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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. A good question! All those, who are cheering here about the new regulation, classifying themselves proudly as a DN, might be actually acting, and working, at least, in a “grey zone”? So, could it be a way, an attempt, to “cash in” from those people, and reduce their stay to a maximum of 2 times 180 days, within 5 years? The price and the conditions are also not a real sell-off bargain. If you buy this Visa, you're booked, nailed, and on the radar, as a “potentially” working DN in the IO, and also of the IRS system.
  2. In short: Desperate activism, to gather more tourist dollars. Seems to be the “last resort”. Mainly, regarding short term visits. Regarding long term stay, or EOS nothing really new. Old cooked up stuff, in a new box. Like always, there'll be coming a lot of changes, exceptions, in the small print. No reason to cheer, no reason to panic. Just reasons to speculate. “Hot air”, until I see it on the official Immigration Web Page. Knowing, that it will take time, until any new conditions “reached” all the 70+ IOs. Beside the usual, individual modifications of the procedure on a daily basis.
  3. Obsolete to talk to the “negotiator”. The answers are mostly 1–2 content free sentences of stammered nonsense.
  4. Self-awareness is a promising, first step. Sometimes, you need “out standers” to realize the own misery. Your reflex, about nails in “a” head, is also a promising development. It's never too late!
  5. Did you win the lottery? Anyway. If you pull out the nail in your foot, you could move/talk forward, not only in circles.
  6. Just another step to teach, who is the real owner of your money, who decides about, how, when, for what, you'll get access to it. As usual, in Thialand, the efforts to jump on bandwagons, are clumsy due to the average dilettantism. It just takes a bit longer, until anything works normal again. But, all only for your own safety. To fight human trafficking, child-porn, internet fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, terrorism, etc. are favourite samaritan reasons for it.
  7. Infants won't stop “playing”, before the toy ain't broken.
  8. That's a good thinking! So move it, and save the culture of your own country, enough to do. Lecture your country fellows, appearing not caring too much about “your” culture. Maybe they're stupid, or just too lazy. Or even better, all those, who are disrespecting it. Have fun! Lol Instead of acting the "Besserwisser, Oberlehrer", about a culture which is not yours anyway, just to bash citizens of origins you don't like! Btw, Thai authorities dealing with foreigners, who are breaking the law, like they do. Without asking for your opinion, or the opinion of all these other pathetic, wannabe assimilated “blacklist-deport-jail-” them parrots. Owning the competence, importance, and influence of a rice bag, which fell down from a shelf, somewhere in SEA.
  9. To make it short: They've paid the bills. Even, if not. It still wouldn't justify this artificially accelerated, and criminal incident, by those security thugs. Talking to the manager: The waitress (with the “broken” nose)? Or the one, who called the security thugs? The next day (!), coming back? Watching CCTV? Together with the annoyed manager (and your snapshot in hand)? LOL! Give me a break! Btw, who published the CCTV footage, from inside the bar, anyway? Normally, in those situations, CCTV “brake failures” occurring.
  10. Another pseudo-assimilated-wannabe-Thai has spoken.
  11. I'll give a fart, how long you're staying in the country, or under whatever stone. You can guess what you like. You need a second guessing? What you "would" say is irrelevant, if you don't say it. Also, there is no need for me to ask you for advice, when you're dispatching your “smart axe” wisdoms anyway, even if nobody asked for it. The thread is “about” the incident itself, its consequences for all participants. Not how to avoid it.
  12. retardius watched the YouTube version. Or even an “AI” Version? You're right, no boots. The gear of the thugs could be upgraded. One of the heroes lost his shoe, during his outstanding performance. I guess the knuckle brass is a private contribution to work "safety". Nothing about motivated employees. After this ejaculation, you should make a donation to the Employer, to gear up the thugs. For everybody's safety.
  13. Missing things is quite usual for retarded individuals. we're living in a tolerant society. If something happens to you in Thailand (fight, scammed, accident), everything is “voluntary”. Because, if you wouldn't come to Thailand, nothing would have happened to you. I've heard that before, thought it's sarcasm, but it is meant quite serious by ignorants, pathetic "newbees", and alike.
  14. I hope, due to the worldwide promotion, and the smoking heads, the officials already have behind closed doors, how to handle it. This guy has the badge on his forehead, to be the target for the needed example of a “crackdown” on... The dogs bite the last one. The only fear I have, that there will appear a girl with a broken nose, out of nowhere. Beside that security thug pussy.
  15. The final “penalty” kicker just wanted to impress the audience, and a bigger piece of the “teach the Farang respect” heroes pie. I hope he can eat from that, a decent time long, in a peer group at BKK Hilton, or any other <deleted>hole.
  16. You adapted in those decades very well to local thinking. The horizon ends tomorrow, and with “hubs”. Prize questions: Could it be, that incidents like this, and its worldwide promotion in full colour HD, could keep away many potential “Good Guy” visitors, too? That you, and your fellow “Good Guys” support, are boosting sufficiently the sleaze economy, by paying (maybe) overcharged bills devotedly? Anyway, this acting was ways over the top. From a certain point on, an obsolete, and reckless criminal offence by those thugs. It shows a very ugly face, under the surface of smiles. In a new, proved quality to the whole world. If the guy died indeed, some officials, and government agencies will have an even more big headache, about a “usual” misunderstanding, this time.
  17. Socially indoctrinated, devotedly acting, is no evidence for the understanding of "respect". 5 to 6 Sang Som, security uniforms, motorbike taxi vests, or a combination of it, let implode the "highly respectful" customs, often and easily. Showing a very ugly face under the surface. As the recent security "mob" assault, in Pattaya, Soi 6, is clearly proving. So, stop trying to lecture, with "Lonly Planet" wisdoms.
  18. At least, you've to provide significant video evidence of the daily "chaos", before RTP even moves it.
  19. An absolutely ridiculous assembled, but ideological biased article. The continuous abuse of the word “respect” is just a well working attribute of the ideology. “Unfortunately, Thailand is not alone”, — with 700 (peanuts) illegal employed “foreigners”. Certainly not tourists. — increasing misbehavior of tourists. What's increasing, for sure, is the emphasized reporting about any little incident, where foreigners are "negatively" involved. Btw, “Cavemen” behavior, misconduct, and felony is not a problem of tourism, it's a problem of individuals in all societies. About Europe: “In a bold move echoing protests in the Canary Islands last April, banners sent a clear message: Tourist: respect my land!” Is it (also in those other mentioned places) really just about tourists? Or is it also about endlessly imported “foreigners” to all European Countries? Not “guzzling cheap beer”, and paying for it, but extorting the social welfare systems, and not respecting “the land”, and its culture at all. I'm just asking for a friend. About this, you won't hear anything from those woke Overtourism, and Tourism Experts, despite they might be peddling it from their ideological marvel towers. They're lecturing, about — ...“better management to address behavioral issues” — ...should “aim to guide behavior, tougher measures like tourism taxes” — ...“limit tourist beds to control numbers” — predicting (or better suggesting?) “...rejecting certain demographics” The “exceptions” are well known. In the end, for those socialist, Greentards, it's all about to push the “Globalist Woke Agenda”, and the control of everything, everywhere. “Travelling responsibly is paramount”, and “these destinations are home to many”. Somehow a contradiction to the article subject itself. “...warns that unless tourism becomes sustainable, destinations face ruin, reported BBC UK.” Not tourism is ruining those destinations, it's the “new” western “values” and ideology, with support, not only, by the “BBC”. In short: Before you go on holidays, and select a destination (sanctuary), you've to present your “carbon footprint”, a “certificate of behavior”. “Review points” about your origin might help, or cancel you.
  20. The "girl" should get dressed up properly, either. When it comes to "cultural respect" But, special areas, different habits. It doesn't matter if it's "Pattaya, Patong", or Patpong, Cowboy, Nana, and, and, and.
  21. Sorry, the question was addressed to the original poster of the video.
  22. Half naked man, half naked woman. Both, and also the area isn't the blue print for the inflationary mentioned "respect of culture".
  23. Hey “Sherlock”, a DL, or pink card might be sufficient at a Central shopping mall entrance, or a parking lot, and it's expiring after a couple of years. Besides, you need an acknowledged resident status to get it.
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