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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. A friend works for the largest insurer here, the stories she tells, how everyone's eyes alight with greed as soon as the level of insurance is disclosed. She has seen them drop what they were holding, usually a standard schedule for treatment, grab a quick chat with admin, and come back with a whole new regime of pre-op tests that are in no way related to the problem. It's so accepted that nobody says anything. It's a feedback loop, everyone is trying to shaft everyone else. and not in the good way
  2. Having to sleep is annoying. If you live, say, 75 years, that's approximately 25 years asleep. In the eye blink we have here we lose 25 years off the bat.
  3. More time for sloppy 2nd's 5th's kidding, that would be wrong for so many reasons.
  4. pffft light weights heh Unlikely it was of any quality, but eating is very different to smoking if it's the real deal. They were way more panicked when they realised they had no medical insurance, and that they were on their way to the hospital to get multiple money enemas.
  5. There are a lot of negative articles popping up all of a sudden, someone is creating an out or a massive watering down.
  6. Are these articles appearing all of a sudden so that they can walk back or water down this promise with less loss of pride.
  7. Anyone know if those Slobarts pork pies are any good from Tops?
  8. 70's Monkey Magic Original Star Trek Eastbound & Down
  9. I'm no doubt richer than the OP and I say it's truly a burden having more money than most. What everyone fails to understand is that being very wealthy is a responsibility, and inherently makes you better than a "poor". hey, and before you trigger, I didn't make the rules, it's science. ???????? Going for the record amount of Confused or Sad emojis - Disclaimer: I'm being a smart ass, I live under a bridge and use a puddle as a mirror.
  10. Have they made it clear as to how they intend to fund the handout?
  11. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles.
  12. Humans in large enough groups are problematic, we get together, agree on something and then start wearing matching hats and using secret handshakes. It's pretty much all downhill from there.
  13. The question remains though, could I jump a jet ski into or out of that pool close to high tide?
  14. Hanuman. God of Wisdom, Strength, Courage, Devotion and Self-Discipline. Everything the RTP stands for and more.
  15. If only they had rounded up 101 economists.. they may have had a chance.
  16. They have to tell ChatGPT to be less "flowery". It actually understands what that means.
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