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About Thaifish

  • Birthday 01/09/1962

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  1. Love my coffee and taking it to the next level if I can. I find out that my neighbour has a coffee plant Robusta maybe 5 years old and not only that the berries ripe and ready to pick. After picking I did the google thing about drying and decided to use the natural method with the red bean still in its husk or pulp. The husk turned black after 1 week of drying in the sun and I had a go today at removing the husk and inner membrane or mucilage as the berry appeared dry. It was just too labour intense. I tried different ways to get the green bean out using a mortar and pistil and also grinding between two chopping boards to crush the outer layers. After 1 hour of trying the different methods I had about enough green coffee beans to make 1 cup of coffee. Obviously there are machines online you can buy to do the job but I only have maybe 30 cups of dried beans so I cant warrant buying them at this stage. Google searches not helping even with AI. Has anybody got some tricks on how to get the green bean out easily?? I was surprised how healthy the Robusta Coffee plant was growing in Burriram with no care. If the coffee tastes good I plan to grow some more plants.
  2. The Kasikorn or SCB ATM will show you the transaction fee they will charge on the screen before the withdrawal is done. If you do not agree/like the fee then just cancel the transaction.
  3. 100% agree. He did surgery on me 3 weeks ago.
  4. This is right up my ally with info I need.... I have been banging my head against the wall with PEA trying to sell excess solar on my 10Kw system. Ive had a Smart Meter finally installed 6 weeks ago. Burriram PEA now saying can only export to 3 phase power lines. My system is single phase. Told to contact Bangkok PEA for advise through their web site. Ran out of steam after trying to send them an e-mail 3 times and the web page just said unavailable at this time!!! @4myr is your system single phase? @Crossy thanks for mentioning me now I have found this thread. Time for the Issan Luv Machine to get on the phone. I'm exporting around 30Kwh each day now with blue sky's and no air-con running.
  5. Yes have received a bill and studied it as I do. The bill had a slightly different layout to normal as it showed both the old meter usage + the new digital usage. Could not see any export charges. Thanks for letting us know.
  6. My power from the grid was put underground in conduit no problem.
  7. From Burriram. I got busted with an old reverse spinning disk meter about 3 years ago. PEA turned up about a week later and installed a one way meter. There was no fines or anything like that. Have just had a digital meter installed now which I have been trying to get one ever since they took the reverse spinning meter away. There is an on-mass roll out of meters happening everywhere around Issan. Scrolling through the digital meter menu it shows the export power reading is greater than the import. Long story but since my Solar installation 10Kw I have got nowhere with PEA purchasing the export power. I am now in the process of bypassing the local PEA and going through their Bangkok headquarters. I doubt I will get anywhere but things are changing ever so slowly here.
  8. My worst experience is the one I picked never left the toilet seat up when finished.
  9. @MJCM and OP. Regarding meters there's still no show with my digital meter. 3 years waiting now. It just so happens though I visited PEA Nang Rong Burriram about 6 weeks ago to hassle them for a digital meter again! again! again! and they had a tent set up displaying the new digital meters which where to be installed everywhere. Since then I have seen them being installed en-mass in surrounding villages. Just yesterday I noticed our village starting to get them. I'm guessing within the next couple of weeks or sooner we will finally get one. What I am hearing now is even though we will get one we still wont be able to export as there is no 3 phase only single phase passing our Bahn. Absolutely crazy the excuses they come up with. TiT... Since my 10kw system was installed 2021 I have exported 21.59Mwh of single phase power and Im wasting power with A/C running all day because I can. If I did get the 2.2bht supposed rebate I would have made 21590Kwh x 2.2bht=47498bht. Again I'm wasting power for no need.
  10. So the Bangkok Hilton is not a bad place to stay after all... I will have to check my health insurance coverage for chopper flight coverage and medical.
  11. I want to start a "Go Fund Me Page". I'm donating a bottle of "M Loy Ha Sip" to kick it off...
  12. I had same issue with Bangkok Bank book not displaying FTT. Contacted wise via e-mail and explained I had been using the drop down menu clicking Long Term Stay and that it was a Visa requirement to show transaction as a FTT. Wise made a note on my account to only transfer to Bangkok Bank which since doing so maybe 2 years ago it has worked fine. If funds are sent to another Thai bank which can happen and then transfered to your bank (BKK Bank) it shows as a Inter Bank Transfer not FTT
  13. Is that video recorder Intrinsically safe???
  14. Try bleeding air out of the highest point. Air can mess with the pressure switch big time. There should be an air bleed valve to do this.
  15. Great News. I don't have to fix my bike...headlight...blinkers...tail light... break light...anytime soon... Luv Thailand
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