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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Well, there just had to be a Tristan involved, although it’s disappointing that at least one of the females aren’t called Tiffany, or Moon Flower; this Palestinian thing has become a macabre “cause celebre” amongst the impressionable left wing shallow thinkers in the UK. This particular motley crew of middle class, serial attention seekers, are particularly nauseating; next week they’ll probably be gluing themselves to a road or a building in a protest to ban cows from farting.
  2. Good news indeed, although unfortunately, I see that a federal judge has put a temporary block on his deportation. If he is deported back to, I assume Syria, it will probably only be a couple of months before the rodent will arrive at Dover in an inflatable, and the UK will have to accommodate him; no chance of being deported from the UK for antisemitism, in fact he has all the prerequisite qualifications to become a Labour Councillor.
  3. Ferrari Joe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. This is satire, right ??
  5. I have read the thread thanks, and your comment showing off about how smart you are, has nothing to do with the topic; it is simply attention seeking.
  6. Good to get such an accurate account of exactly what happened from someone that was obviously there at the time … many thanks
  7. And exactly what does your “I’m such a good boy” story have to do with this topic ??
  8. Staggeringly generous assessment
  9. Basil Smikle, who keeps the race card in his top pocket on a piece of string, with another one in his wallet, just in case the string breaks through constant use.
  10. Well, unless the US imports one of the woke, seat-sniffing judges that make up most of the British judiciary, it should prove to be a legal victory as well as an unquestionable moral victory. Columbia have clearly not followed federal anti-discrimination laws, and have abandoned its legal and moral obligation to protect Jewish students; you might not care about that, but myself and many others do, so this is an excellent move by the Trump administration, and is something that the cowardly Biden administration should have done long ago.
  11. More great news, as the Trump administration is immediately pulling $400m (£310m) of federal funding from Columbia University, saying it failed to fight antisemitism on campus. A statement by four federal agencies said the funding cut was due to "continued inaction in the face of persistent harassment of Jewish students” This University has become a bedrock of terrorist support, with hundreds of cowardly student protesters hiding behind their masks while displaying their latest designer Keffiyehs; the inaction from the University is no surprise however, populated as it is by left wing nut-jobs indoctrinating students with their woke ideologies.
  12. How is it a waste of taxpayers money to deport foreign nationals that support terrorist organisations from America … please explain, if you can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. The only safe way is to revoke the visas of any foreign national that is an adherent to Islam; as we have witnessed recently in Munich with Farhad N, it is impossible to know when the fundamentalism of one of them will smash through the facade of respectability and ‘integration’ of any adherent to Islam …. ticking clocks all of them.
  14. Excellent, and completely logical; why would America want any foreign nationals in their country that support designated terrorist organisations. No doubt the usual left wing suspects on this forum will be crying about it, in fact, they are already.
  15. These new guidelines were drawn up in part, due to recommendations from David (race card) Lammy; what he, and others of his ilk don’t seem to realise, is that this is exactly the type of nonsense that fuels racism where none existed before. Once again we see minorities prioritised with the inevitable consequence that the majority are marginalised. Most of the British public have had just about enough of this discrimination.
  16. If you had even the most rudimentary knowledge of the hierarchal structure of a muslim / Islamic family, you would know that nothing at all happens without the knowledge and express consent of the husband and father. The wife and children are completely subservient, or more correctly, subjugated; it is particularly so with the families of terrorists. The father would have known and approved everything, and would have probably negotiated the fee and how it was paid. To claim otherwise is simply being a contrarian; all that notwithstanding, the BBC should never have made a payment to the family of a senior Hamas official, because they could not possible know that the funds would not go to him, or be under his direction …… but you knew that already, didn’t you.
  17. You are implying that it might be perfectly acceptable for the BBC to have paid money to the family of a senior Hamas official, depending on how she spent it; this is Olympic standard Hamas apologist rhetoric.
  18. The only surprise to me is that Jon Donnison did not have a starring role, and that Lyse Doucet wasn’t swanning around in the background modelling the latest blast-proof vest. Jeremy Bowen has the video on loop apparently; ninety nine, change hands Jeremy.
  19. Not an apologist; stop being dishonest. When amongst hundreds of other atrocities, members of an organisation cut open the stomach of a pregnant woman while she is still alive, remove her unborn child, behead it in front of her, and then behead her, they are unequivocally members of a terrorist organisation. You however suggested that they might not be terrorists, but freedom fighters. That is unequivocally being an apologist for terrorism; and your lame caveat that you are not allowed to be antisemitic or it will be deleted, is another falsehood. There is no forum rule against antisemitism, or any law in Thailand against it, so you can fill your boots.
  20. Indeed, and they’re easily found; just look for the nearest crane, and you’ll find the lifeless body of one dangling from its jib ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. That you could suggest that Hamas are freedom fighters rather than terrorists, shows exactly where you are coming from; but having seen some of your previous comments on the issue, hardly surprising …. apologist
  22. But that's not what she's doing; but you knew that when you wrote your comment.
  23. Special needs doom goblin supporting terrorist organisation; she’d be at home on this forum with all the Hamas huggers.
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