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Posts posted by Trumpish

  1. 2 hours ago, carlyai said:

    "Do you perchance live in NE? If so, do you happen to know of a decent European or American electrician".

    I know of a good Thai one in Mukdahan. He did most of my 3 phase house, and fixed up a big European house after the falang contractor stuffed some things up.
    PM me for details.

    But, you seem to be going well 'with a little help from your friends'.

    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

    I think Mukdahan is probably a bit far. But thanks very much for replying, greatly appreciated. Time to soldier on perhaps.

  2. Cheers. The rod from room 2 has been otherwise interfered with (wire and protruding section of the rod have been painted over by a helpful house painter) so I was proposing to insert the 1m rod a few meters away and see if that works better from an adjacent plug panel. If it does improve I will then connect the earths of both panels together. 


    I have interpreted the voltages to mean that the earth line from room 2 is not providing a good earth. Yet the plugs all power appliances with 2 or 3 pins. I also suspect that the earth reading is what is causing occasional tingles from the USB equipment (usually 2-pin plugs but connected by the USB cable to the main computer, the outer case of which nips me occasionally). I am keen to get proper earthing where I operate the computer ewuipment and UPS (Isaan has quite a lot of power cuts I've noticed). Keen to get it safe and efficient.


    Do you perchance live in NE? If so, do you happen to know of a decent European or American electrician? I am really hacked off with having to do the painting/decorating and electrical/water work by myself but (not to put too fine a point on it), the local tradesmen aren't really excellent.


    Not how I envisaged spending my retirement. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    L/E should be 220V.


    N/E should be close to zero, 50V means no earth (floating, capacitive pickup).



    Thanks again Crossy. I should say I have been influenced by this: https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=QIdComJj7QU (remove spaces)

    In the 1st room, the numbers are (give or take):


    L/N circa 220v

    L/E circa 220v

    N/E circa 2v


    In the second room, where I am thinking of replacing an older earth stake, I am getting:


    L/N circa 220

    L/E circa 170v <--- hence my interpretation of a bad earthing. 'Leakage' may be the wrong term, sorry.

    N/E circa 2v


    This is why I am thinking or replacing the earth circuit in room 2.


    In both rooms, (one installed by an electrician and one by me, room 2 is the problem, installed by me) the earth stake is short (30 or 50 cm), yet room 1 earths pretty well according to the L/E multimeter reading (close to 220v). I am thinking of replacing room 2 with a 1m stake. Since the rods outside rooms 1 and 2 are the same and yet room to is ineffective, I suspect the ground under the house is too dry outside room 2 so I may install the new rod beyond the patio area which shelters the area from rain).


    Is the 2.4m an absolute recommendation or to provide lightning coverage? I'm curious as to why stores would sell shorter stakes...

  4. 57 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Leakage is measured in mA not V. What are you actually measuring?


    The earth rod required by Thai regulations is 2.4m.


    You should really have the polarity correct although 99.99% of modern appliances care not. How are you verifying the polarity?





    Thanks for the reply.


    I used a multimeter across P/E and N/E. Because the house was originally wired with 2 wires only, I am first doing the rooms with equipment which really needs earthing (mainly computer equipment.In the first room there are 6 earthed plug points. All are showing close to zero voltage across Live/Earth, but the second room is showing about a 50v difference, which I interpret as being a poor earth circuit. I have not tried to measure the amperage, I have just assumed it exists because there is a PD across L/E, which according to others shopuld be <2v or thereabouts.


    What you say about polarity accords with what I understand, and also experience - all devices I connenct seem to work, although one person told me that incorrect polarity could cause (relatively minor) tingles from the casing of a portable disk drive (it only has 2 pins on the plug) and the cases of some connected devices. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not but I do get minor shocks sometimes from 2-pin USB devices, which I am proposing to fix by attaching a ground wire to the outside of the female USB connector (worked last time I did that). On balance, and unless you advise otherwise, I think that changing the polarity is not a priority.


    Thoughts/advice welcome.

  5. I'm improving the electrics in my house (installing earth stakes and lines in a previously live/neutral only wiring setup. I notice that where a local electrician has installed some 3-pin sockets to accommodate an earth line, the live/neutral polarity has been reversed such that polarity (with the socket viewed with the earth connection to the right) is live at the bottom and neutral at the top. From what I've read. the reverse should apply, but I understand that in Thailand, fridges and such that only have 2-pin plugs reverse the polarity if required. either in the safe-T-cut box or in the appliance itself, so it may be a minor thing.


    Can anyone tell me if I should restore the live neutral polarity such that the live is at the top and neutral at the bottom (again, with the earth connection in the socket being on the right).


    All help and advice welcome, I'm doing it myself because the work of Thai electricians seems to be to be very inconsistent, and some of what I've seen worries me, and I'm arrogant enough to think I can at least make it safe.


    ps. I'm using 1-metre earth stakes, which I think ought to be long enough - right or wrong? One safe earth circuit in the house done by a Thai shows <2v leakage and I know that's only a 30cm stake but my one previous effort shows too much leakage ( 50v), with the result I get a few tingles from attached usb equipment..

  6. 9 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:

    You might become surprised abt what's actually possible in Thailand - and these are people with very deep pockets.

    *Shrug*. Worth a try perhaps. Like a hooker suing someone for saying she isn't a virgin though.


    I doubt I would be very surprised about anything in Thailand really, the LOS fiction became clear long ago..


  7. 22 hours ago, ThailandLOS said:

    Once again - this gym has nothing to do with True Move or other parts of True Corporation!


    If you feel like slandering True Move, open up your own thread - and prepare yourself for a defamation lawsuit. Just some some friendly advise as you come across as a total newbie.



    Yes, you're right. A natural mistake to make given their behaviour historically. Sorry if I rained on your parade, 


    But defamation lawsuit for commenting about True Move etc? I think not. Sorry again for the inaccuracy and for raining on your parade though..

  8. “One in four Thaivisa readers are under the age of 34 which perfectly illustrates that Thaivisa has mass appeal across all age groups.


    Not sure how that follows.


    TV would be better expanding the credibility of it's claims by discontinuing the refusal to delete defunct email addresses from their advertising efforts. I saw a comment a few years ago which said that up to 40% of the TV claimed readership is moribund (by several years), banned members (who it is reasonable to say are unlikely to buy anything from TV advertisers), and other defunct subscriber accounts of whatever nature. A current member of my acquaintance is on his 18th discrete membership courtesy of one of the more lamented but sticky moderators (google is your friend).


    I don't expect that will happen though, which means that Mr Cheesman's somewhat bullish statements will continue to be treated as highly dubious. Were the future as rosy as he claim, the financial support of the Nation Group would hardly have been required to sustain its survival. The heritage of George and his questionable moderators needs to be excised if TV is to have any long-term future. Or even a medium-term one.


    Personally, I give it another 3 months at best, and I confidently predict I will be an early addition to those who are banned but still claimed as a potential market for advertising on the pages of TV - despite having not seen an ad of any kind on TV for years, courtesy of my ad-blocker.

  9. I suspect that the brains behind the current outfit haven't yet worked out that it isn't just a question of pronouncing new laws. You can make up all the laws you want; if the police simply refuse to enforce them, then there's no point and everything gets reducd to the level of trying to push sh|t uphill with a pointy stick.. This has been seen in so many different contexts that I'm surprised it hasn't sunk in yet.


    No, that's not right. I'm not surprised. Not even a little bit.

  10. 5 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    On the political landscape it was peaceful. No-one is changing the subject here.


    The 'war on drugs' was overwhelmingly popular, partly because it was 'approved' and because the country had to do something drastic at the time. It had a 90% or more approval rate among Thais. 


    2000 to 2005 were halcyon days for Thailand. It's a total mess now. 



    Agreed, though I was not a Thaksin supporter at that time.


    Also, since it was mentioned in a post above, someone was holding Thaksin responsible for the deaths at Tak Bai. Shameful though that was, it wasn't Thaksin, it was yet another atrocity by the Thai Army, perpetrated not against invaders or foreign nationals, but against the Thai people, which is all they ever manage to do successfully.  Laos farmers? Thais got their bottoms kicked. Japanese? Thais surrendered when a single platoon of Japs showed up on the Thai border - without a shot being fired. Cambodian smugglers? Thais missed every shot. IIRC, 2 Thai soldiers died. Unlamented.


    The whole Thai Armed Forces are reminiscent of the Keystone Kops.


    Anyway, when did they ever listen to a mere PM?, they're far too high and mighty for that. Or so they believe. Sickening. And now we have the spectacle of the former head of the Army grumbling because ppl don't abide by the law,. Hilarious in an ironic sort of a way,

  11. 30 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    Why are there no learner's licences here? Do a written test to get a learner's licence that allows you to drive in the daytime as long as accompanied by a licenced driver. Use this licence at least a year and then do the test. Fail the test then back to the learner's permit. Then a provisional licence 2 years before getting an open licence. I guess this would mean too much effort though. 


    It's only part of the problem - poor law enforcement is the main issue. I'm sure most drivers know to indicate before changing lanes. Yet they o do it because police don't enforce their own laws. 


    "It's only part of the problem - poor law enforcement is the main issue. I'm sure most drivers know to indicate before changing lanes. Yet they do it because police don't enforce their own laws."


    Right. That hit the nail squarely on the head. The police take state money to do their jobs, and then take money from the punters not to do their jobs. And they please themselves whether they enforce any law at all. And then they have the gall to say they serve and protect the public. It's a complete farce.



  12. DPM says app will soon be launched to collect intelligence from public

    Evidently, this wasn't what the DPM said at all. What he is reported later in the same article to have actually said, was: 

    "... and may in the future release an application for the reporting of intelligence."

    Which is not at all the same thing, and not even close to being the same thing. Which newspaper reported that nonsense? Oh yes, I remember.

    But in any event, there's masses of intelligence already, it's what you do with it that matters. The Thai Police and the Thai Armed Forces have demonstrated time and again that they are incompetent and reportedly already rely up to 90% on informers for their clear-up rate (less crimes 'forgiven' on receipt of inducements of course).

    So make any 'apps' you like, it likely won't make a difference, though it may help to create the impression that law enforcement in Thailand is all techie and stuff, which was probably the only reason an 'app' was mentioned in the first place. So job done for the modest price of one lie and one distortion.

    Thainess at it's very best.

  13. 9 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

    it's really enlightening when the "anti" Climate side talks only of nonsense.... and so does the "pro" Climate side..... and none of it is current discoveries.... just nonsense talk... on both sides.

    best example is Leonardo DiCaprio and Harrison Ford..... talking... not that long ago... about Fires in Indonesia.... and ice slowly melting... in Greenland. 

    professional nonsense.

    why no one is even mentioning last week's RINK discovery [yeah, in Greenland]?

      it requires reading, and time especially   

        it's boring

         it's not fun

          and it's not nonsense.

    it's on the web. NASA... whose funding for this stuff is gonna by decimated.

    and not nearly enough shit is pouring onto Steve Bannon and Donald Trump's little heads.  

    not nearly enough.



    Some years ago (but less than 8 years ago), one of the geniuses at the Thai met. bureau pooh-poohed the problems predicted to be caused by the melting of the Greenland ice sheets, on the basis that 'Thailand is too far away to be affected' (unquote).


    Difficult to argue sensibly with that.

  14. Hmmm. Must take the test yourself? Now there's a revolutionary idea. I'll bet other countries will flock to Thailand to see how they managed to come up with this revelation. Still, it does rather suggest a possible reason for the extraordinary road death-toll at present.


    90% will pass after getting 45 questions right out of 50. Hmmm. Well, bearing in mind the scores in Thai education exams, where multiple-choice questions are apparently the norm (to avoid putting too much load on teachers), I have my doubts. Most drivers I encounter on Thai roads would probably do well to get 5 or 6 right answers, judging by what I see every day. Depending on the questions of course.  "How many wheels are there on a motocy?" Might boost the pass rate a bit.


    Anyway, no problem. 5,000 baht in the right pocket will solve all problems. It's the Thai way, honoured in tradition and deeply embedded in the culture, passed down from the top. It isn't going to change, so tut-tutting about it, and rolling one's eyes toward Heaven isn't going to achieve very much. Might as well sit back with a cold beer and watch the fun. Entertainment need not be expensive in Thailand.

  15. On 2017-5-27 at 3:54 PM, khunken said:

    I'll try.

    3 sheets of paper placed one on top of the other. Write the mesage - possibly heavily - on the top sheet leaving an impression on the second one. Write the message on the second sheet using the impression and repeating the act on the third sheet.

    Similar to using carbon paper but more work.

    OK, thanks.


     "though that person had attempted to disguise his or her identity by modifying the handwriting and content."


    So then they went over the indentation image again, only changing the handwriting?


    Seems like a waste of effort by someone very confused. Or perhaps I just don't understand Thainess...

  16. Has anyone noticed an increasing hostility towards white people in the past 10 years or so? (I have started to resent the ubiquitous use of the demeaning term 'Farang', even though I understand it only arose when Thais realised they couldn't learn how to pronounce the French word for French).


    Perhaps it's not so much hostility as antipathy. Nope, it is hostility.


    Anyone else noticed it?

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