? Duh".

  7. 7 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Some big Government spending coming up soon. 


    It would pee the General off knowing how much Mr T made out of his grab at power.

    I'm sure you're right, corruption as been endemic in Thailand since Adam was a boy, it's a part of their national; consciousness.


    But fear not, the good general has lots of opportunities to steal from the Thai people he claims to protect. Which is why he refused to declare his own assets. Big story that, though of course his rich mates and thwe threat of attitude adjustment made sure it was kept low-profile.


    Gawd this place is a septic tank.


    The nature of power is how many people you have who will do as their told. The way to keep people readyt willing and able to do as their told is to promise them that they too can feed at the national trough if do this or do that now. Thais still believe it's true so there is no principle that will not be lost in the rush to get their snouts and both front trotters in the trough.


    Sad but true. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

    it pays to be a Prayuth/military "yes man"

    It's a part of Thai culture that you have to know whose ass to kiss if you want to survive, and how to engineer situations in which you can do favours for which you are then owed. These are the important skill sets in Thai society.


    Competence? Unimportant. Education? Unimportant. Who owes you a favour and whose ass you can kiss, these are the important things and they trump everything else.

  9. 5 minutes ago, hobz said:

    Yes, it's often believed that this nature is what leads them to these positions, this seemingly inherited greed... But according to this study: http://www.businessinsider.com/ted-talk-monopoly-makes-people-mean-2014-8 the wealth itself seems to trigger the entitlement and greed. 


    So much for the 'trickle-down' effect that's been the fraudulent mantra of the 1% and their supporters for decades.

  10. Good God. Just think how all this will struggle forward gives me a headache. Thais are hopeless. Some are polite (especially if they want to you buy something from them), some aren't thick as pudding and most are uneducated; but in my experience, all are more or less completely hopeless while believing they are expert at everything without ever having to learn how to do anything.


    And to be candid, that includes the Prime Minister.


    If there are 15 ways to balls something up, a Thai will find 16 ways.

  11. 13 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Ouch !  Not nice.  Thais built the Taiwan subway system and The Taiwan high speed rail.  Thai technicians go Hong Kong periodically to install new equipment on the MTR.  Bypassing an educated work force only makes sense for the Chinese. 


    "Bypassing an educated work force only makes sense for the Chinese""


    Educated work force? Seriously?


  12. 18 minutes ago, hobz said:

    You are looking at it completely wrong. 

    It's not about how much money you can make having a certain position. It's how much money you need to get into that position. 

    It costs around 400k to enroll to sixth grade for a random kid in some finer schools in Thailand ... Now imagine how much you need to pay to become a minister?

    To sum up what i'm trying to say: You need to be very wealthy and connected to be considered for these positions. So they probably had the wealth before they became ministers etc.


    "To sum up what i'm trying to say: You need to be very wealthy and connected to be considered for these positions. So they probably had the wealth before they became ministers etc."


    I'm sure you're right, but it's an interesting thing that even if a pig is full, it'll still try to get it's snout in the trough, and push hungry pigs out of the way in it's rush to get food it doesn't need. It's in the pig's nature.

  13. Just now, holy cow cm said:

    The world is messed up. Not just one country. Americans kill Americans and seems the Russians, Chinese, Philippine, North Korean and the Muslims do the same. Add all the rest in etc etc just to many to list.  Thailand in my thoughts is the best and safest for me. 


    Excellent. You just described why I am here and not elsewhere. Despite the obvious vexations. But just because I bring income to Thailand and have a proper visa, doesn't make it mandatory for me to like the people or the government. I like what I ought to like and dislike what is objectionable. Prayuth may control Thais but there is ample evidence he can't influence foreigners. Can't even speak the language and thinks that in 20 years the whole world will be speaking Thai.


    Personally, I think there's something seriously wrong with him.

  14. 8 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Just gone back on your previous posts. You certainly have some issues.

     I called you a racist. Let me quote you.

    "The Thai smile is the main reason they cannot pronounce the English language" I have reduced your rant.

    Then in that same breathe from you.."This is the reason they are always calling you a piece of shit" Again I have reduced your racist rant.

     Go away you troll

    Both statements are true.


    "You certainly have some issues.""

    This one isn't true, and can be demonstrated quite easily, though I acknowledge it's easier to pretend that posters 'have issues' rather than consider that what they say may be true. A classic but not very bright tactic. But I expect you've run into that problem before.


    Troll indeed... a suggestion specifically designed to insult and demean. Ad-hominem attacks are so '12-year-old'. Sad.

  15. 34 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    And your point..... Invade? China, what are they doing? Hint. It covers a lot of water and spits on all other countries. What has Russia done and is in line to do again? The Middle East is a dung heap and will never get better because of the people and that Muslim s the religion of genocide, and with the USA a great many areas in the USA the same, low life trash and gangs.


    China taking Tibet going after Taiwan when they should be free is ridiculous as the world is strong armed to back China one nation policy through money. No country is perfect, and for you to hit out on the US is uncalled for. Seems you are anti US but from there. Be mad at all of them or none!


    "What has Russia done and is in line to do again? The Middle East is a dung heap and will never get better because of the people and that Muslim s the religion of genocide"


    Really? You seriously think so?


    Oh... And your attack on China and Russia and moslem countries? All that nonsense is OK is it? Before weighing in on the Middle East, you might reflect historically on who created, supported and armed the middle-east.


    From the view on my patio, it seems like everything the USA touches in it's zeal to lead the world, turns into another big problem for everyone else. I just wish its collapse would happen sooner so we can all get on.


    Anyway, we strayed off-topic and the American mods will be after us.

  16. 27 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    And your point..... Invade? China, what are they doing? Hint. It covers a lot of water and spits on all other countries. What has Russia done and is in line to do again? The Middle East is a dung heap and will never get better because of the people and that Muslim s the religion of genocide, and with the USA a great many areas in the USA the same, low life trash and gangs.


    China taking Tibet going after Taiwan when they should be free is ridiculous as the world is strong armed to back China one nation policy through money. No country is perfect, and for you to hit out on the US is uncalled for. Seems you are anti US but from there. Be mad at all of them or none!


    Struggling to see how China is responsible for the imperialist, illegal and immoral behaviour of the USA.


    Still, I expect you know best.


    I do believe however that this behaviour has an economic basis apart from the USA wanting to retain it's self-anointed role of world policeman. Bad nes Im afraid. USA is already  failed empire and it's slithering down a very slippery slope.


    "What has Russia done and is in line to do again? The Middle East is a dung heap and will never get better because of the people and that Muslim s the religion of genocide"


    Ah yes, the Kool-Aid... you bought into the USA-inspired fiction. USA, land of the brave (ha!) and the land of the free (ha!).


    Time to top up the Kool Aid


    Dear oh dear

  17. Just now, holy cow cm said:

    Then you might as well find an island somewhere and go live as almost every country in the world will piss you off in some way or the other. Put your anger on China. So much more deserved. 

    That's a reasonable point. Except for the fact That the USA is responsible for it's own actions, same as Thailand is responsible for it's behaviour. If the USA wants to invade country after country, with uniformly disastrous results, then claim that it is in fact a triumph, then it has to accept responsibility and not blame the countries it invades. Or in this case, China. \


    Yeehah! Ride 'em cowboy. Lets hear those spurs all of a jingle-and-a-jangle.

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