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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. If this was only over a corkage fee, which I assume is a fairly common fee in many countries, then yeah my review is 1 star dick.
  2. This is the second or third time this problem has been raised by this guy. They just need to find someone who was a beat cop and then became a billionaire and ask how they did it.
  3. True, I was addressing your comment about why she hadn't approached Prayut in the past.
  4. It appears she may have been doing just that https://www.fidh.org/en/issues/human-rights-defenders/thailand-judicial-harassment-of-sitanan-satsaksit There were other articles but I'm too lazy.
  5. Unfortunately humans in those numbers act more like cattle than catalysts.
  6. They all want to emulate him, his career path etc Street Cop to Billionaire Politician <snap> just like that. That be some powerful juju mon.
  7. We have one in the family, nurses everywhere are never paid enough. Extra overtime, unpaid in many cases, or they have to claw it out of hospital's mountain of money. The additional duties, unrelated to physical nursing as mentioned previously. It's like the lady's who look like cleaners in the banks, but then when you turn around they are updating somebody's passbook. My pappy always told me pay the people who teach you, heal you and protect you their rightful due, all three are most times thankless tasks. Plus, I need the hottie nurse to tell me that my BP is too high so I that can reply, my BP is just fine it must be you! <wink> - does she surreptitiously start looking for the red alert button? sure, but for a split second she is amused, or exasperated, it's hard to tell..
  8. Stop it LL, with your even handed views and logical presumptions. Inflammatory and jumping the gun statements only please.
  9. Maybe someone over there watched these two movies? Superman 3 or Office Space
  10. Learn how to moonwalk, when you don't get the response you seek, moonwalk out of there.
  11. Give them a hug, full body, ask what's wrong, see what happens.
  12. The trick from watching those agents is to also deliver a dozen boxes of quality oranges on a hand trolley. The nice ones in the fancy packaging. That appears to be the currency of the realm at CW, every time I've been someone is wheeling in oranges, into an immigration back office. Certainly there is other fruit but oranges is where it's at.
  13. I hear they are already taking bets on how long to the next c-word.
  14. But, but Uncle P was clear in his Time magazine front cover article. "I had no choice, I didn't want to, but Siam was teetering on the brink of oblivion, I had to step up and save my country and its people/children." - it was more or less this in the article.
  15. I once walked the earth dispensing justice with the open hand, at that time I was known as dung beetle.
  16. He was sent home yesterday, I'm calling body double.
  17. Yeah, the old wise ones of my adopted clan say nothing will change here, unless it starts snowing or while a bowl of food can be had for 30 baht somewhere. They also have the reincarnation wild card, you never know what you'll get next. I have a UK educated electrical engineer Thai relative, he remains concerned that if he screws up he's coming back as some sort of beetle. I have a lot of follow up questions for him but I'm told it will only piss him off.
  18. Going with the classic neck brace I see, bold choice. Even through the dark tinted window I can tell they saved his hair colour.
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