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Mutt Daeng

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Everything posted by Mutt Daeng

  1. Both free and fee based VPNs are available.
  2. No, I have a "permanent" number in the second sim slot which is the one I use for banking etc.
  3. Thanks I didn't know that.
  4. There isn't any difference. I should have said that tax liabilities are not dependent on the type of extension you have. I seem to have created a "rabbit hole" with a poor choice of words previously. I won't be responding further.
  5. Poor wording on my part. I meant people who are married but are on retirement extensions should be treated the same (tax wise) as married people on marriage extensions.
  6. This one here: https://www.google.com/maps/@14.993474,103.1047701,3a,75y,58.69h,86.57t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfAXP-eGvMcPyucJs3k8RSQ!2e0!5s20220801T000000!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu I need a couple of broken spokes replaced and the wheel truing and I don't want to get there and finds it's closed. It's about a 170 Km round trip. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
  7. Same for me. Singapore gives me the fastest speeds consistently .
  8. Each bank will have it's own process, so you proabably need to ask your own bank. Here is a link showing how it works at the Kasikorn, so you can get a rough idea of the process. https://www.kasikornbank.com/en/personal/digital-banking/kplus/functions/cardless-withdrawal/Pages/index.html
  9. Six sim cards isn't a lot really. I (and many others) buy data sims from Lazada which last for one year, to be used for mobile internet. When it expires, I throw it away and get a new one. So if you've been doing that for 4 or 5 years then you could have more than six cards registered in your name.
  10. You could be right JT, but why only for people on retirement extensions? Surely those on marriage extensions are subject to the same tax rules?
  11. I wonder why it is only for people who have extensions based on retirement?
  12. I watched Beverley Hills Cop: Axel F last night and enjoyed it. It's on TGx.
  13. I've just used this software to partially debloat my new Vivo phone. When I say partially, I mean I was able to remove/disable a most apps I didn't want. Its basically a front end for ADB commands, which is what I normally use. https://adbappcontrol.com/en/ Supposedly works for all android devices
  14. Not true. My 5 accounts (K Bank) are all in my legal western name, copied from my western passport. These accounts at the suggestion / push of the K Bank supervisor were updated in the customer details database to show my pink ID card number. Two of the 5 accounts were opened at this K Bank branch. The other 3 K Bank accounts were opened at 3 different locations: CM different branch, Bkk, Pattaya. As mentioned above all 5 have been updated in the K Bank customer details database to show my pink ID card number. The update of all 5 accounts was done at my local big branch in CM. Thanks both of you for your opinions. It would appear that banks operate with their own interpretation of the "rules and requirements", just like immigration, local amphurs, DLT etc. I'll probably try to add my ID card number to my account again when I renew my passport in 2027, since I'll have to register one or the other.
  15. This week I was at my local branch of the Krung Thai bank for another important matter and I asked if they could register my pink ID card number rather than my passport as proof of identity, since my ID card has no expiry date, but my passport expires in a couple of years. I was told "can not". I left it at that for now, even though I knew that it is possible, as I had achieved my primary goal of sorting out the other important issue. It's a job for another day.
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