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Bim Smith

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Everything posted by Bim Smith

  1. Sounds like he already knows the outcome. Calculators go missing all over Thailand in the coming months and miraculously reappear come June.
  2. If they had the ability to deal with at least twice that number of tourists in 2019 why is there any reason to have congestion at any immigration counter now. What if it increases further.
  3. Rich countries export their plastic waste to poorer countries. The US sent more than 800 million pounds of plastic waste to Mexico, Malaysia, India, Vietnam and Thailand in 2021. The U.S. is one of only eight countries that has not yet ratified the Basel Convention. Southeast Asian recycling plants are major destinations for plastic from the US and other wealthy economies. If you drop a bottle into a blue bin in California or Texas, there’s a good chance that a recycling broker will eventually pack it into a shipping container bound for Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia. Once it arrives, it will enter a vast ecosystem of recycling plants staffed by migrant workers from still-poorer countries. Generally, only higher-quality plastic can be profitably recycled; after those items are removed, the rest will be incinerated, dumped or simply burned in the open, dramatically worsening its environmental impacts. Around 1 million tons are dumped into the ocean globally. Only around 9 percent of plastic waste in Thailand is currently recycled. In 2017 the Chinese government stunned the waste industry by unveiling a policy called National Sword, which banned imports of all but the cleanest plastic. National Sword was aggressively enforced, and imports to China essentially disappeared overnight, dropping 99% in the first year after it took effect. This led to a devastating effect on neighbouring countries who absorbed the shortfall. In addition Europe’s plastic waste — especially from the Netherlands, whose plastic exports to developing countries increased dramatically last year, from an average of 18.3 million pounds per month in 2020 to 41 million pounds in 2021.
  4. I remember getting the hail here in Nakhon Sawan some years ago. People were saving it and putting it in the freezer for good luck.
  5. In answer to your first question. He doubles as a tank. To the second. Elite visa. I did. Not the tank bit mind you
  6. Anyone who follows Jim Browning on YouTube where you goes after scammers particularly in India he stated last year nearly all the scammers bank accounts were located in Thailand and he had no idea why
  7. If the offensive part is the fact a monk is sat there then why not pixelate the monk instead.
  8. In other news that I am unable to quote here due the "rules" over 200 thousand were submitted to hospital in the last week alone as a direct result of the pollution. That's more in a month than the last three years.
  9. When the government can close the country at a whim they must insane to be investing in starting new airlines, regional or otherwise.
  10. Believe nothing until officially denied. When the Domino effect kicks in no bank in the world will be unaffected. This is only the beginning of the demise of fiat currency. That's why the Fed along with the bank of Thailand and England and many others around the world signed up to digital currency two years ago. Few noticed in the middle of a pandemic.
  11. I agree. In fact the law at first specifically targeted Indonesia
  12. Singapore look to at least have made a start back in 2014. I dare you Thailand if it's genuinely another countries fault.
  13. The elite vise would be way cheaper. 1 million baht would give her 20 years.
  14. 18 months for the approval process. I am surprised that many applied. Of course not all will be accepted either. What a waste of time.
  15. Most western countries orders 10 doses per head of population. No wonder they have so many left over.
  16. Do what exactly. Every year we hear the same thing from the government and nothing is done except cloud seeding when there is enough moisture in the air to do it. It can't be done in the dry season normally. The air is unbreathable here in Nakhon Sawan.
  17. Why I never eat out with Thai people. The sharing of food and utensils sends me insane. I sit on a table on my own until they finish and eat privately at home. I did it once and I can't eat spicy food. They all helped themselves to what I ordered and left me with nothing and I couldn't eat their spicy food. What's the point in ordering anything. As for the wearing of amulets that is more superstition than religion. More animism to accurate.
  18. "the concept of “face.” In Thai culture," Where do I begin. This is prevalent throughout all of South East Asia and based on two concepts. One ,,,, Collectivism, meaning the individual doesn't take responsibility for their actions and that wider society does meaning there is no such thing as individual responsibility and number two cultural narcissism. This is that they give a public delusional and outward public perception of who they are which isn't real and is very different to who they are privately. When they get found out they go into a narcissist rage which is often laced in whataboutisms and attacks on you personally or your own country while never acknowledging they just been rumbled. A very childlike culture. This is why you often hear "you no understand Thai culture". Unfortunately I am all too aware and it can get you in deep trouble so be aware. I have done this a few times especially when I see someone being unkind to an animal. They go into a mortification if outed publicly which is why if someone does something terrible in public the bystanders say nothing and don't call them out. It's fascinating but in my opinion cowardly but it will never be changed.
  19. Let's add to that the wider cost to economy and the people's ability to earn the cost is trillions for what government figures now show was less deadly than the flu. Also if you look at the world bank data the government started increasing its foreign currency reserves to historic highs back in 2018 and they remained high only taking a slight dip last year but soon recovered while the country was closed and bringing in little foreign currency. It's like they knew something was coming. Hardly a coincidence.
  20. In collectivist Thailand it's society as a whole that bares responsibility not the individual. They are taught this from an early age which the whole "saving face" thing is. It's childlike culture is on full view. That's why I often hear "you no understand Thai culture". Unfortunately I do.
  21. Thais will always use the term ladyboy of third gender. The person who wrote this has obviously bought into the divisional woke narrative that will eventually destroy the west. It's about empowerment of the malignant narcissist. Little to do with trans rights.
  22. You know I thought the same until I got down to the snitching app. In addition why can't it apply to Thai especially the helmets. Instead of deportation how about jail. Everyone would wear a helmet then. In addition never been to a country where laws are not applied equally
  23. When I arrived back in the UK last April for a short trip after 10 years away on a passport I ordered in Bangkok the UK immigration officer scanned my passport looked at me and smiled and scanned it again. I asked if there was a problem and he said "just looking at how long you have been away. It's been a while". I laughed and said how much information do you guys have on people. His reply... "We know everything." We laughed and I went about my day. They must know where he is and Thai immigration will know if he is still in the country or not.
  24. Problem is the Police confiscate them for personal use. Just to see if they work mind you. They double up as trading standards
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