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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Grumpy gnomes generate goofy usernames gathering great giggles?
  2. Yeah, there's an excellent chance they'll get Ocean's 11'ed within a year. Good luck
  3. They want to get him so bad. But as they say pride before the fall, all dumb-dumb had to do is keep his head down for a bit. But no, straight out of the gate he appeared to think himself invincible, the Savior/Headman of Siam.
  4. wow, Obama makes a joke about him 13 years ago and now he's all hairnets and name badges working the fry station.
  5. Bubbles wants to get Interpol involved apparently, so another Red Bull play in action? Thai police must liaise with Interpol to secure the arrest of Gen Pisal Wattanawongkiri
  6. You know those vids (I've never seen one) where there's one guy and two girls, stacking, this is the equivalent. please note: be safe, do no harm, enjoy the firefly life span we have.... you dirty toe suckers hehe
  7. It's a delaying action only, until one of the muckety-mucks starts their World of Dongs Emporium chain monopoly.
  8. https://birdcontrolgroup.com/ https://bird-x.com/bird-products/electronic/laser-bird-deterrents/ diy https://github.com/Ron-David/Arduino-Laser-Bird-Repellent And when you just need more power...
  9. yeah, there is that, the smell of Listerine and jizzum isn't exactly a turn on. disclaimer: This statement is in no way meant to offend those of the mouthwash/man juice preference.
  10. hah, humans are so stupid, we can build machines that leave the planet with us in them, and yet we get so upset about something that has been in production for over 3000 years. The Long and Satisfying 3000 Year History of the Dildo Engraved on a vase dated 480-475 BC. Image Archaeological Museum of Syracus.
  11. Basically he's saying, if the Thakinator goes down for this I was only a temp at the time, nothing to do with me, I did not "aid" him.
  12. Almost zero consequences for any of them and their actions, managing a nation is just one big schoolyard game to those involved. But I suppose that goes for most countries on Earth.
  13. Just another old dude with vantablack hair in Thailand..those slippers look comfy Also, billions of dollars man, choose a motif, that room is a casserole of nonsense.
  14. I bet he enjoys doing stuff like this, knowing it sends certain opponents into apoplectic fits.
  15. That photo is not from today though, it's fairly clear here, or at least visibility is normal.
  16. Yes, all he had to do was slow down and no lives lost.
  17. what will it be, brake failure or tyre blowout this time? rip sorry that you lost your precious life to another human moron
  18. No, it's true, we had to do the same during the zombie outbreak back in '09.
  19. ..he told her say anything you want, it doesn't matter, what are they going to do about it <hearty laugh>
  20. but he was just TikTok'ing his last stupid moments in a flooded river?
  21. it would be amazing, but could it be done, realistically? plan B, city circuit https://www.multigp.com/videos/
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