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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. I like the way it displays 'such and such are typing' when viewing a topic but can we add 'such and such are typing furiously...'
  2. I can't help but wonder that if the shootings had not been as "visible", happening at a different location, at night, and assuming the family had money, they could of applied the red bull method. But this incident was too public and the family is obviously not connected nor do they have red bull level money.
  3. They never reply... too busy with the ufos at the moment Anyway, I was -hoping- for a dozen angry and or condescending responses laden with barely veiled racist overtones.
  4. Just curious, how are they viewed logistically speaking, their ability to move and deploy troops en masse, all the materiel of war, that kind of thing? ...assuming they intend to make a move off continent.
  5. Excellent, I just want to find the master in Midnight Diner and have him cook me some nikogori
  6. The next stage in human evolution had to be triggered somehow, just so long as we don't Cronenberg ourselves. I for one am looking forward to being able to hear the thoughts of my dog and having tiger night vision. Mutations baby, it's how it all works, well that and a whole lot of plowin'. yeehaa
  7. love it. Are you like high, all the time? not judging but enquiring minds kind of want to know.
  8. Boring, I was hoping for those steamy boudoir shots that some older couples do to spice things up. 80's style
  9. Sure, but you're not supposed to be holding it in your hand like that and taking the odd bite, sooo
  10. Billionaires, Millionaires everywhere, nary a poor in sight, and this image is just cringe worthy.
  11. I blame hoop rolling, if that had been stopped when they tried to stop it all the world's ills would not have been. And remember when they were blaming D&D for kids jumping of roofs and breaking legs? The dumb asses couldn't master a simple levitate spell and then everyone has to put down their wands? Sure the odd demon summoning went awry but who hasn't had that happen am I right?
  12. “keep eyes on the star and feet on the ground” oh crap, she thinks she's a Disney Princess
  13. yeah, humans suck with the following exceptions: emergency response of all types, nurses and teachers.. and anyone involved with keeping the bogs running
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