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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 100 infected people cannot spread the disease if you don't go near them.....1 single person can infect you if you are close.....the point here is that every country is affected and there is no point in making a list of countries to avoid. South america is also hit for those who were wondering like myself and found these disturbing figures on the Americas....the ideal list would be, not to travel anyhwere in the first place and to lock down all borders for casual visitors....starting with the Chinese and Koreans.




  2. use homeopathy as much as you can.....and if you hit on the right formula and mainly on the dosage that suits you....it can work miracles and strengthen your immune system for the usual common colds, fever and stomach issues.....the toughest challenge here however is to find a honest doctor in homeopathy...that is a doctor a real one...and then to find a apothek that sells genuine and reliable homeopathic pills....

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  3. EU health officials have absolutely no referenced proof that this virus flees heat or humidity....how else can one explain that there were people infected in Saudi Arabia ?....and the China areas are highly humid....In such troubled times on such a serious global threat, such .nonsense claims should not be tolerated and plainly deleted.

  4. 11 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Deport them After they serve the sentence, as they have not committted an offence in Thailand they would be free on arrival if not prisoner programe agreement exists

    So I see.....however many EU nations charge their own citizens for crimes of pedophilia/human trafficking and other serious offences abroad and they are still liable to law once they are back home after having served a sentence abroad.  But you say it's not the case in Thailand, well...so be it....pity however.

  5. Never can understand the travellers who rush into the Duty Free stores either in Thailand or elsewhere....these stores are just a bunch of crooks with prices that cost you more then back home.....


    ...simple comparison.....a certain premium bourbon costs € 28,- in french supermarkets and sells for US$ 40,-- in the Thailand Duty Free stores.....only tobacco is cheaper but it's also time to stop smoking if you want to live and enjoy the bar stool hotties a bit longer ????

  6. With the current virus threat, I would be afraid to take suck canned packed public transport in Thailand, China or Korea...and any other place in the world. And for those with no choice, the transport authorities should hand over FFP2 norm facemasks at the entrance of all the BTS stations to passengers boarding a train.

  7. Maybe it's time to ban for good all the cheating against foreigners and the dual pricing....?


    it's maybe time to make Thailand to understand that foreigners need more respect and not to be looked plainly for their money ?


    Maybe time to slash prices for the Thai Bhat, the foreign imported goods in malls and keep it that way?


    Maybe time to enforce honest taxi drivers ?


    Maybe the time to understand that the money bought in Thailand by the expats, retirees, tourists is necessary and those people deserve more respect and caring ?


    Maybe time for the immigration Police to stop harassing the decent retirees with all their forms and other red tape ?

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