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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. So the PM is looking after the grandchildren now?
  2. I dance everywhere I go, the trick is just to keep moving.
  3. I've heard about this phenomena, it was part of the Narco-Nativity story, Passion of the Dough, and I think the Catholics refer to it as transubstantiation.
  4. I knew it! For years your parents, hell everyone tells you, no, nothing can come up the pipe and bite you on your ass when taking care of business. This month a lot of snakes around, spotted 3 so far, 2 got squished by cars, almost stepped on the third. But 5am, walking along the klong. "hmm, that looks like a very long lizard... nope that is a Burmese python on its way to the river."
  5. 1. Direct delivery riders to the drop off point. 2. Ask delivery riders "everything" about the delivery. What's in the box.. What's in the Box? 3. Eyeball anything I'm carrying into the building. I plan to get a blow up and carry that in under my arm, my partner has pleaded with me not to do this.. but it's happening. 4. Amateur photography of everything, checklist number plates to confirm parking space usage 5. Saluting: They all salute even after telling them I'm not salute worthy. There is always one though that doesn't get up or acknowledge farangs.. he's my favorite. Yes, hate me, don't stand and salute at 2am in the morning when I'm sneaking to 7/11 to buy your horrible version of a kitkat.
  6. Plan #136 - includes options from previous plans but now with 10% more info-graphics and lamination. Seriously though, do we have any real engineers in here? What would they need to do to actually fix it? Is it fixable?
  7. I swear, our local larb seller (delicious by the way) has that same material for their table cloths.
  8. Thaksin 3.0 - We Ride Again! We're back baby! And no more pretending. "She will be doing this and not doing that."
  9. It's a trap, there's an unmarked van waiting nearby, ding the bell, you go for a ride and a chat.
  10. Hear Ye Hear Ye, you all suck!
  11. They all serve under the Table
  12. This may well describe most males of any species? I have to admit to the odd throat call or howl when upset..or horny
  13. Politics surely brings out the best in everyone. and your mother and Your Mother, all your Mothers! We can fly to the moon and back but as soon as the human concept of politics is engaged..
  14. Can they realistically hold it? Or advance further?
  15. I wonder how he feels about a Loveseat or a sexy ass Settee.
  16. Everybody lived, lucky. The life preservers on some of those boats do not look like they could much "preserving".
  17. <Click here> to apply to be the 32nd Thai PM
  18. They just torpedoed their government again, big money news is the best news right now.
  19. Similar to Singapore rules for entry, nobody under 20, farang no limits, Thai's pay an entrance fee of 5,000 baht. So much money is going to be cleaned here.
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