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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Hamas and their acolytes are beyond reprehensible; they are a cancer on humanity; what kind of subhuman monster kidnaps a 9 month old and a 4 year old, and then uses their dead bodies as bargaining chips in negotiations. They are the most vile, barbaric, and inhuman scum on planet earth; and to think we have some posters on this forum, that apologise for them, support them, and make false equivalence excuses for them.
  2. A brief trip, yet his insurance had expired before his hospitalisation. I feel very sorry for the guy, but your insurance shouldn't expire on a brief trip, maybe he didn't actually have any. Too many stories like this, we all have to take proper care of ourselves, it's not the responsibility of others
  3. I appreciate that you said you do not listen to the BBC much, so It is maybe understandable that you incorrectly thought that they have been reporting fairly on Gaza; the corporation has been institutionally antisemitic for decades, rather than years; and the reporter I mentioned is not the worst of them. Tune into any report on Gaza by Jeremy Bowen, or Lyse Doucet; a smorgasbord for antisemites.
  4. Would this be the same BBC, whose war correspondent Jon Donnison stood in Gaza and reported that the blast at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital was caused by an Israeli airstrike, and not, as it actually was, by a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from within Gaza. The same BBC, whose same war correspondent, Jon Donnison, posted a photo of a young girl lying on a hospital bed with bloodied clothes, with the caption “Heartbreaking, Pain in #Gaza” …. when it transpired that the photo of the young girl was actually taken in Syria. Is this the BBC that you are happy to hear are reporting more fairly on the Gaza crisis ?
  5. The way in which you deflect any conversation about Islamic terrorism to change the narrative is extremely disturbing; it’s as if you live in a parallel dimension where 9/11, 7/11, Charlie Hebbo, Nice, Bataclan, London Bridge, Manchester concert, Samuel Paty, etc, etc, etc, etc never actually happened; when in fact, these are the very incidents that give rise to concern amongst Europeans about immigration. This is classic indoctrination of the radical left, whereby you refuse to engage with any discussion about the threat of Islam …. very dangerous territory, I sincerely hope that you do not have voting rights in any European country.
  6. Many thanks; don't suppose you want her back do you ?
  7. Unable to answer or respond in a rational way, and having already used your whataboutery card, you resort to dismissal; my statement “The appalling terrorist attack in Munich proved beyond doubt that not a single muslim living in any western society can be trusted” ……… that you refer to as garbage, was proven to be unequivocally true by the “completely integrated” Islamic scrote that carried out the terrorist attack in Munich. You, rather than offer any argument to contradict that statement, resort to avoidance simply because you cannot handle the truth, and you continue to defend Islam no matter how heinous the crime that any muslim commits. If you can explain how every muslim in Europe can be trusted not to flip his fundamentalist switch like the one in Munich did, then please do so. As for thinking twice before typing, you obviously don't do irony.
  8. Another left winger whose only tool is whataboutery. I did not ask about Christian terrorism, but you immediately try and change the course of the conversation, because either you don’t know about the hundreds and hundreds of Islamic acts of terrorism in Europe, or you refuse to engage about them. Still, you think muslims are a race, so not much chance of a sensible interaction with you.
  9. Deflection whataboutery once again from you, it seems to be your only modus operandi whenever you cannot respond with a rational answer. Below, is the rest of my comment that you shortened in order to try and change the subject completely from my comment; so now respond to the rest of my comment, and if you think after the terrorist attack in Munich, it is fine to accept all muslim immigrants into Europe, without questioning their potential for terrorism, please explain why … thanks “All the left wing liberals on this forum and elsewhere, have been telling us that he was fully integrated into German society; working, no criminal record, western clothes, gym membership, nice cars, the perfect citizen. Then one day, his fundamentalism bursts through his carefully contrived facade, and he decides to try and kill as many innocent infidels as he can. And all we hear from the left is that he had mental health problems; don’t demonise them all because of him; but he has unequivocally proven that none of them can be trusted, because you never know when a ‘fully integrated’ muslim will suddenly flip his fundamental switch”
  10. I haven’t seen anyone suggesting they should be biased towards Israel, I think people just expect them to report facts in an impartial and unbiased way, which they have failed to do with reporting from Gaza. You seem to be quite happy with their obvious bias towards a proscribed terrorist organisation, which they even refuse to call a terrorist organisation; but I have seen some of your previous comments on the issue, so no surprise.
  11. Muslims are not a race, it is not racist to criticise them; although those on the left often shout it, because they would rather try and shut down, rather than have, a conversation about it. Do you know anything at all about the history of Islamic terrorism in Europe, or the abject failure of muslims to integrate into European societies (rhetorical)
  12. The appalling terrorist attack in Munich proved beyond doubt that not a single muslim living in any western society can be trusted; and this is just one example of hundreds. All the left wing liberals on this forum and elsewhere, have been telling us that he was fully integrated into German society; working, no criminal record, western clothes, gym membership, nice cars, the perfect citizen. Then one day, his fundamentalism bursts through his carefully contrived facade, and he decides to try and kill as many innocent infidels as he can. And all we hear from the left is that he had mental health problems; don’t demonise them all because of him; but he has unequivocally proven that none of them can be trusted, because you never know when a ‘fully integrated’ muslim will suddenly flip his fundamental switch.
  13. Oh yes they do
  14. The BBC have been institutionally antisemitic for many years, and as @hotsun has said, they are anti-American, and also anti-British, having never gotten over the Brexit referendum result. Jeremy Bowen, and Lyse (look at my anti-blast vest) Doucet, cannot conceal their hatred of Jews any more than the malodours Jon Donnison can; he stood in Gaza and reported that the blast at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital was caused by an Israeli airstrike, and not, as it actually was, by a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from within Gaza. And Jon Donnison also posted a photo of a young girl lying on a hospital bed with bloodied clothes, with the caption “Heartbreaking, Pain in #Gaza” …. when it transpired that the photo of the young girl was actually taken in Syria. As for Verify; Hamas propaganda for the gullible and incurious.
  15. You better stick to the BBC, the Guardian, ands the farcically named Independent; antisemitism is endemic within these news outlets, might be more your cup of chai. Or join the Labour party, if you haven't already
  16. Says an antisemite; the irony of you providing evidence of what you are complaining about is obviously lost on you . duh
  17. I see that antisemitism in Thailand is not restricted to Pai; that’s some sweeping generalisation that you have made.
  18. Hamas was formed in December 1987, I suggest you read their Covenant declared in August 1988.
  19. Just for clarification, are you talking about the genocide that is written into the founding charter of Hamas; to eradicate all Jews, not just in Israel, but in the entire world. If you are not, then you do not even understand the meaning of the word ‘genocide’ and are just promoting the propaganda of a terrorist organisation.
  20. Well, the agents and the immigration officers certainly won’t want this lucrative sideline to be interrupted in any way; so I think it must be the bank(s) wanting to stop these dummy accounts, after all, they are of no benefit to the bank, and almost certainly make then culpable in enabling corrupt practices.
  21. Classless comment; why do you need to be rude to someone that is asking a perfectly reasonable question in a polite way ? And you have no idea whether or not he needs to know.
  22. Wish I could have 'liked' this comment more than once; thank you.
  23. And this is what makes this terrorist attack even worse, because it proves beyond doubt that not a single muslim living in any western society can be trusted. All the left wing liberals on this forum, and elsewhere, have been telling us that this vile slug was fully integrated into German society; working, no criminal record, western clothes, gym membership, nice cars, the perfect citizen; and then one day, his fundamentalism breaks through his carefully contrived facade, and he decides to try and kill as many innocent infidels as he can. And all we hear from the left, is he had mental health problems, don’t demonise them all because of him; but he has unequivocally proven that none of them can be trusted.
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