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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Carnage ……. what a remarkably appropriate pseudonym ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Acetaia Sereni - 3 year aged Balsamic - That should do the trick
  3. Contact Sararat Rangsiwuthaporn, see if she’s still got some of her gear left …. pretty lethal stuff by all accounts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Bizarre comment; how will he not be able to return, if he can’t get out in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. In 30 years …. Well, maybe you don’t remember the decision only 5 years ago, to take sandpaper onto the field of play at Newlands against South Africa; oh but that wasn’t a ball change by the umpires was it, it was completely changing the ball they already had, because it wouldn’t swing for the poor little luvvies.
  6. And don't forget Skippy
  7. Ha ha ha, hilarious, absolutely hilarious; you obviously don’t do irony ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. The topic is about the current series.
  9. Oh, so the whole team knew about the sandpaper. I thought it was just Smith, Warner, Bancroft, and the bowlers; thanks for the info, much appreciated.
  10. Excellent comment from a proper Aussie cricket fan; how refreshing. Good, salient points that you make, and I agree with them all, including the hypocrisy of other cricketing nations, including my own. I would add that there is a lingering dissatisfaction about the Cricket Australia enquiry, both outside Australia and with my cricketing friends there. The enquiry, was frankly, a sham; giving disproportionally long bans to three players, in order to shield the real protagonists, Starc, Cummins and Hazlewood, didn’t fool anyone. Everyone knows that nobody alters the condition of a ball that Starc and Cummins are going to bowl with, without their express permission and instruction. The enquiry would have had much more credibility, if all involved were given far shorter bans (2 months max) The valuable Smith and Warner were kept in the bubble, but they discarded the hapless Bancroft and left him a broken man, right at the start of his Test career. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper in May 2021, he admitted that the bowling unit were aware of the tampering, but a more poignant quote from that interview is: “I remember being in Johannesburg waiting for my flight home. It was probably the only night in my life where I lay in bed and couldn’t sleep the whole night, literally eyes to the ceiling, and that was a really difficult experience for me. It showed how impactful it had been on me” He has since been in counselling with sports psychiatrists trying to repair his broken wellbeing; the pressure of not revealing a truth that most observers saw as obvious, is a heavy burden for a young man. I hope he eventually finds his way to a good future.
  11. Says the man who has cited many unrelated incidents dating right back to 2005. Different set of rules for you is it ? Are you gonna take your ball home and not let anyone else play, unless they play to the rules that you dictate, but fail to adhere to yourself ?
  12. Absolutely; continually whinging rather than addressing any comments in a logical or constructive way. He won’t even condemn the sandpaper cheating affair, which was on an unprecedented scale; any time it is mentioned, he just deflects with, what about this, or what about that, never once condemning it, or the damage it has done to poor Cameron Bancroft. As you say, rather embarrassing.
  13. Indeed; every time there is a comment he doesn’t like, rather than address the comment, he just deflects to something else with whataboutery, or calls it whinging.
  14. What has Bairstow got to do with it. I am talking about the conspiratorial cheating by Cummins, Starc, Hazlewood, Smith, Warner, and Bancroft with sandpaper
  15. Really ? “Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.“ Source: Cricket Australia website - Our Values; Spirit of Cricket. Hypocrisy personified; this is the same Cricket Australia that whitewashed their own enquiry to exonerate Saint Cummins.
  16. I’m a British citizen and lived and worked in Australia for several years. I have many friends there and go back often to visit. I have never experienced any resentment there, and have always been made to feel welcomed by all the Australians I have met; that is probably because I never met you, or any other Aussies that share your shallow bigoted generalisation of people.
  17. What a bizarre comment, what on earth has that got to do with anything; you’re starting to sound like someone with a chip on their shoulder.
  18. While he was texting his old slapper about how hard he was ?
  19. Not at all; everyone that knows anything about cricket, knows that not only can someone in an Australian cricket team, not alter the condition of the ball without the bowlers knowing about it, but they would actually need their express approval and advice as to how.
  20. Bias, that’s priceless coming from you, absolutely priceless. The huge difference at Newlands was that it wasn’t a spur of the moment, pick up a bit of dirt to rub on the ball incident; it was a prearranged conspiracy between Starc, Cummins, Hazlewood, Smith, Warner, and their chosen patsy, the unfortunate Bancroft, to take a concealed agent (sandpaper) onto the field of play, to deliberately, and continuously use to alter the condition of the ball. Cricket Australia then, in an act of extreme cowardice, whitewashed their enquiry to let Bancroft, Smith and Warner, shoulder the blame, thus exonerating the main protagonists, Starc, Hazlewood, and Captain Colegate, who have never paid any penance for their leading part.
  21. So, you’ve completely ignored my comment about the Cameron Bancroft interview, and defaulted to classic whataboutery … I wonder why ?
  22. That’s a fair comment, Lyon has just got better and better over the last 5 years, and is now one of the best spinners in the world; think they should have had the courage to stick with young Todd Murphy, he looks a good prospect, and dropping him after one match will surely knock his confidence
  23. Indeed. In 2021 Cameron Bancroft crawled out from underneath the bus that Cricket Australia had thrown him under, and when asked in an interview if Australia’s bowlers knew about the plan to use sandpaper on the ball during the match at Newlands. He replied that the answer was “pretty probably self-explanatory”. The bowlers were Mitchell Starc, Pat Cummins, Josh Hazlewood and Nathan Lyon. It will eventually all be revealed when either Warner, or more probably Bancroft, retire, and spill everything in a biography. It will also be revealed that it was happening long before they were caught in the act. In the 2017-18 Ashes in Australia, the Aussie bowlers achieved prodigious swing, and reverse, while Jimmy Anderson, the best swing bowler in the world achieved little to none.
  24. A good decision to ignore; it is mostly racist anti-British comments, all rather tiresome and predictable. I might put them on the ignore list myself.
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