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About CanadaSam

  • Birthday 01/01/1956

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  1. If all your business is in the UK I don't understand why you want to open any type of company now in Thailand. Continue with existing operation in the UK, and deal with taxes as your accountants in both countries advise. When you open a guesthouse in Thailand, do it via a Thai company of which you own 49% and your wife also 49% and the 2% balance in the name of a trusted friend / lawyer.
  2. Trump is, to me, an enigma. It is yet to be proven if he is a blustering fool, or a genius. Federal employment needed to be trimmed, so he gets a point for that. Whether or not his debacle with Zelensky was simply to strong-arm them to signing a deal for minerals, with giving away Ukrainian land to the Russki's for a permanent cease-fire, remains to be seen, as it did not materialize. Whether or not he has the kohona's to stick up to the protection treaties with Taiwan and Phillipines has still to be known. I dunno. Waiting and watching.
  3. Yes, for those of us who drive, soalbundy, a little more information would be really helpful, such as the name of this unusually efficient insurance company also. Thank You!
  4. Don't believe it for a second! At the least, the captain and others on the bridge would have been aware, because there have been reports they do maneuver around to hide behind other boats to do the dumping.
  5. Been through many airports with it in the carry on, never a problem.
  6. Anybody familiar with this road? Could have been a one way road, could it not?
  7. I've said it before, WALK AWAY. Simple solution to a simple problem.
  8. I have a better idea. Take their parents into custody, and put them in a training course on how to bring up better human beings.
  9. Ungrateful buggers. Without Churchill, they would all be Nazi's now. Nobody else could have handled that situation better.
  10. Strange, there was no visible damage! What was the need to escalate to threats of violence?
  11. I refuse to believe the lorry did not clearly see him in front and left, when about to turn left.
  12. You have to watch the video! This was NOT "two slaps"! This Ahole actually could have easily given her a broken bone or concussion. I hope and pray that she wins at least a few million baht in compensation, AND the guy is locked up, coward that he is, using his full strength on a defenceless woman!
  13. Not only Pattaya, but also Hua Hin, direct from DMK! https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2963397/new-1st-class-bus-service-from-bangkok-airports-to-hua-hin-pattaya?utm_source=enewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=enewsletter&utm_content=section&utm_term=general&_extid=subscriber414104&utm_campaign=&utm_content=Bangkok Post online Breaking news (18%2F02%2F2025)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter
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