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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Unable, once again, to construct a valid argument against any of my well documented points, or, disprove any of them, you resort, once again, to the lame, transparent mantra “western MSM propaganda” None of the points I made have been proven to be untrue, as you probably know only too well.
  2. Unable to counter any of the points I made, or expose anything I said as untrue, you resort to the defeatist tactic of simply saying ‘brainwashed’ What a remarkably edifying response; surprised you didn’t just call it ‘propaganda’ which is your other go to tactic when faced with facts that you don’t like.
  3. First of all, it is known worldwide as both the CCP and the CPC, you make a fool of yourself by saying it is not the CCP. As for education, you seem to be completely lacking in this field with regards to China; so here are just a few issues for you to research and educate yourself about: More than one million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz detained in concentration (sorry, reeducation) camps - in a systematic effort to eradicate their ethnic and cultural identity. The repression of the religious and cultural identity of the people of Tibet. Forced labour. Tiananmen square, where thousands of young students were slaughtered by the government for protesting peacefully. China, the World’s leading executioner, where the death penalty remains applicable for 46 offences, including non-lethal offences that do not meet the threshold of the most serious crimes under international law. Giving Covid 19 to the world by keeping international flights open but locking down all internal travel. Hong Kong.; complete repression of all freedom of speech. Manipulating the Covid health phone app to spy on, and make “disappear” any anti-government activists. Ignoring the judgment by an international tribunal in The Hague which came down overwhelmingly in favour of claims by the Philippines, regarding territory in the South China Sea. Militarisation of reefs and atolls in the sea, against international law. Continually threatening to occupy Taiwan by military force. The belt and road initiative with corrupt states, designed to blackmail them into ceding land to them, usually land where a deep water military naval base can be built. Setting up illegal “police stations” in foreign countries. And let’s not forget one of China’s most appalling violations of human rights; the forced sterilisation of thousands of young Uyghurs women; mutilating them and consequently denying them their biological imperative to give birth.
  4. RIP fella; When you hit a concrete barrier at 150 kph, when possibly not wearing a seat belt, you are asking an awful lot of the vehicle's air-bags. Another senseless and unnecessary loss of life, but at least he didn't take anyone else with him
  5. It was a simple question which you have not answered: “does that mean you don’t believe the Tiananmen Square massacre actually happened ?”
  6. But everything you know appears to come from wiki, you are continually copying and pasting from their website. So you obviously believe everything you are told by them. Quite a contradiction to saying you believe what you know, not what you are told.
  7. Try telling me something I don’t know, instead of everything I do. That notwithstanding, I do everything I possibly can to minimise supporting the vile, despotic CCP. It was not easy last week, and more expensive, to buy a lawn mower that was not made in China, but I eventually found a Japanese made one, which was 30% more expensive, a price I was delighted to pay. Some Chinese components are impossible (for now) to avoid, but my conscience demands that I do my best. I do not have to buy large consumer goods like their rubbish TV’s, washing machines, refrigerators, etc; and I certainly don’t need to buy their garbage cars. Also, would you be kind enough not to shout at me by using upper case font, it is against forum etiquette, and is rater rude … many thanks
  8. It is probably because some commenters on this forum understand that every time a Chinese car is sold, it helps to fund the burgeoning military machine of the despotic, repressive, expansionist CCP. Those of us that believe in democracy and human rights for everybody on planet earth, are not very keen on that eventuality.
  9. Absolute nonsense. I looked at, and test drove, a couple of MG’s before I bought my Mazda CX3, and they were a heap of garbage; incredibly badly put together, and drove like an underpowered blancmange on wheels. Cheap, yes, rubbish, unquestionably
  10. RIP Fella …… He sticks to his guns He take the road as it comes It take the shine off his shoes He's too fast to stop He take it over the top He make a line in the news Mark Knopfler 1979
  11. Sounds like you should be in a nursing home; they all have in-house barber facilities, and they’ll teach you basket weaving as a bonus.
  12. And you’re blaming Lazada for your lack of due diligence …. how embarrassing
  13. Indeed, but I think it was lambs liver
  14. Or Wedding ..... not much difference really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Tricky one really; forecasted is the past tense or past participle of the verb forecast. So it would have been more grammatically correct to have said “Heavy rain and thunderstorms have been forecasted across parts of Thailand” .. thus putting forecast in the past tense. Would really have been better to simply say “Heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast across parts of Thailand”
  16. I assume that’s satire, because you cannot possibly have such a distorted understanding of what democracy means
  17. 5,000 More votes recorded than the number of people on the electoral register ……. how poignant is the message on the tee-shirt of the MP “The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.”
  18. Classic deflective whataboutery; and please point out where I have ever said that I ignore the fat content of food; conversely, you said that added sugar being a health risk was a myth. Not only is that completely inaccurate, it is also irresponsible to peddle such nonsense. Hopefully most posters on this forum will have the good sense to ignore your fatuous claim.
  19. You may well have high sugar tolerance yourself, but to dismiss high sugar intake as a myth is very irresponsible; the effects apart from the obvious one of weight gain, include higher blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Ironically, you dismiss added sugar intake as a myth, and then list as the main issue, fatty junk food, pastries, chocolate and ice cream, all of which contain very high levels of added sugar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Agree, although in Thailand the biggest problem is sugar; they put it in everything, even bread. Sugar is a bigger problem than red meat, fat, salt or carbohydrates
  21. Ridiculous headline. Soars ? sure, it has soared like an Emu. As I write it is 42.30 against the UK pound; it has been between 42.10 and 42.80 for several weeks
  22. Good comment, agree with just about everything you say, especially that Move Forward couldn’t have hoped for such a significant swing towards them. It’s better for Thailand than anyone could have hoped for. My wife doesn’t drink, but she’s just asked me to take one of my precious bottles of champagne out of the fridge, and she’s got Martha & The Vandellas on loop. Regarding the number of votes for Prayut, remember what Stalin said: "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes"
  23. If, and it’s a big if, the Military don’t intervene, a coalition government between Move Forward and Pheu Thai, with Pita as Prime Minister, would be the best thing to happen to Thailand since Grab started delivering somtum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  24. Yes indeed, my wife tells me that the shares were owned by his father and are in a trust; but she said regardless of that, the rule is that any candidate cannot own more than 5% of a media company, and she tells me that these shares equate to less than 1% …. but they are doing everything they can to try and derail him, because his popularity is burgeoning faster than the speed of light.
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