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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. The friend organised the whole thing? - some type of Birdcage combined with Oceans 11 thing.
  2. You can't just play the Lopez card, she makes diamonds with her butt. Jenny from the block my ass.
  3. Who was it that Uncle P told to go put some pants on?
  4. wait, which one is low brow again? never mind, bodily functions, humiliation etc. Well, there goes 85% of poster material right there.
  5. All I know is that Liverpool Lou has been typing for like 30 minutes, standby for 4 pages of how stupid we all are. just kidding, Friday's am I right?
  6. clever wordplay. see the forum is already improving!
  7. Oh, I'm an idiot for certain. no sourdough again
  8. Yes, never let me volunteer/near the control panels of Forum Power. In place of a dark lord blah blah I'm just saying also can we change these notifications? Several hamsters are running the wheel, standby for wit...
  9. I just felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices strumpets suddenly cried out in anger and were suddenly silenced.
  10. awww, they're getting upset because the movie they made together is not performing well in cinemas.
  11. Ahh, never disappoints, beer cornflakes and a thread about digital stimulation, smelly white honky's, Thai hookers and finding love with a good clean girl who can still suck a ping pong ball through a meter of garden hose. Never change!
  12. I mean we did before, but now, no, no more tolerating. Truck in hole bad for everyone.
  13. For a public forum there sure is a lot of sphincter clenching going on at times.
  14. I had a highway copper friend visit some time back, I could see the forehead veins throbbing as his head was about to explode. After we passed the sixth "family of 4" on a single scooter, zero helmets, going as fast as they could along a major highway, all he could say is what the fck. We all laughed, welcome to the party pal!
  15. So essentially someone made a lot of money buying and selling traffic lights that will do very little to change driving habits without enforcement. Who got the contract?
  16. Yeah, like a '70's Jerry Lewis Sretta hosted tv telethon, musical acts, a "who fell asleep this year" in memorial bit, guest stars. Video cross to the Thakster, can't be there in person, he's filming his latest movie. They will need a named band.
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