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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. I've had my UK debit card and card reader sent to me in Thailand many times without incident, using only airmail. If you want piece of mind use DHL, not cheap but probably 99.9% chance of it arriving and it's tracked very effectively.
  2. The land of my birth turning into a rag heads and camel herders paradise, so happy not to be living in that toilet of a country, even though I am on a frozen government pension and still paying income tax to support these scum, from the incompetant government, whether is be the Cons or the Labs
  3. Nobody is interested, he's a convicted corrupt murderer
  4. Send the arrogant yodel er a d his cow bells back to the freezing mountains of his home country, he's been warned but continues his anti social behaviour. Otherwise invest in some XLs or Pitbulls to chase his <deleted> muts off the beach for good.
  5. As a foreigner you can't own land so somebody else is responsible for the actual site. If there is a dispute as there has been in my village it's usually sorted out by the Land office in the local Amphur who will look at deeds and give a ruling, IME. And will also come and do a survey and place the stamped boundary posts around the land.
  6. Any institution that investigates it's self is guilty of corruption, non accountability, non transparency. Do the Muppets in these organisations think people believe a word they say, if they do they should be sacked and placed into a mental asylum. In the 21C the police are operating in the dark ages and are a laughing stock to making statements like this.
  7. A complete shambles caused of course by the totally incompetent usurpers of democracy the coup d'etat Muppets. A utter waste of taxpayer's money because no due diligence was done regarding the engine situation. And of course nobody has been held accountable.
  8. They have dragged their feet for far to long on any credible policy that would help rice farmers, also unlike other countries the meagre amount of money spent on research and developing better varieties that are more sustainable and provide better yields hasn't been done.
  9. Who gives a stuff about developers...
  10. A reasonable opinion but of course it will fall on the deaf ears of the extreme conservative Bhuddists who are anti virtually anything to do with a individual being able to choose, when it suits their agenda.
  11. Just another shambles from dyed haired old men who have nothing better to do than throw their toys out of the pram yet again. There is no governance or transparency of government while these Muppets try to score political points at the expense of the citizenry.
  12. Because 99% of Thai drivers wouldn't recognise a Zebra if it hoofed them in the mouth.
  13. I don't care about a alcohol ban on 5 days of the year but the other 360 days when there is a ban on buying alcohol before 11am and between 2pm and 5pm is absurd especially in supermarkets.
  14. Everything is not shut, you just can't buy alcohol.
  15. The CiC is a coward who refused to serve his country because he wouldn't have access to the orange glow machine. The only country since WW2 to invoke the NATO articles has been the USA. Time to tell them to FO for good and the next time the rag heads stop the cheap oil and bomb the Pentagon we can all sit back and say, over to you but don't call us...
  16. From someone who is always told what to do by his Nazi masters, the unelected SA immigrant and his VP Trump this just shows what a bland, banal moron he is. And all because the vile orange blob and his yapping chihuahua, the guy with no name but only letters, <deleted> up
  17. From someone who is always told what to do by his Nazi masters, the unelected SA immigrant and his VP Trump this just shows what a bland, banal moron he is. And all because the vile orange blob and his yapping chihuahua, the guy with no name but only letters, <deleted> up
  18. And often into a dark world where their passports are taken from them and they are actually tricked into going and end up in brothel's... As we have seen many times before with girls being held against their will in the filth of the land of camel herder's
  19. The hazy lazy BiB, couldn't enforce a smile on their miserable gobs let alone solve a crime, truly disgusting and disgraceful treatment of a citizen with the necessary evidence.
  20. So since 2016 the Thai's have continued to let people die in these contraptions by doing absolutely nothing, a disgraceful reflection on their care of duty to the citizens of the nation.
  21. Another botched diplomatic blunder by the oh so naïve Thai government, scraping themselves along the floor to appease the Pooh Bear and his cronies. Let's not forget these Muppets are of chinese decent so kowtowing is normal for them.
  22. Yes they do my wife's niece runs one in Bangkok.
  23. The term farang has been absorbed into the colloquial language used by many farangs who have lived here along time. It just part of everyday speech, there is nothing pretentious or otherwise about it.
  24. Hugs, socks and keys in the ignition a lovely evening in the family friendly resort.
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