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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 5 hours ago, pagallim said:

    Not really.   Certain areas can be over zealous in this (I'm thinking particularly of Rawai), where local officials were visiting restaurants and checking individual bills for signs of no food being ordered.

    That's almost gestapo stuff.... immediately sends a " don't succumb to this sort of insult to your intelligence " thought to my brain... No ! And pay dearly for the privilege .... not on yer Nelly ! 

  2. On 9/24/2021 at 12:14 PM, chalawaan said:

    I have to reluctantly say, rather here than Angeles, where I almost stayed for good. It was third world there, dirt roads, burning garbage daily, the wet markets the most pathetic I'd ever seen, "fresh" was limp and spoiled veges, so I left. I can only imagine the horror there now...

    I visited Angeles PI 2 years ago for the first time ... I booked a 3 week return flight. Luckily I only booked the first week's accommodation... After 5 days in Angeles I couldn't take anymore . 
    I flew to Bangkok and changed my return flight from Manilla to BKK ...cost me a bit but anything was worth getting out of that hellhole.

  3. 1 hour ago, davidmann said:

    France has given corvid injection to everybody ,saved the tourist season life is nearly back to normal. , ask yourself why thailand did not do the same. 



    Same in Ireland ...I was visiting family in West Cork but we avoided the closest town to their house (Schull) because it was overrun with tourists ....but other towns in the area were the same.... great for the economy ...

    Tell that to Anutin who wouldn't even accept a free gift of a million Pfizer vaccines ... the best one.... from USA , with a promise to send more as the USA did for Indonesia.... 8 million free....Wouldn't bother to fill out the required paperwork and denying his incompetence....

    So I hope the Thai Leaders keep watching the disgraceful melee of innocent people risking infection frantically trying to get vaccinated in your other headline today but don't insult human intelligence by denying culpability. 
    That video won't be included in TAT's next exciting announcement to foreigners .

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  4. 58 minutes ago, wombat said:

    i dont think you are seeing the whole picture


    Where does it say NEW WORLD CURRENCY ? Big difference ... the ad suggests that the Yuan can be used or obtained easily anywhere or used  all over the world...same as other big currencies...and is available in Thailand now...nothing sinister there about being the NEWWORLD currency.

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