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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Typical cheap labour/unavailable local labour scenario; Filipinas working as nannies, as they can speak English, other Filipinos, Indonesians, Vietnamese, etc., working on freight and cruise ships, thanks to their education and training. Thais, who neither speak English, nor are good with trades, do what they can do best, i.e. working in Israel's agriculture, or picking berries in Finland...
  2. Says a representative of a country that is not known for treating migrant workers well...
  3. The difference to other rhino- and coronaviruses is, that this particular virus creates long-term damage all over the human body. That's why it is still my belief that this virus did not evolve naturally, but via enhancement in a laboratory.
  4. Certainly true. Things won't be the same for, at least, 5 or 10 years. That is, if this virus becomes as 'mild' as the yearly flu...
  5. So to apply you need a vaccination certificate with a QR code from the hospital where you got your jabs?
  6. If so, it was either: 1.) Fraud, in which case the bank branch and, possibly, the head office should be contacted, or 2.) Negligence on your part, giving her all the codes/PIN numbers, or signatures, or having 'easy' passwords that could easily be guessed by her.
  7. Just read this morning about another gold shop robbery, also yesterday, in Bangkok's Udom Suk area. Seems to become a very common occurrence. Guess, all those 'employed people' (unemployment rate of 1.96%) want to make some extra money during their lunch break...
  8. True. Remember the 'Black Shirts' from years ago, who, suddenly turned up, mixing up the colour spectrum?
  9. The Thailand story is probably more comparable to "The Sopranos", though.
  10. Wouldn't a bubble between Thailand and North Korea make more sense, politically and ideologically?
  11. Thailand - always doing cheap shortcuts, selling them as inventions...
  12. That was 2019. 2022 will be unlike 2019. Wish my stock market investments did the same they did in 2020...
  13. Hahaha..., so they have 1 million international tourists already this year? Are they virtual tourists??
  14. Once this pandemic is under control, there are three or four countries where I want to spend my holiday $$, but Thailand is not on the list, even if they paid for my whole holiday.
  15. Sounds a bit like what the jetski boys told me on the beach: "Don't worry, just have fun. It's very cheap, and we won't ask for more money..."
  16. That's great! Everyone can just be doped up, no need to worry anymore about Covid-19, politics, or the misery most Thais live in...
  17. True. Very hard to read. If it is about the bank account; was your wife co-account holder, or did she have a withdrawal form with your signature, or a bank card and the PIN code, or the necessary codes for the online banking? If yes, then there is no way to get the money back. Only chance would be, if she fraudulently faked your signature, or if it is a mishandled transaction by the bank, in which case the branch where the account is held, plus the local police station for a report would be where you need to go.
  18. The real Thailand.... it became this because Thailand's governments only fill their pockets and don't care about people..
  19. That's fine. As long as the top 50 families in Thailand are financially well off, no need to worry...
  20. Thailand has full employment. Just look at the two dozen or so sandwich- and other food sellers within 500m of my apartment (who weren't there only 6 months ago) ...
  21. Some countries take the pandemic seriously, even though numbers are manageable, while other countries don't, even though new cases are very high, in fact the highest per population in all of SE Asia.
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