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Posts posted by SportRider

  1. Hope your sites work out for you Joklaweil but i fear you really will struggle..

    If you were focused on say bkk, phucket, pattaya then no problems at all to build up a forum community...but korat :o

    Now ive not spent as much time here as these other guys but what i have noticed is that many farangs come here because they dont want to interact like in other parts of Thailand..

    For example if for instance i was to take a walk around either mall, tesco or big c the chances are if there is another farang there our paths will not cross :D eye contact will not be made and chit chat certainly will not be exchanged.

    I have seen with my own eyes a farang with family in tow creeping around the isles in tescolotus just to avoid crossing paths..

    Now dont get me wrong, each to thier own but it happens everywhere..now its not the case that i am going to go up to a stranger and blurt out my whole life story and bore anyone to death but this does happen.

    I have seen a small gathering of German speaking guys who do meet in the Mall but the chances are if i walk past they will either stare as though the want to kill me or turn thier backs :D

    What im trying to say here is if you are going to put effort and time into building up a community then think about who is going to join it..especially when at presnt TV offers an Issan forum..

    Yes there's no doubt that because the REAL expat community is small in Korat, the VIRTUAL community will be small as well, but (for me at least) something like a Korat Expats Club is all the more important because there are so few of us...

    I definitely agree about the 'get away from it' factor - I've only been in Korat a short time and I JUST LOVE IT cos I have that feeling of being in the 'real Thailand'.. Generally, I don't miss an environment like Bkk or Hua Hin or Pattaya where farangs are everywhere... BUT there are some times when I just want to share a beer and chat with someone who has a similar cultural perspective on things...

    I think that also, we'll need to accept that the Korat Expats Club will be loose and flexible - some participants will be more active than others, but that should be just fine with all concerned...



  2. We went to the coffee shop at the B2S bookshop in Klang Plaza II yesterday and I was amazed to see a guy with a laptop wirelessly surfing the net. We asked one of the wait staff and they confirmed that free wireless Internet access is available. The amazing thing is that there is no sign or other notice informing the public about this. It's just there.

    Any other WAP's in Korat?

    Netfunky, 5 mins walk from Royal Princess Hotel, down the Soi directly opposite.



  3. Hi, I thought I posted this last night, but now can't see the original - I must be a bit stupid...

    Can anyone offer any advice on schools in Korat that have an English Program? We've been to see Assumption, but guess there are others in the town? (Not looking for anything too far away).

    Any feedback or advice from anyone with kids at local schools would be very welcome.. (all ages - we have big family) we've moving here and have about 3 weeks before the new academic year starts so we need to act fast!



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