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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 3 minutes ago, dogfish180 said:

    Got to keep Covid out of Thailand, so Thais don't catch it............oh, wait a minute ????????????????????????

    If they are prepared to allow their own people to die from the inefficiency of their attempts to rollout the vaccines , choosing not to purchase the available reliable brands or even allow private vaccinations unless purchased through them and only in October then what do you imagine they care about foreigners ! 

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  2. 22 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

    Wonder who will be made the Scapegoat for this latest Fiasco. Someone will get the blame for no tourists, and it won't be a governor or someone in office.

    A long time ago it was decided that this wasn't a good idea, but being Thailand they wouldn't admit it it so the next best thing to an about face was to stick every obstacle in the path of anyone foolish enough to still want to visit. That's working well. Sigh of relief all around ... no one is coming . Only expats expected now... sex tourists were shown the door when they announced that no visitors would be allowed in rooms, and no  ladies flying in unvaccinated . No transit through BKK .. and no alcohol with meals and and and .put the lid on it. You would need to be a " glutton for punishment".. self flagellist or masochist to even think about it.

    But there will be flag waving ceremonial nonsense on the first day rubber stamping what we already know about the collective gray matter of the government . Anutin but common sense is the order of the day. 

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  3. On 6/5/2021 at 3:27 AM, Walker88 said:

    Lots of orders might provide your friend with gainful employment, but that cannot be equated to profit.

    No argument from me on that one and very well explained . We have the  same problem here in Ireland where people can add up the costs and decide not to bother opening until all restrictions are lifted. 
    In the meantime She is busy and paid the normal existence remuneration but seems delighted with bed to work and vice versa never questioning the life she lives .. if life's the word. 

  4. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Lets hope the price does not change, as it has already gone up since the initial announcement.  Planning on using my local private hospital for a vaccination now instead of the ridiculous Government apps and websites that keep being locked off or better yet just canceled.

    If there is even the slightest sniff of a chance for someone to pocket an extra creamy bit it will happen ... private testing is the same ... Huge profiteering going on and defenders saying the prices are in line with global pricing ... trying to compare Thailand costs to global costs . Thailand pays buttons by global standards but maximizes profit for the few .Now they are wrecking any chance of the Sandbox Proposal being a success with insistence on 3 covid tests during the first 14 days at 3000/3500 each ... oh.. but that price is in line with ....yeah yeah ... we know .

  5. 8 hours ago, nattaya09 said:

    There's no shortage in the US. I had my choice of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J at the corner pharmacy last week without waiting. It would seem the embassy's should be getting sufficient supply to provide to the citizens abroad.

    Great to see the express rollout now in the US after all the stupidity and needless deaths of  the Trump Era when everything relating to the pandemic was botched. All my Irish family in CT have had their 2 Pfizer jabs, including my  15 and 16 year old grandkids ... 

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  6. 22 hours ago, RobMuir said:

    Western governments have a lot to learn about strong leadership.

    Did you use the word leadership in regard to Thailand ? Dictatorship is probably more accurate... Easy to lead when there is no one allowed to challenge your autocratic and undemocratic edicts ..

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  7. So when an excited "All Thai " lady messages me with a screenshot of her official appointment at Central Wherever in July saying after this you can come back to me .... me with my 2XPfizer certifcate.. I should just smile to myself and say .. poor deluded innocent , or what ? I admire her faith in Cha Cha Cha... as we call him not so privately .

  8. 17 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    And, I see absolutely no sign thus far that anyone in the Thai government is trying to prioritize my access to a CV vaccine.

    So sorry for your plight but nobody in Thai Government gives a toss about your situation . If they don't care about the lives of their own good people why do you think they would for one minute care about an inferior foreigner .  

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