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Bim Smith

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Everything posted by Bim Smith

  1. And I pledge that I will be playing the role of Santa this Christmas giving Rolex watches to all my fellow villagers. Only on the condition they cough up 2 million BAHT each and don't find out they are fake.
  2. Yes. My home is Thailand and my wife is British.
  3. We know the plan. Let him be PM them do the coup. Stopping him now will cause chaos.
  4. As a Brit I usually stay clear of my fellow drunken patriots when overseas. That's not to say they are all bad of course but you can spot these guys a mile off. Loud with alcohol usually involved. There is something about the culture in the UK that having a good time revolves around excessive drinking that appears no where else in Europe. With the Irish excepted but they just have a good time rather getting into fights. If anyone asks me where I am from I usually try to avoid the question. My accent is a give away of course so I just say the land of Mancunia. They look at me like a dog who just been shown a card trick but hey.
  5. And the entire family in a pick up for one patient. Sometimes even the dog comes along.
  6. Maybe if thais didn't have the need to visit the hospital with the slightest sniffle. If I get a cold my wife says must go hospital.
  7. Took three day for my Non O from London embassy. Two weeks seems a little excessive. How about a month
  8. "those deemed to be unimportant are gradually being destroyed" hahaha love it.
  9. So absolutely no criticism of the many Police who were so easily bought. Take note next time you're in a spot of bother.
  10. And 250 are pre-approved without anyone having voted for them
  11. They ran out of calculators
  12. Well you wouldn't know about it watching MSM. Fully open borders with Mexico. All are welcome.
  13. Why would anyone build a property on the land they can't own.
  14. I don't doubt Thailand has its problems but the US is the hub of human trafficking. Anyone who has seen those horrific reports of children being trafficked on their open borders should hand their heads in shame.
  15. You wouldn't have to dig deep to fund many cases like this. It may take ten years though. Those shovels must be forks.
  16. Those poor people who get duped into believing they can own property in Thailand. You can't.
  17. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-thaksin-probe-idUSBKK30039820070802
  18. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-thaksin-probe-idUSBKK30039820070802
  19. I can't see it happening. Was there any investigation into the thousands of innocent live he took in the south where he planted drugs on the already dead body and told people he caught another drug dealer. I doubt it
  20. When you see those trucks that bring soil to level the land when a house is being built is around the most inexpensive part of building one. When it's a government contract the price increases ten fold. It's standard Thai practice to skim a little.
  21. Had it in England and here. Horrible illness. I put it down to drinking cold coffee here with ice. Never had another.
  22. Yes correct. I did it. You don't even have to Que at CW. A TE member will meet you and do everything.
  23. I went back to the UK for the first time last year and first in 9 years. I would say any country is better other than there. I couldn't wait to get back home to Thailand. Don't understand Canada on that list. Be careful not to get your bank frozen or go to jail for upsetting the alphabet people.
  24. There is a visa that allows you to retire. My friend has just done it in Italy
  25. There is a visa that allows you to retire. My friend has just done it in Italy
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