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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Oh, spare us all your faux outrage and moral indignation; are you a BBC corespondent, or maybe a reporter for the Guardian ?
  2. What kind of mealy mouthed condemnation of this vile, barbaric terrorist organisation is that. “I am no fan” …… you just can’t bring yourself to criticise them can you; shame on you.
  3. Thanks for displaying your true colours as an antisemite by using the term Zionist …… everyone on here now knows exactly where you are coming from.
  4. That’s a trolling comment. You know full well that he was calling Hamas terrorists scum, which is indeed difficult to argue with. You know you are running out of ideas when you resort to trolling tactics.
  5. Tell that to Hamas
  6. Might be something to do with the vile Hamas sub-humans slaughtering 40 babies in Kfar Aza, slitting the throats of some, or maybe because they slaughtered 260 young kids at a music festival with machine guns …….¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. He’s priceless isn’t he ? The phantom Rabbi; just like the confirmed racist who says “I’m not a racist, one of my best friends is black”
  8. I am not interested in opening any third party links that you either send to me, or post as a stand alone comment. If you can’t be bothered to articulate what you have to say, don’t expect me to read your opinion through a third party … thanks
  9. Here is one of your previous comments “How can the world sit and watch the Netanyahu wipe out over 2 million people by refusing them food and water? How can some even support it? This is pure ethnic cleansing and he is a Fascist war criminal” Calling the Israeli Prime Minister a fascist war criminal for responding to the appalling atrocities committed by Hamas, but no criticism whatsoever of Hamas, and you claim not to be antisemitic …… not much eh, and you want to report me for calling you out; pathetic.
  10. Says the man that has posted nothing but antisemitic nonsense from the start of the thread; and has been continually trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas ….. slaughtering 40 little babies, and you’re still justifying their actions. You disgust me.
  11. Not only do you not try and hide your antisemitism, you wear it like some badge of honour …. astonishing
  12. Well said indeed seajae; however there are posters on here that will still be defending, excusing and justifying the barbarity of Hamas …. here they come
  13. I don’t suppose for one minute that it crossed your anti-Israeli train of thought that they have done this to prevent the barbaric Hamas fighters that slaughtered 40 babies in Kfar Aza, and others that want to run away, from escaping across the border. Regrettable as it is that peaceable Palestinians wanting understandably to leave Gaza now cannot, the reason for that is entirely at the feet of the brave Hamas fighters that slit the throats of babies and now want to run away ……
  14. It is reported in “The Times” this morning that the brave fighters from Hamas targeted the “youngsters quarter” in Kfar Aza, where the corpses of up to 40 babies have now been found, many with their throats slit. This is a depraved barbarity not seen since the Holocaust; they then return to Gaza where they hide in schools, hospitals and nurseries, hoping to invite collateral casualties on the Palestinian population in order to gain sympathy and support for their cause, which is to eradicate all jews. You, and a couple of other posters on here, continually try to justify this unprecedented barbarity, and rather than condemn it, you just criticise any response that Israel make. I was hoping that by now you may have recalibrated your moral compass, but regrettably, I truly believe that you do not possess the ability for introspection.
  15. OMG ........ you think antisemitism is against a religion; antisemitism is a racial prejudice or hostility against jewish people, not against their religion, which you obviously didn’t know, but is Judaism. Your lack of knowledge about things you continually comment on is breathtaking.
  16. Utter nonsense from you once again; the only ethnic cleansing happening is what we have seen from Hamas as they put into practice their long held dictum of eradicating all Israelis and all jews. Heavily armed gunmen breaking into houses and executing young children, is the definition of ethnic cleansing. However, that doesn’t fit in with the antisemitic narrative that you have been continually displaying on this forum, does it; shame on you, shame on you.
  17. You have replied to a comment I made with this question; a question that has no relevance or relationship whatsoever, to my comment. So, I have no idea what you are asking me,
  18. Brilliant comment, I await the pathetic whataboutery reply that you will inevitably receive
  19. And how long do you think they will survive Hamas occupation ?
  20. Absolutely, and if you don't understand that you are part of the problem
  21. Where was your bleeding heart when Hamas was perpetrating their multiple appalling atrocities, eh ? Slaughtering 260 young kids at a music concert with machine guns, entering houses and executing young children in front of their parents, and then abducting the parents; next house, executing parents in front of their young children and then abducting the children; dragging an 85 year old woman out of her house and abducting her, executing young women, then stripping them naked and parading them through the streets on a pick up truck. Didn’t hear from you throughout all those barbaric acts, but now you surface with your pseudo moral indignation about anything that may happen as a response to this terrorism. It would now appear to me that you are simply an apologist for terrorism, no more, no less.
  22. You really need to brush up on you reading skills. I did not say that every civilised human being would support an incursion into Gaza unrestricted by any moral obligations. I said that Hamas has just mandated them to do so. The fact that most civilised human beings would view the slaughter carried out by Hamas in the name of the Palestinian people as barbaric, does not, I admit, accommodate your contrary opinion.
  23. But obviously not for an exception like yourself
  24. Whatever grievances the Palestinian people have, the barbaric acts that the terrorist organisation, Hamas, has carried out in their name, will prove to be one of the most erroneous judgements of modern history. Slaughtering 250+ kids dancing at a music festival is something they will never, ever, come back from. Israel now has the weight of every civilised human being on the planet behind them, and Hamas has just mandated them to wade into Gaza unrestricted by any moral obligations ….
  25. Says a man that doesn't even understand what genocide means ..... ha ha ha
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