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Posts posted by Trumpish

  1. 10 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    6.3 out of 10 is a Thai "A", what's the problem here?



    For once I'd like to see a Thai official accept responsibility, acknowledge the individual issues which seem to affect passengers negatively and come up with some ideas and a plan to address those issues, including monthly measurements of performance which are published.


    Or maybe just revert to the "traditional" method: question the comments, threaten defamation, and go back to sleep.



    Not going to happen. The staff hold the power in Thailand, not the management.

  2. 6 minutes ago, pattaya1234was said:

    On Sunday morning I arrived  at Terminal 3 Heathrow from Prague. At 8am the Immigration queues were extremely lengthy. I arived back in Bangkok yesterday morning at 9.30 am and Immigration was a breeze-just 2 people in front of me.

    Yes, it can take longer than that but never as bad as Heathrow- please, give Swampy a break.

    As with everything else, there's nothing wrong with Swampy per se. The problem (where/when it exists) lies with the staff and management. Too often it's the blind leading the blind. Or the unqualified leading the unintelligent. Yet Thais think their service is just wonderful, even though the customer is usually regarded as being only slightly better than monkeys; after all, if the customer was equal to the service provider, they'd be service providers and have a nice military-looking uniform with a pretty ribbon to show they know where the toilet is. Why should soldiers be the only ones to have a nice pretty uniform anyway?

  3. 10 minutes ago, superal said:

    You are of course correct but it is the overall image that the passenger gets from their experience of all facilities that matters . 1 hour or more at immigration and hoping that your luggage is still on the carousel is bad enough but new x ray machines being installed at exit points will cause further delays and frustrations .

                     I rate Suvarnabhumi airport as one of the best ones that I use . 


    And lots more opportunities to point out to incoming passengers that Thais are in control. Very important to let them know at every opportunity. Easily confirmed by trying to have a rational conversation with any Thai wearing a pseudo-military uniform. (including the ones that just wander about).

  4. 7 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    p.s...and to go down on the same low level of typo corrections...it's pejorative...and not perjorative, sir, if I may...perhaps in Australia...but not in regular universal english anyhow...:cheesy:...guess I'm done with this too...thank you sir and have a nice day, even though how you spend your days may not be of my business, as you stated before:cheesy:


    Alas, my spill checker not wurking good. Oh, easily fixed. By deleting my Australian English dictionary.


    And it still isn't. Any of your business I mean.



  5. 6 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    absolutely sir...it comes from the american criminal justice system that legalizes lethal force by officers of the law on the sole assumption of a threat..this could validate shooting a suspect who plainly makes a physical move with his hand being put up, without any weapon....the officer gets the final and sole decision and judgement of life and death!...(and not under proportionate circonstances of adapted retaliation as per most european or international standards of lethal engagement)....some of their laws need an update as the civil war seems far behind!!?....also agree that each country has it's load of absurd outdated laws that harm more then they serve and protect!!©....but this won't prevent me from having enjoyed those Starsky and Hutch shows..


    FWIW, I look nowadays at the US of A and see the biggest single threat to human survival.


    I saw someone else comment (last year iirc), that the USA rose to prominence after they boosted their population by inviting the human flotsam and jetsam from all countries to come and form a new nation. And now they've got what they've got, and seem genuinely surprised at it.


    Astonishing really.  And then there's spiderorchid's insightful comment (ID 101) above. Aother country that think they have Divine patronage. Another deluded population kept compliant by an installed belief that they'll go straight to Heavan when they die because God Loves their Freedoms. Saints preserve us all.

  6. 1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

    Ah so it is westerners own fault that it is more dangerous place. Ha I epected to see this deflection sooner. 


    As Statistics tell us that the victims are usually Thai people, and that it is a Thai on Thai problem, sawdee, does your reasoning tell us Thai's have been "acting/ feeling superior" to other Thais and that is the root cause of the  nasty road/murder/theft statistics. Please enlighten us 

    The question not addressed to me but an observation if I may.


    The constant striving of Thais to appear superior to foreigners is an extension of the cultural problem of Thais wanting to feel superior to each other. This is normal human behaviour. In the first world, the law and education prevent it from being taken to extremes, but in places like Thailand, education and law enforcement are both something of a joke, domestically and internationally so the normal restraints on this animalistic (even my dog does it) aspect of human and animal behaviour are not only absent, but are also present and uncontrolled among those who are expected to educate and enforce the law.


    It's a puzzle to know what best to do. Educationally, I believe Thailand is a lost cause, and that many teachers are only fit for passing on their own woefully poor  standards of education. It's a requirement for teaching in most places outside Thailand, that teachers should actually know more than their students, but Thais aren't fooled by all that nonsense. Plus, the RTP and the RTA are the biggest criminal mafias in the country and a moment's thought will make it very clear how that came about and why they are now in the position of guarding principles of honesty and the removal of corruption in Thailand. Bit of a joke when you consider Prayuth's track record and his family and friends I know,,,


    The job of reforming Thailand would be way too hard from me and I am a lot smarter and more management-experienced than the muppet Prayuth and his co-conspirators, so what chance they have is anyone's guess. But then of course, making Thailand a better place for Thais isn't even on their radar, not what they're up to at all.


    The culturally poisonous concept of 'face' is both a survival strategy and a consequence of their indoctrination for decades. It will take 2 generations to get rid of it if they start tomorrow and they won't start tomorrow.


    Interestingly, I did hear of a related operation the Khmer Rouge undertook. What they did was take a flattering photo of Pol Pol, and sent it to 5 million Cambodian households, it was attached to calendars or sent just as pictures, a variety of presentations. They said to the Cambodians (mostly uneducated farmers), that this was a 'lucky' photograph, and encouraged the Cambodians to pray to it, even to make an occasional burnt offering, and said that, if they did this, good luck and prosperity would be theirs as a gift from the divine Pol Pot. Naturally, it had no effect whatever but it made the Cambodians feel happy being ripped off, exploited and murdered. And therefore compliant and obedient. They were still dirt poor, still ate mainly rice (still died early of diabetes), and it was rice, minimally decorated with an inadequate supply of protein from crickets, frogs, lizards, snakes and the like; whatever they could scrape together from of the surrounding countryside. All the gift of the Divine Pol Pot of course. Wholly inadequate but the gift of the divine Pol Pot. Pol Pot, who of course lived like a king.


    When contemplating SE Asia, I am always reminded of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', which was obviously filmed in Pol Pot's Cambodia . The holy one (my word substitution) rides on his hobby-horse (nice metaphor in there),  and approaches a dirt poor village. One villager says "the holy one is coming, the holy one is coming". His neighbour asks "How do you know it's the holy one?". The first replies "Because he's covered in gold and we're all covered in sh|t". Message in there somewhere.

  7. 6 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    interesting....and how do you plan to broaden horizons if you consider (as you said in a previous post) those looking to become Thai. to lack ambition and something negative hovers with Thai nationality?....would such ideas correspond to your thoughts on "broadened horizons"???....with your kind permission, I would rather consider such ideas as Lost Horizons!!...intriguing!!


    I would respond but I couldn't find anything that resembles a sensible thought or question. Over and out?

  8. 8 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Ok fine, thanks as I do not like to offend the weak or any other.....


    If I may, then why live in a country in which you consider those wanting to embrase the nationality to lack ambition and to be negative, as you said in post no 161 in response to my comment?....sounds quite pejorative and insulting to the locals?....unless you were not clear in your sayings that got me wrong?



    1. And youy were doing so well. Oh well, one of the definitions of inadequacy in conversation, is an early resort to ad-hominem. Still, I do appreciate that if it's all you've got then you're bound to defend it.


    2. None of your business.


    I think that covers it. Have a nice day. Oh, and by the way, embrace is spelt with a 'C' not an 'S'. Not perjorative, just trying to be helpful.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Redline said:

    I feel bad for these kids.  When is the last one that "succeeded?"  As far as I know, it's rife with corruption, and the government supports the system through fake titles and recognition.  Well, they already outspend most ASEAN countries, so it's not the cash.


    Well said. It's not the money, that's already the second highest per capita in the world (as I recall). It's the people.


    As they say, if there are 15 ways to <deleted> something up, a Thai will find 16 ways.

  10. On 2017-6-13 at 5:09 AM, IMA_FARANG said:


    Workplace shootings in California, home invasions and road rage violence too.

    Just read he news every day.

    Terrorist attacks in the U.K.

    Thailand is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the world

    If you want to be afraid, life anywhere is dangerous.

    It all depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or  half full. 

    For me at 70 years, I can remember 4 times I could have died, but of course I didn't yet.

    Sort of agree. It's not Thailand, it's Thais, and that is an education and cultural matter. Both are millstones around the neck of Thais, and to be honest, both situationa appear to be getting worse not better.

  11. 19 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Depends on the Expat...


    If you like to ride motorcycles with no helmet, rent jet-skis, get drunk every night, wear gold chains and shoot your mouth off a lot about things you know nothing about?




    Agree with all of that. Every one of the things you mention are a strategy for feeling good about oneself. Usually in vain. Thailand seems to be a magnet for social inadequates, hence the FaceBook usage being one of the world's most saturated. Facebook loves social inadequates looking for approval and validation from others. It's one of a good few societal indicators.

  12. 30 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    I had to think about this for 5 seconds before I replied.

    To start with , you can support the idea that Thai society is primitive. Despite the fact that very few in Thailand are below the hunger line, 

    Thai people support those in need. (Want to check that about all the western societies)

    Then you made a racist remark about Thais not being able to speak western languages because (of their smile)

    I challenge you to speak Thai or any Asian language. 

    Then you state that in all your interaction with Thai people, they seem disingenuous  to you. I can understand that. That is because you 

    are a winker, and every nation on earth can sense, smell and see that from a long way off. If you actually live here which I suspect is not true,

    you should not post BS on your racist time here. If you do live here, give it away boy, give it away.


    Ah yes. As a last resort, play the racism card in teh absence of anything sensible to say.


    I stopped reading at that point.


    Good luck to you and your bong, I wish you both well.

  13. 2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    These two questions make no sense at all.

    Thailand is as safe as you want. It depends on yourself. If you visit the "Red Light" districts it's as dangerous as in other Western cities. And if you know to behave you would not have any problems.

    Westerners are tending to feel superior to Thais. And if you show that you might get into troubles. But this can happen in "our" countries as well. Stay away from anything what can create troubles whatever it might me. You have to accept this culture even you don't like it.

    So, the question    a) safe.....b) unsafe    is BS.


    Don't agree. That all might be drawn from your own personal experience but here's the thing. The world is a bit broader than you seem to think.

  14. 4 hours ago, dcnx said:

    It will fail because of Thainess and their absolute unwillingness to do the right thing, which is a total overhaul of the education system. And that includes replacing a lot of teachers.


    They are racing to the bottom while their neighbors climb towards the top. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years it will be Thais cleaning the toilets of Burmese and Cambodians.

    I think that's quite likely considering what the soldiers are doing at present. Sadly.


    Still, the people are prepared to put up with it so som nam na. A few of us appear to have 20/20 vision and the rest of Thailand wears bifocals (apologies for the misquote).

  15. 4 hours ago, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:


    These stats are complete nonsense

    Your being foolish my friend. Next thing you will be telling us the Swampy stats about being 9th worse in the world is truth because let's face it, you can't argue with stats... Right?

    Again the stats are nonsense!!



    I'me being foolish because I agree with you? 


    OK if you say so. Perhaps you should read what I actually wrote...

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