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  • Birthday 01/01/1956

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  1. If you are cut off by another vehicle, you BRAKE! You do NOT change your lane abruptly, at speed, and crash into other vehicles and kill innocent people!
  2. Surprised at the low prices for a restaurant of his, most are wayyyy over priced!
  3. Well, yes, honestly I would, especially if they were children. And these parents' daughter did know them well, and the "backstory". Anyway, as a Christian, I am bound by my religion to help those in need, no matter the situ, bro.
  4. How wrong you are, Hummin! This guy is a pessimist, first reply of his to a suggestion was "don't have that kind of money" without even asking how much it would require, second reply of his was "sounds like a scam" when told it requires zero money! This guy was born to fail, I suggest we leave it to him to do just that!
  5. For God's sake, don't give up on her! She is trying to get into a respectable field, kudos to her, and you as a parent for supporting her.
  6. In a perfect world, the cop who took the time to talk to them, and rescue them would be promoted, and rewarded. The parents of the friend who "refused" to help them, should be prosecuted. And no words for the father, who has a special place reserved for him in hell, I would think.
  7. Killing even ONE human being would probably put me into a state of depression that I could never get out of, similar to most "normal" human beings. These guys that murder thousands, even hundreds of thousands, must be a special breed of animal that never developed normal, humane brains.
  8. Wow, this could mean permanent paralysis for life! I feel really sad for the little girl.
  9. I think it's time we were grateful to the Royal Thai Police for doing an excellent job tracking down these criminals pretty quickly and apprehending them!
  10. This is just another variation on Darwin's weeding out the stupid from our gene pool.
  11. <deleted> place, only somebody who wants to throw away their money for things you can get in many, many other places in the world would go there. Same for almost all "muslim" countries.
  12. Disgusted at the sick people on this forum making fun of a serious crime. YOU don't know if she was an honest, innocent, gullible, young girl, but are immediately coming up with all kinds of jokes about her being a prostitute! Reminds me of Indians / Arabs who think ALL girls in Thailand are ho's, and get locked up for it. Shame on you, she could be a relative of yours that was raped, find that funny?
  13. Kudos to Sheryl for calmly answering OP's questions numerous times, him obviously being unwilling to take (valuable) advice. I personally used to import medicines at the beginning of my stay in Thailand, but very quickly found out there is a world of difference in cost by buying it here, even if taking two tablets to make up for one imported tablet.
  14. Well, we all know the world is over-crowded, so let's hope the gene pool gets more intelligent, due to folks like this.
  15. I'd be more interested in knowing which local news outlets carried this story, because that would result in vast public outrage, which would move this sad issue closer to a fair conclusion faster, and justice for this brave woman!

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