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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. 21,427, plus 2 labradors, a wire-haired fox terrier and a Tibetan milking goat; they were all cheering apart from the dogs who were howling, and the goat who was frantically trying to discover if he was halal or not ….. HTF would I know how many (rhetorical)
  2. Muslims all over Europe are out on the streets celebrating this barbarism https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/07/naked-israeli-woman-paraded-jeering-hamas-fighters/
  3. Google ‘genocide’ because you obviously have no idea whatsoever as to the meaning of the word; however, as an obvious apologist for terrorism, that hardly surprises me.
  4. I said exactly what I said; do you have a problem with reading, or just with understanding what you read ?
  5. Every single one of 7,000 rockets launched by the terrorist organisation Hamas, was fired indiscriminately at a civilian population with the aim of killing as many innocent civilians as possible; do you consider that collective punishment, or illegal under international law …. didn’t think so
  6. What on earth are you talking about; you made a comment containing two paragraphs, and I simply replied to the second of those. Stop wasting the moderators time, they have enough to do dealing with genuine complaints
  7. But the policy adopted by Hamas undoubtedly will, eh ?
  8. When a terrorist militia launch thousands of rockets at the unarmed civilian population of another country, I think you can safely assume it to be a declaration of war You should also look up “genocide” because you obviously have no idea whatsoever of the meaning of the word
  9. Hamas TV is saying that 2,000 more rockets were fired, in addition to the 5,000 that the Hamas chief commander announced at the beginning of this operation.
  10. Stating a fact, baiting ? You're hilarious
  11. Launching 7,000 rockets targeted at heavily populated civilian areas is also a tad one-sided.
  12. “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” …. Golda Meir 1973
  13. Wow, bold, italic and underlined font, what a reckless little rascal you are; still I’m pleased to see that you’re now shouting at yourself, rather than at me.
  14. Talking of reading, I suggest you read the forum’s rules and standards of conduct. Using all capital font for words, is the online equivalent of shouting, and is consequently rude and aggressive. So, please don’t shout at me. Thank you. Asean now Standards of Conduct No.5: “Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, all bold font, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis”
  15. So, not much than can be done practically then. I guess the scanners could at least make someone think twice; although the committed nutter will always find a way. Paragon, and some of the other Malls in Bangkok could certainly afford to spend more on security, if they have a mind to.
  16. So, rather like myself, you don’t seem to know of any better solutions other than a scanning system ?
  17. This is a very negative take on things; scanners are used at the entrances to malls all over the world. They are far from perfect as you point out, and they cost money, but we are talking about trying to save the lives of innocent members of the public. Are there any better solutions out there that you know of, rather than doing nothing at all ?
  18. Surely their Headquarters is the one place that you would expect to be housing both a “special operations team” and a “rapid response team” ….. if not there, then where ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Yet another left wing wokester using the anti-British BBC, and the left wing comic ‘The Guardian’ as his source of information. The Guardian article is all about the alleged abuse of Polish people in the UK; is this what you were referring to when you said “I remember colored Brits reporting that the day after the Brexit referendum result in 2016 they were jeered by white Brits telling them to go back to their own country” …. all those coloured Polish people, eh ? And you would do well to remember that none of the accusations in either of those articles have been verified, they are simply accusations, not facts; but don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
  20. I don’t know your nationality, but English is obviously not your first language; however, that notwithstanding, the translation app you are using is hilariously hopeless, so I suggest you try an alternative one.
  21. If I were lucky enough to find a restaurant / bar that was accommodating enough to allow me to play most / part / any, of one of my playlists through their hi-fi system, in their restaurant, I would be delighted. I would also fully understand them wanting to play something other than my music whenever they chose. Different for me I guess, because I am fortunate enough not to possess a sense of entitlement, and as a white caucasian I can’t pull out the race card every time I don’t get my own way.
  22. Oh look teeruk, there’s a Russian restaurant with a Russian language only menu, playing Russian music …. let’s go in, it’s the perfect place for me to polish up my victim status. N.B. I abhor any form of racism, but this guy was as much of the problem as the racist Russkies
  23. Thanks Sheryl. It would seem, like so many issues here, to be rather ambiguously worded; probably not helped by having passed through the process of translation. I guess it will become clearer once it has been implemented in January, and we start to see people being affected by it, or not.
  24. My wife tells me that Thai news reports that they were uncontactable to receive the tickets, which were COD; they then did not contact the vendor again until after it was known that the numbers had hit the jackpot …
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