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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. A cheap charlie can be found in the USA just as in any EU country.


    A rich indian can spend in one night in Bangkok, what a US Joe Soap spends in year and a half.


    A rich European would more likely be in Monaco, Dubaï, St-Tropez, St-Barth or some other French island in the Carreebean.


    A rich US would have more chances to end up in Miami, Caymans or Puerto Rico...


    Thailand has the magic to cater a very large pannel of great spenders, that go far beyond the classical US-Europe cliché.


    The main thing for any US; European, Indian, Korean or whatever.......leave your egos back home and come with a smile.....and your ca$h......nothing more

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  2. As a farang one need to keep in mind that what applys to a local, does not apply to a farang.


    We need to leave our well groomed egos back home in Europe or the USA (not finger pointing to anybody so please no hard feelings).


    To get back to the topic, the farang is considered as the golden goose in Thailand and thus is highly expected to leave a tip. 100 thb should be a appreciated gesture, but do not make it a daily habbit as they will expect it otherwise daily.

  3. 8 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Indeed. But doesn't keep the usual overbearing contributors to use threads of this type to dominate and promote the ever popular and deluded ideals of a Farang superiority [in every which manner], does it?


    Well I am not here to feed any needy ego and  thus do not wish to have the final point on any post or comment.


    Sorry if you felt any thai bashing, as obviously it is not the case in the comments expressed.


    On a friendly recommendation,  I perhaps would not hastily generalise posts with a unfortunate caracteristic,  that does exist to suggest various forms of superiority of one group over the other.


    Have a nice evening.

  4. Long gone are the days, where a few gourmet gurus were the Lords of the rings in their paperback guides. These "critics" often were well fdined and wined, for free perhaps, in exchange for good reviews in the guides published ?!!!! ????


    But those days are long gone. For the best of the customer and for the worst to the venues !!


    Those who do not offer appropriate food, service and rates, may have to assume the consequences.


    The world has gone global. Recommendations and ideas are no longer the sole privilege of a few.


    1984 is fare behind (well maybe not everywhere). It's 2021 now !!!


    Sucessful establishments cannot undermine or belittle customer opinions in public social media.


    But just do everything to protect your privacy and safety.  Some are ressentful and bitter when finger pointed on the web.

  5. Cannot stigmatize,  as seedy people are as much amongst thai's as with westerners.


    Could be men, women or teenagers. Sad, but that's how most societies are all over the world. Nothing very new.


    With this in consideration, one plainly needs to uses one's own instinct and common sense on the environment, the body language, the general aspect and attitude of the individual.


    Not nice to judge others by the looks or first approach, but unfortunately it can often have sense.


    One obviously would not react the same when a half tipsy farang pulls you over in a night club or if it's at the bus stop with a map in hand ? or in a crowded market ?


    One golden rule however.


    Always keep a safe distance in such random public interactions. To avoid either a sneaky pickpocket maybe ?  or a sudden dirty punch perhaps to grab one's cash ?  and now,  to obviously avoid any virus transmission !!!


    One golden rule in Thailand however.


    Never, never talk politics or criticize the power in public with anybody.


    Even with an acquaintance or business partner.



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  6. A few thoughts on the topic.


    One is always wiser once it's done and over, then before. So don't have regrets on what's past.


    Making a mistake is normal. Repeating it, is however can be foolishness. Oscar Wilde could have said that maybe ?!!


    Be worth more alive, then dead.


    In Thailand don't buy...rent if possible.


    This goes even for more let's say hanky panky, personnal or intimate stuff ????


    People can change with time. Only in fairy tales does one live happily ever after. With that in mind, on the other hand, never assume you will change somebody who functions with dynamics you that one cannot accept. You don't like it in the beginning, just leave. People won't change in a sincere matter always.


    Keep a low profile. Don't flaunt money all over just due to the good exchange rate.


    Culture is culture. People function in a different way in Thailand, then those in the west. Family support is cultural. It's all about accepting and being clear if you want to pay your entry and way through the spouses family or not ?


    Don't spend more then you have or earn.


    Flee debt.







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  7. Just to remember that the best thing is not to make tourists come.


    It's rather to do everything to make them want to come back.


    A happy tourist or long stay in Thailand who goes back home is the best publicity. And the cheapest. But for that, certain mentalities of the past boys club, must evolve and change.


    To make it short, stop considering foreigners as cash cows and cheating them in Thailand. Starting from the taxi boys at the airport.

    • Confused 1
  8. It is virtually impossible to generalise.


    Many people have absolutely no symptoms with the Pfizer, including myself.


    Others have issues,.


    How can one possibly make any assumptions considering some nave absolutely no side effects while others do so ?

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