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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. Yes sure, ridicilous comment. You must be one of those "Digital Nomads", making the world go around "in a moment", they're lookingg desperately for. How it comes, they didn't find you yet? Still, I wonder, why you're asking yourself the question, why they don't change the software, just "in a moment", then? "How do I come up", with what? I just described some experiences, and gave a possible explaination? About, how they like to make you dance? If a bank rolls out the red carpet for you, you'd be happy, to be soo special. Or, you're one of those "smart" walking wallets, paying an agenciy, even for a banking matter, or a DL?
  2. They've to maintain 10000s of machines. That would be costing a lot of money. If that happens to you, you'll never get it back. To get a new one, you've to "dance around" 2 hours at the (only there!) card issuing branch, with your passport, producing, and signing 31 photocopies (about what they know anyway). Feeling treated like a criminal suspect. Creating your new PIN on the employees keyboard (Lol), and pay the fee! What happens to your old card, you'll never know, but keep good hope. The TiT banking system is a katastrohpy, like 75% of its staff. Every bank visit is a long winding, enduring procedure. If they'd achieve in their performance only 25% of their shown self importance, would be a giant progress. TiT is always eager to jump on evrery technical, or any bandwagon, but uncapable to deal with it. Learning by doing, trial and error. In the end the "hub" of paper shoveling prevails.
  3. Now the "hub" for vintage cars... With 100% import tax on cars and parts. Oops, yeah, right! Taxes are doing the new magic. And Somchai is maintaining "Gullwings", and "E-types" in his backyard shag. Give me a breake.
  4. It took quite a while, for another "good cabby" story.
  5. Even the Chinese average tourist doesn't come anymore, without the "zero $" tours. The main aim of China is the "Export" of goods, not "tourists". They are flooding the country with their cheap crap, taking out the local production. Due to those "super smart" treaty arrangements, and actually, the flirting with the BRICS countries. Desperate, and helpless on the downbound train.
  6. The uneducated are more pleased... Surprise, surprise!
  7. Maybe, the survey was held at "universities", as the "average".
  8. A major breakthrough again, to safe the reputation of the cozy family resort. No names published, so no foreigners involved?
  9. Come on. Even puppets have the right, trying to save their arse. He was an interim figure from his first day, as PM. The face of the sell out of the MFP. “The ??? has done his duty, the ??? can go!”.
  10. To invest in a circus "hub", you should be a clown.
  11. “Double entry”. That's exactly what it is. It doesn't make sense? To whom? “Conventions? Suddenly”? Lol. Flip-Flop, Flop-Flip... Buy it, and check it out! The 3rd entry, or extension (for 180 days), will be a personal highlight. At least, 5 years time to choose, when to go for the 3rd attempt. Or, just not.
  12. "Thai Exeminer" exists ways longer, as the most of this average Joe, AI crap. If they use it, they know how to use the software. That's the point. Obviously, they're rechecking the articles, before they get published. I don't like their videos, though. That's AI for sure.
  13. Find out, whose pocket the rent was stashing up, for the places, where it has been obsoletely stored, all those years.
  14. It's not about Russians, or whatever nationality. It's about wannabe “super smart” foreigners. Some getting lured into dodgy setups, indeed. By shady lawyers, agencies, other expats lurking around, pretending to be “friends”. This circumvents to bend the law (if it's “intelligent” or not, is another issue), are as old as the law itself, and is common practice since decades. Nobody cares, everything is so fine, and super easy. Until someone steps out of bed with the wrong foot. Suddenly, a lot of “smarts" are dumbed. And within the “crackdowns” cheering crowd, many thinking about themselves, they're completely “legal”, because they're not “Russian”, or not from Timbuktu. Very secure about, what they did sign here, and there… The opportunities to buy property, to work, to set up business on the safe side, are not too many. But it's possible, though complicated. Aka, at least, there should have been a couple of "Sang Som", or a dinner with “Somchai”, (the 51% nominee) together. Knowing his real name would also be an advantage. But in many cases it looks like, the urge to buy land/condos, to set up businesses, to work in LalaLands “thriving” economy (with a weed shop?), is stronger as common sense, or cautiousness. Maybe, “outsmarting” all the hurdles, is the challenge.
  15. Not this article is a mess, the "LaLa-Land" fairytale announcements, are a mess. The name “Destination Thailand Visa” alone, is a joke for itself. Usually, "Examiner" articles are much better researched, as many of the AI spoiled clickbait articles, of known other Farang-“news”-agencies. Examiner just can reflect on the information, what's being given in the “announcement”. Until now, a rough frame of thoughts. The only facts, so far, is the price, and the money you've to bring with you (subject to change). To be not too harsh, the creative guys seem not to have a glance about the already existing mountains of bureaucrat garbage created in multiple decades. Considering different visa types, and all these engaged agencies in the processing. Plus the discretionary modified rules on local levels. To sort that out, the only way would be to cancel most of the current schemes, and restart right from scratch. But this is not gonna happen, if you just consider the tens of thousands paper-shovelling employees, in need to be engaged.
  16. Dream on! After it's coming out, that it will take another year, until it's introduced (if at all), it is the usual “hot air”, and a lot of smoke about nothing. One year time, for the desk-jockeys, to put their two cents into the small print. In the end, they might create another bureaucrat monster, that could “boost” the photocopy industry. But not too many want to, or can qualify for.
  17. It could be get categorized, aka. a single entry visa. After stamping in, 'its void, marked as “used”, or just crossed out with a remark. (like re-entry permits) and it doesn't matter how much time of validity is left. Just imagine a “2 entry visa”, which also gets voided (used), by local IO after one extension. Everything is possible, and you never know what they're making up. It will be not the hassle-free DN “super-wellness-long-stay-package”, for sure.
  18. “Duration” of allowed stay, is the stamp for 180 days. You can extend after the 180 days (1 time) for another 180 days at the local IO, or stamp out. And, reentry for another 180, after you left the country. In both cases, (if you used up 360 days) the visa gets void. There is no “long stay”. That would be logical, and that's how I get it, when I consider their mentioned “one time extension”. “Validity” is the period of time, you can use the visa, to enter the country. Like the usual Non-Immigrant-ME, O and B, have one year validity. You can enter the country on the 365th day, to get stamped (in the last time) for the corresponding days of the visa type. After that, t's void, and time for shopping again. So the 5 years “Validity”, or who knows, what they ever mean by that, is the “key” point of it all. So waiting about further details, and what they're going to fiddle around in the small prints, is the best to do. I don't expect any breakthrough.
  19. That's what I said. 180 days, times 2 = 360 days. Within 5 years. If you used up 360 days, in whatever timeframe, you might apply for a “new” one (360 days, to use within 5 years). That's how I understand it. Who thinks, he can bounce out every 180 days, coming back, as many times he likes, each time for max. 180 days in a period of 5 years… Lol, this would be Easter-, Christmas-, and New Year's Day on the same date. This will never happen. Because it would ridicule, all other types of visa/eos. In the end, it's only about government revenue (where I can follow), but also half cooked, in context with xenophobia.
  20. “If” it will be conducted this way at the end, and “if” you purchase this visa, it's for 2 times 180 days, within 5 years. Period! So, many of the current “grey-zone-Resident-DNs” (on whatever kind of visa/extension of stay) staying in the country, in their villas, without any budgets, (what I've read here), would be taking out themselves, after 360 days. Naturally, beside those (the super-smart exceptions), which are always confirming the rule. Lol.
  21. No business in Thailand, or with Thai companies, but still “work”, even if it's remotely. = grey-zone, because you're physically in Thailand, and so you're working in/from Thailand. Otherwise, this visa would be obsolete, beside the revenue, what I mentioned.
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