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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Every day hug a random person. The person who doesn't press charges is a keeper!
  2. I don't need Thai male friends, I have enough extended Thai family to call me fat and fish sauce challenged already thanks.
  3. He looks like a good boy, give him a pat from me.
  4. When you pay for your position you expect a certain something something.
  5. Taking bets on what the new name will be. v1. FFP v2. MFP v3. ???
  6. Sorry, he is ex TAT/Tourism. He meant to say 3,000,000 Thai workers.
  7. That's quite a list. All things considered you could probably do well to keep them employed here in Siam. Build some ships maybe.
  8. Take pics of pricing labels now to compare a year from now.
  9. Nothing like this happens here until the monopoly is agreed upon.
  10. There are normally so many processes and checks to prevent this type of incident. Amazing Thailand.
  11. Clown brows, horrible. Be natural baby. Okay, maybe not 100% natural everywhere, it's the tropics after all, but yeah #bushybrowsmatter
  12. Because there is a higher probability they will earn more and support mama in her dotage. There is a certain degree of "future investment" when it comes to children in Asia, or at least so I'm told. Plus a dollop of that good 'ol fashioned Face pretence.
  13. Yeah, how do you maintain the illusion when you walk out to the parking lot and get into a 2013 Toyota Corolla.
  14. No such thing, there is only, Music. you like, you no like, wax on, wax off
  15. That is sad, her once being a teacher makes it sadder. Family didn't drop by after a year of no contact, why?
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