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About CanadaSam

  • Birthday 01/01/1956

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  1. I remember watching the video some time ago, the dog never tried to fight back, not even run away, and the guy kept on viciously whacking the poor animal, brought tears to my eyes.
  2. "Kwanchai has initially been charged under Sections 22 and 43(4) of the Land Transport Act for failing to obey traffic signals and reckless driving causing injury. The penalty for these offences is a fine of up to 1,000 baht." Ok, so the tourist gets a broken head, hospital bills, flies home early (with the resulting blowback from other tourists in his country choosing another destination, causing possibly millions in lost tourism damages to Thailand), and the jerk who flew through a red light and crosswalk has to pay a whole 2000 baht for almost killing a person? Is that enough incentive for following traffic rules in Thailand? This madness will not stop until the Government wakes up.....
  3. A place called M's Mojito, right on the corner of Beach Road and the Klang Road, the band is pretty good, but the views of the beach/sea are unbeatable!
  4. Surprised you didn't mention the Triangle just off Soi Buakhow. Philipino band will play just about anything you ask them to!
  5. Well, one can only hope that all the "trumpers" on this forum are packing up to go and HELP Make America Great Again! Best wishes and I hope you succeed!
  6. I drive as close as possible to them Indians walking on the road (not even remotely to the side but in the middle) HOPING that my side mirror will whack them, and that it hurts!
  7. One should actually research the cost of rehabs in different countries to realize that Thailand has some of the most expensive centers in the world. Most rehabs all work off the same playbook, using drugs to detox first, then psychological treatments with physical exercise and a daily routine to bring one back to sanity. Places like India have very good treatment centres at a tenth of the cost of Thailand.
  8. Not in the case of Thailand, which has enough attractions, but missing casinos, to attract wealthy Chinese, and Indians, who simply live to gamble. They will get their wish of wealthy tourists if the open a few casinos, in spots close to airports, but not, if they allow it to be totally out of control like marijuana!
  9. In every part of society, all over the world, you are (mostly) treated the way you treat people. I've never been mistreated in Thailand by bouncers, in fact, they go out of their way to look after me, because I usually offer them a cigarette, or something very small.
  10. Nick, just to let you know, you don't need to paste everything on a link, everything after the ? is useless, just tracking data.
  11. Can of tuna, mixed with some finely chopped onions, and mayonnaise, in a plastic box. Smear some on a piece or two of bread, more than enough for me. Lasts 3 to 4 days in the fridge!
  12. If you are cut off by another vehicle, you BRAKE! You do NOT change your lane abruptly, at speed, and crash into other vehicles and kill innocent people!
  13. Surprised at the low prices for a restaurant of his, most are wayyyy over priced!
  14. Well, yes, honestly I would, especially if they were children. And these parents' daughter did know them well, and the "backstory". Anyway, as a Christian, I am bound by my religion to help those in need, no matter the situ, bro.
  15. How wrong you are, Hummin! This guy is a pessimist, first reply of his to a suggestion was "don't have that kind of money" without even asking how much it would require, second reply of his was "sounds like a scam" when told it requires zero money! This guy was born to fail, I suggest we leave it to him to do just that!

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