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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. On 21.06.2017 at 3:31 AM, Lammbock said:

    Apple Thai in English is still up. https://www.apple.com/th-en/shop/browse/home_th_en

    Last week I purchased a USB Power Adapter and a 2m lightning to USB cable.

    Used a credit card from Switzerland. No problem.

    Make sure billing address and shipping address are both the same. (in Thailand)

    So you have a Thai address registered on your data with a Swiss credit card?

  2. In metro areas in Thailand, I make it a point to drive well, well below the speed limit. Better of course if you are driven  by somebody else, used to the rash Thai traffic.


    Another very tragic issue for all the parties involved.


    Hopefully, it would not aliment a further pejorative approach towards farangs, from the behalf of Thai's!


    RIP to the officer.

  3. Why should he make such a request? Was he reading posts on these forums?:cheesy:


    Anyhow any military or VIP display always call a smile on my humble person. I live in a tiny weenie small country, very very close to Europe, where we often see our President, crossing the over the premises of the parliament, going over alone across the road to buy his newspaper (that hides perhaps a X rated review underneath):shock1::cheesy:, and goes back walking to his office, with no display of boys in black suits, black shades, or twisted transparent spring wires in their ears!!!


    Friends in other parts of the world, or the expats over here, always burst out laughing when told or when they witness such scenes, but that's how it is here:sleep:!!

  4. On 12.06.2017 at 0:18 PM, scorecard said:


    How many leave without paying?


    Ask some hoteliers, I believe many would be very surprised about the high numbers of foreigners who check-in then when it suits their needs they flee and often with an extra suitcase full of bedding, rugs from the floor, and everything from the mini bar, and bathroom, the hot water pot, hair dryers, even the TV.


    The manager of my hotel in Bkk will tell you how many times he has been cleaned out. Along the way he's become aware of things like guests you do solid reconisance of exit doors etc., when they are locked / not locked, how to sneak the key ring with multiple keys away from the housekeeping staff and just unlock rear exit doors at the right time, maybe 3.00 am, etc etc. 

    Ok I confess, I do like to bring back a good supply of those mini shower gels, shampoo gels, lotions and the eau de cologne they put in those hotel bathrooms!!:cheesy:.....but I disapprove of those who go out of the way and manage to rip off the batteries of the radio controler!!!!!!!!!!!!...yes yes it exists, the cleaning lady in my last hotel told me!!

  5. A responsable move to impose  medical coverage and if possible get also emergency medical repatriation insurance included.


    I would not dare to advance the flying cost per hour of a private jet that is used for sanitary repatriations!! 


    Such insurance is no big deal and fully worth carrying.


    Why should the tax payers or public money in any country be it in Thailand or abroad have to support medical costs of an irresponsable few to many??


    As for the vending machines dispensing instant insurance, I might be a more skeptical as it stinks of scam.


    Serious insurance companies usually conduct a full medical survey to be filled up with past health background checks, before dispensing coverage. 


    One could doubt that the insurances of the vending machines would honour each and every medical issue in case of a claim!!!!!!?


    Thailand would need to enforce this rule with IATA in order to have the insurance prescreen check made from the tourist's homeland, when purchasing the ticket and checking-in!

  6. 14 hours ago, Humpy said:

     I installed one of those big black 'spherical' 2000 liter plastic/fiberglass septic tanks 10 years ago when we built the house in the wife's village. I used the internet to find the design of the leach/drain field.  The ''treated'' tank-waste flows into a cubic meter concrete distribution  'box' and then  through three outlets to three , twelve meter 4 inch perforated pipes. The pipes lay on a 40mm bed of course stones in  trenches over 1.5 meters deep. The pipes were then covered with another layer of stones and the stones covered with 2 layers of rice bags which prevent the soil falling through the stones. Trenches were then filled with soil. I incorporated a 4 inch inspection pipe in the top of the distribution box.

     The tank takes waste water from  two  toilets including toilet paper , an en suite  bathroom with 2 sinks , bath and two showers. From 2 kitchens, a dishwasher and a laundry room with a washing machine and a sink in the bar flat LEO !. The amount of cleaning chemicals, washing powders  etc are not 'green' friendly by any means. I take samples ,now and again, of the ''treated water'' from the 'box' and it is gin clear !! I have the septic tank emptied twice a year. The lawn above the drain field is a lush green ! Venting from the septic tank rises to the very top of the house roof some 10 meters high. 

     If your septic tank is of the 'local' design ie. concrete rings set on soil and taking only toilet waste then perhaps the other readers comments and advice on 'green' cleaning agents is  worth noting.  The 'local' designed septic tanks in my village are less than efficient ...phew !.... because  non-green cleaning agents from the village shop are obviously being used.



    Wow!..quite a piece of work you did out there!! Thanks for such a detailed response....So in other words, to be sure I got it all right, all the household water goes into the tank, including from the kitchen, washing machine etc?

  7. 27 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    I thought money talked in Thailand, you would of thought with all his money he could of greased the right plams to walk free.

    Maybe those who he offended, cited as carrying high level positions and powerful connections, had enough money, if not more? ...


    On further thought, and to contradict myself,  despite what I said in a previous post here..there is obviously more to all of this, either political or something more lewd, as people don't just get thrown in jail from a high level mood swing  even in Thailand, without some reasons, justified or not...at worse they would have expropriated his assets and deported him, if only playground style, face loss revenge was at stake....


    Another thought, could be most simply that what was legal in Holland to make money through dope in legal coffee shops, is plainly totally illegal by Thai law, which would be a simple explanation on his detention, despite his activity being legal in his homeland????


    Anyhow, the poor chap should write a book while in jail with the full truth and publish it once he is back home....The story may shake up quite a few within the establishment...

  8. yes colder. I meant..


    if 30° is acceptable winter temperature for Thailand:biggrin: (lucky chaps), 13° to 17° could be cold for a Thai comming from a remote village?


    Similar to a friend of mine from Iceland...he goes around with a T shirt when it's 20° here and I'm wearing a jacket and light sweater:cheesy:!!


    What about you, how do you cope with the heat in Thailand? Do you bear it or have the a/c on full throttle when it goes beyond 35°?

  9. If only one tourist/farang steals, no point.


    If two do, whatever..


    But when confronted to large scales of misbehaviour or drunken brawls worthy of a football hooligan's fan's club....human nature will ultimately at one point, put everyone in the same basket...should it happen in Thailand, the USA,  Australia, in Spain, in France...whereever.....that's the point!!!....


    Would you like like to be in that basket?  For sure not, (neither would I) as you are not a thief.


    So...?    This should not happen and those who indulge in such larceny, no matter how petty, should not be supported or encouraged!


  10. 16 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    I am pleased you are not a sad remoaner Marxist if nothing else.

    Hope you cuddle with whoever  or whatever you sleep with.

    Yes it is late here in Thailand, but nobody tells me when to go to bed.

    Let me know next time you are in Thailand, so I can avoid seeing another miserable, fru5trat3d f3mini5t... well you know what I mean.

    Do you keep score when you are here?

    Ha ha. 0-0.


    Maybe you could cut down the coffe a bit as your sleeping habbits seem quite bad. You are aware that most of your cellular regeneration is done during sleep?  And if you do not wish to get repatriated sonner then necessary, kindly allow me to indulge you to get longer nights of sleep!


    Thought you were going to cuddly with the Mrs as you left in quite some haste before? What happened?


    Sorry, I (try) to speak proper english despite it not being my mother tongue or working language, so no, I do not know what your ru5trat3d f3mini5t means, but I do assume you know what it's all about, my dear fellow!:cheesy:


    If I keep score when I am here? Not sure what you mean on this one? But I'd rather score with a fine lady this week end rather with you, despite the fact that you are surely a fine and polite gentleman. But thanks nevertheless for asking:sorry:


    Anything else, Sir, I could do to help things work out?


  11. 6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    In the context of the OP one assumes a sympathiser for white ethnic terrorism. In The Times newspaper it has just been reported that 37% of terror arrests up to year March 2017, in the UK, were of 'ethnic whites'. Goes to show the UK and other country security agencies were spot on regards the threat to stability and security represented by white extremists; perhaps more importantly diversion of resources to focus on Islamist terror threats by these self defined "Patriots".

    Very True!!...And Trump et al. are bound to take the wrong stances as  blinded by their aversion to muslim nations (but not their money of course). They  may omit to clean up their own "sala" and bypass the domestic breeds of terror and hate that would cause equivalent casualties amongst innocent compatriotes. It's time to realise that terrorism is not a matter of race ethnicity or colour but rather a global issue of hate, uneducation, frustration that a fueled on both sides of the wall!

  12. 30 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    So Judge I rest my case:

    Knowledge of what you are talking about always helps in proving a point.

    This person does not live here and comes as a tourist on occasion.


    He who laughs last laughs longest...!

    Case closed.

    Good night, cuddle with the sweetheart tonight, I will.




    :cheesy:...what ever...I nevertheless did not have a case here, but if the drama was necessary to bring your willy up before you cuddle with the sweetheart.

    I am glad in having contributed...from a safe distance of course!:cheesy:...


    and considering it's 5:30 am now far east in LOS, may I doubt that at your age you would still be awake? :cheesy:...and sorry if I did not give you the expected shrewd answer you espected on in your first comment on a female poster, that seems to have sparked some amusing outrage?


    Good night to you not so far away!! .-)

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