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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. "Free of charge" on whom? You? You is "us"? Who is "us"?
  2. Hopefully, you can have a better "Schadenfreude" sleep now. This country is also full of self-righteous, obsolete creeps
  3. Big, repeating announcements, small, repeating achievements. Thaksin muppet. T. should run the country by himself. At least more efficient, as all these clowns, and braggers who came after him.
  4. If this was a farang, the airline would have already filed a defamation case against him. Could be!. The good times of TG are decades in the past, anyway. Not only with them. The offer of 5500 THB is an arrogant slap in the face, but also typical for the common culture of self entitlement, and infallibility, you can realise in so many contexts. On the other hand, these overreaching ridiculous “announcements” of the customer, are just confirming a widely spread “Kindergarten” mentality. Of blowing up any little BS with warm air. In the end, after some negotiations, there is silence, and beside a “misunderstanding” nothing left. Zero!
  5. Yes I know, it's 8. Sorry for my "Fauxpas". 6, or 8, doesn't change anything, about what I wrote. But, thank you! "International Travel" and congestion at "Naratiwat" boarder crossing... Give me a break. It seems, every Malaysian Ringit counts at the moment... During the "Worlds biggest Sonkran, ever". Lol
  6. E.g. wallpaper the homes of government employees?
  7. "Temporarily" means, that it could be thrown on table any time again. If it's only by a local immigration head, to sharpen his profile. Another good example is the tm30. Nobody cared about it for ages.
  8. They can't let really go, what they love too much. Paper stacks, photocopies, complicated circumventing around 27 corners, instead of taking the obvious shortcuts. Already suspended (temporarily?) on arrival by air. Now, additionally, on 6 (!) land boarder crossings. Stupid question: Why only 6, and why exactly these? Wow, what an achievement. The thrown out announcement of a new "achievement" itself, seems to be be the real purpose of the joke. No tm6 to provide, on air arrival, "should" be relatively easy to distinguish for the I-Officers in a local office. Now "some" land crossings, and other exceptions more. It might take some time, to proof, why a person in the queue, doesn't have a tm6. In one of those, ca. 70, local IOs with their different, special home cooked, rules. The masters of confusioning, and circumventing, maintaining the mountains of paper stacks, in the beurocrat "industry".
  9. It's also a PR move. Like participating, in person, in venue checkups. He can be sure, to get cheered from the majority of the public in the "Swiss" case, and peddling the "anti-farang" vibes. To distract from his disastrous performance during covid, the "half cooked" cannabis legalisation, as health minister.
  10. The hub of big plans, and big dreams. Cruiser piers, extended airports, bridges... Building, building, sealing, surfacing everyting with cement, in their concrete mania. Like there is no tomorrow. But there is a tomorrow. With more power failures, lack of tab water, suffocating in traffic, and garbage. This peoples are incapable to think, and planning just 3 month ahead. Too many examples confirming it.
  11. If he's sharp minded, or not. As a monopolist, it's not very difficult, to extend your chain unlimited, and be prosperous. Every child can do that, by just watching it running, or "invest" money (like Dagobert Duck) in something, where is only a very little risk to fail. There are more "Enterprises" like this, in Thailand. Where the "MD's", or owners, need no skills but "connections". It's just the simple shape of monopolies. About the PMs, you're right. They come, and go. Some of them using their terms, to create their own monopoly, aka. Cannabis "legalisation" has been thrown out. But quite not well planned (with the "hot needle", like so often). The money flow is not under control (taxing?), and the revenues are going into too many (small) pockets. Greediness, wants the monopoly. That seem to be the real problem. For example, also "7/11/PT", might would like to have a slice of the Cannabis cake? They don't have (very "unrighteous"). So, they don't support it.
  12. Producing photocopies, as a major economial factor, monpolism, corrupt and inefficient beurocracy, the repeatedly announcing of big plans (dreams), often not even halfway achieved. "Destroying" the tourism sector, and thelr (natural) assets, by a relentless concrete mania, and the incapability to plan 3 month ahead, are other indicators for investors, to think twice.
  13. Crap article, with stupid assumptions, riding the current wave. Stupid behaviour like that, is not exclusive to "tourists"! Neither a "claimed" entitlement, to act like that "as a tourist in Thailand". Not many, or none of the locals would have been bothered, if the "individual" wouldn't have spent so much effort on, to make, and distribute his creepy, voyeur video. Petty BS, happens everywhere, anytime, conducted by every nationality. So, 5000 Baht fine, case closed. No reason to <deleted>.
  14. What do you expect, in a country that's at least 40 years behind. In experience, average education, and structural development. They jump on everything, trying to participate, but cannot. Like children. They like to play with their stupid smart phone, even at 7/11, trying to pay 87 Baht, waisting everybody's time. No Problem. I'm "hip", and modern. Like children. Everyting is improvisation, and a compromise, but blown up (warm air) in a big cloud. Producing photocopies. Yes, this an economical factor. Only copying modern technologies? Oops, Take a look at Thai IT/websites. Katastrophy. The hub of unreliability, and big dreams, but absolutely self entitled. Like children. This train is much too fast, for a big part of the population. The avarage Thai people are not to blame. Only those, who take advantage of it. But those didn't go to a "traditional" Thai temple school, where the repeating (out of mind), of the national anthem, is the essential task. To get a job at 7/11, or cleaner in a tourist 5* Ghetto, for the minimum wage. Even Waitresses there, need English, what most kids never learnrd, because the English teacher, in the school can't speak English, either. Many Thai university degrees are only worth for low paid government jobs. So, shure they don't think about surveillance by digital payments. Like too many stupid Westerners also. This makes me much more aware. The common thing for all is: It's called "progress". Lol
  15. Don't care so much about, who is "understanding" you. Especially in this forum, scattered with idiots. If you "throw out" pseudo- intellectual, Farang-Barstool "The Thai woman in the Thai cultural context" expertises, don't wonder, to get a statement. Cliche, or not. So, what do you think, whom you could get, without payment? Even if you wouldn't be (I doubt it) an (Quote) "Old Axx"?
  16. Nothing is for free, my friend. Only in "your" own fantasies...
  17. You can post what you want, even if you would be not an “all legal”. Thank you for the info (the CV is missing). But, who (tf) wants to know that? You missed my subject, but at least you felt addressed… As I feel allowed to post, what I think about parrots.
  18. After the rants of “farang-shower-experts”, nothing more, as predictable. The campaign was prepared after the beach stairways, and is taking its momentum. Like I said in another thread, the Thaliandbans working down their task list. High season is finished, tourists are mostly gone soon, plenty of time to investigate the long stayers. They aim for package tourists, in fenced 5* resorts. Hauled around in VIP buses, directly from the airport, and straight back to the airport. Staying 2 weeks, spending 5000 US, or more. After that, bye, bye, cu again next year, with a wai, and a smile. Long stayers are the thorn in the side. With some luck, it's cooling down, like so many other campaigns, and crackdowns. My point is, that I really would like to know, how many of all those screaming, and stupid “kick them out, ban them, jail them” parrots (in whatever case), here in their “Good Guy” sanctuary forum, are involved in dodgy, but common companies, land deeds, or other circumvented loophole arrangements. “Schadenfreude” isn't so funny any more, when the targets could include yourself.
  19. Yes, where isn't relevant. But it's relevant what the Taxi driver did, and if he was (proved) sober when the accident happened. To take 2 Passengers, and no helmets is also against the law, when you mention it, like all those other “crusaders” inflationary using the term here.
  20. Well said. As I mentioned in other posts before (to some people "confusing"?), the discussion, about the different impact of alcohol, or Cannabis is obsolete, in the context of DUI. The lobbying of users for "their" substance is understandable. The rules will be changed. Its already in the pipe, on a not too small demand. At the moment, the public is distracted by another campaign. Btw, the recreational use of Cannabis in public, is already against the law, and currently a matter of "tolerance" in a "grey zone", incl. the content of THC in sold weed. To me personally, the stench of weed at any corner, and many venues, is not my favourite, and surely not a "comfort" to many other people.
  21. Exactly! Most of those one track minded "crusaders" just don't get it.
  22. The defending reflexes of Alcohol, and especially (after the pseudo-legalisation) Cannabis users, are mostly just repeating itself. Most of the other stuff are still illegal anyway. Not to forget the deadly danger of “Vaping”. What are the “detailed” effects of the different substances in the context of DUI is absolutely secondary. That's likely a discussion that in these “scientific” cannabis forums, as you mentioned. No traffic law can take an accurate credit of that. In a cocaine rush the reactions are better, as after 5 beers, or 2 or 3 joints? Might be... The condition of an individual, or/and accumulated tolerances by regular consuming of a certain substance, might be clinical relevant, but should not be in traffic law. With alcohol, the given tolerance is easy to prove, right on the spot. With all other substances, not.
  23. Quote: "But the result is not the same, far from it, How much cannabis have you actually smoked?" "Its not "just like alcohol" at all it is totally different" Perhaps, you're an expert, instead of pretending. It depends on the point of view, who cares. You wrote many aspects, I agree with. Also about the influence of Cannabis. Not essentially different, from that, what I wrote. Where the knowledge comes from, is secondary to me. So, your “investigative” questions, once a while, are obsolete.
  24. My experiences are not your business. If you don't have any “experiences”, google it. Contrary, some of your posts, pretend that you've a some knowledge. The usual BS reflexes of potheads, alcoholics, Jaba, and other stuff affiliates are mostly ridiculous. If they're foreign “scumbags”, or local “saints”, is also quite irrelevant to me. DUI, if proofed, should be prosecuted, and punished. The severity is up to the authorities. Not to some dumb keyboard warriors in a “Good Guy” sanctuary, whatever their mission is.
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