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Kalasin Jo

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Everything posted by Kalasin Jo

  1. In theory. Certainly the big supermarket chains enforce this as do 7-11s. Restaurants not so much. In Pattaya you can get a beer in a bar at almost any hour. Small mom and pop shops sell 24/7 throughout the land. Unfortunately this tends to limit choice to beer and cheapish or dirt cheap " whisky".
  2. I think it's a bit unfair teasing the op like this. The law that banned it is still in place. A great deal of hoo ha when it came in, at least on Pattaya beach. They even installed a smoking booth. No one to enforce it? Of course not, except perhaps in front of the Pattaya beach police station. But when l was iin Pattaya a couple of weeks ago I asked when I rented a deck chair. Was told no you cannot smoke here but you can " up there".
  3. How do I get in to it? When I have tried the imm. police site takes me to online instructions for online 90 day reporting which says to click on the link to the IP site. I do that, find apply on line yet again, click on that ......and round I go again. Where am I going wrong?
  4. Yes it is in different guises. It's becoming apparent just how much corruption at government level ( ministers and their cronies including peers of the realm, not the civil servants who do their bidding) there has been in the UK over PPE contracts.
  5. Indeed. Especially if uneducated and in the boonies. They just won't talk about such matters as death and what happens to the deceased's property. Far too superstitious beyond planning for a good funeral party and a life insurance payout, the latter usually all gone in a matter of weeks. Live for today!
  6. It was done at Kalasin IO when I got first retirement extension earlier this year.
  7. Agreed and I used to but although easy at 7/11 with a very small fee that's no good if out of Thailand as I will be for next bill and where I live in the boonies the nearest 7/11 is 30 kms.
  8. As I only recently discovered thanks to getting answers to a similar question I posted, it's easy enough hopefully from anywhere once you have the PEA smart plus app on your smartphone. You do need to change your country in Playstore to Thailand to download load the app. or do as I did and used my wife's Google ID registered in Thailand and hey presto! After that I opened it with my own Google account. It isn't fussy once you've got it! The app has Thai and foreign user log ons. Choose foreign ( English only) and put in your passport number and Thai mobile number ( only accepts Thai numbers). You are sent a one time passcode to move on. You are also sent a unique user passcode which you need to enter each time you log in. Once in you put in codes from your printed paper bill the first time or scan the QR code. . Then the address associated with the bill appears which I named home. Any outstanding bills are listed with a button to "pay now". A variety of online payment methods are offered The app has a menu and you can choose to display past bills with consumption and cost. Other things you can do through this menu eg report an outage. There is also a phone helpline with an English speaking option. As I did have a problem early on with the codes I rang it. Quick to answer, quick to resolve the problem.
  9. Nor is every overstayer a bad dude. Some may have lost a Thai wife who did everything for them. Some may have developed dementia and don't even know what day of the week it is. Some fall on hard times and simply cannot pay or are too proud or embarrassed to ask family back home ( if they have any) for a ticket out plus the overstay fine. It's a mixed bag like so much in life. Not this guy though but we don't know his story.
  10. "As for the relatives, well to me, it shows that they are only after money as they can't see past their own noses". Agreed. This is Thailand. Everyone is always after the money. It's what makes Thailand tick.Here a perceived wrong can always be put right with a little or alot of money. Prosecution? Only if insufficient money offered. More seriously, I see the legal concept of causation being a stumbling block in any prosecution for manslaughter in view of the history. What actually was the cause of his death?
  11. The cop had a sense of humour then.
  12. Yes, but then the OP would see this every day
  13. Sometimes, especially at weekends. I suspect it's at the Thai end but have no evidence to support that opinion. Choosing the answer funds for long stay always takes considerably longer but unlike choosing one of the other offered answers it then appears in your account as an inward international transfer rather than simply, at least on my statements, as a transfer in from other bank.
  14. Pretty much the same in France plus alot of scammers.
  15. The French often do it too in the small poorer villages
  16. Chan o Cha said some time ago he wanted to see traditional Thai life and values restored as in the good old days. Presumably pre the American R&R days of the Vietnam war. Doesn't fit with the current thai economic need from tourism though does it?
  17. Cleaning up a beach might be reserved for Thais but no Thai apart from convicts under forced labour would do this. Too much loss of face to be seen doing this. Even my family are trash tossers.... in our garden too. I have to go round regularly picking up empty plastic bags, cookie wrappers, beer bottles, drink cartons and straws, cigarette ends, especially after a visit from relations living further away. Like last night's bbq. To be fair the ladies did though clear up dirty plates, bagged left overs and bones and put them in the bins. Not the empty beer bottles which were just casually tossed. They also washed everything up before leaving and left the kitchen clean and tidy. Unlike my wife my sister in law is a bit of a cleaning freak and always has a good go when she visits.
  18. Because money, a willingness to do as requested plus connections makes you pretty much untouchable. This guy had already resigned, gets to keep his pension, just a formal rap across the knuckles and in to a comfortable retirement. Whilst Boss continues to be the playboy, regularly seen at high profile events around the world but never arrested. He can't return to Thailand until all the charges become statute barred. Is he bothered? Seems not.
  19. Correct. The OP may have read that these e-visas can be obtained in a country of which you are not a citizen. This is so only if you can prove you are legally resident there. In my case being legally resident in France as a British citizen I obtained an e-visa from the Thai Paris Embassy. I had to upload images of my French residency card as well as my British passport. I guess you could do that whilst not present in that country either but they do reserve the right to call you for an in person interview. Who knows, they might check the IP address from which the application is made?
  20. Their parents probably grew the stuff. I agree this instance is unacceptable but we are facing the demonization of cannabis ( I suspect for political purposes, Anutin has his enemies) whilst the yabba problem is endemic and totally illegal and no one seems to give a hoot.
  21. Sad isn't it? Surely a friendly but firm warning for first time offence of this kind ( if it is an offence the hours for alcohol sales and consumption don't seem crystal clear)....but TIT off to police station with the druggies and the beach walkers and a cash payment to avoid more hours in the lock up and a formal charge in the morning.
  22. Well I'm baffled. I've just spent a week in Pattaya, most evenings on Soi Buakhao and the new Treetown complex of open air bars and restaurants. No problems at all buying and drinking alcohol until 2 am. with or without food. The bars I went to all closing up shortly before and kicking us politely out promptly at 2am " or the police will come and we don't want that". So, where they wrong?
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