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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. I will definitely check out the Philippines, not only for taxation reasons.
  2. Well, things are not as clear-cut in Thailand. (I don't buy lottery tickets either.)
  3. Serious relationship. Because I'm living in Thailand. See #2.
  4. Not married, but you gave me an idea. I will just say that I have a Thai sugar mommy...
  5. Bye. They are coming for us, better get used to it. Getting a government pension in a couple years from now. Thailand was on the list of places to have it transferred to. It isn't anymore. Thank you, Thailand, for giving me a very early warning, so that I have plenty of time to find an alternative place.
  6. Yeah, I saw that even women (some obese and quite unattractive) in their late 40s just want ST. Thailand just a big brothel? - Perhaps reality in 2024...
  7. Yes, a few. I also chatted to some women. After 'hello', and 'my name is', very often then came: "I look for customers"/"I sell VDOs"/"I have no money. Can you send me X baht", etc. - And I know that Thai women generally find me attractive, so that's not it.
  8. Could have happened in a nightclub "infested" with Thais, or Mongolians too.
  9. Seems that theft is unknown in Mongolia...
  10. Who's afraid of online scams? Just don't click on that fishy-looking link, and don't transfer money to people, or companies you don't know... Can all be easily avoided with common sense. 'Offline' scams in Thailand are much more an issue. Double-pricing, the taxi driver who turns off the meter as soon as you are on the road, the Immigration officer who fines you because someone else didn't register you, etc., etc.
  11. Had a good number of those too. Usually claiming to be Thai women currently overseas in London or the U.S.
  12. The problem is that it is getting harder and harder, and everyone from teenie to 100kg-granny (if those profiles are representative) in Thailand seems to be out to get rich from 'short-time'...
  13. Actually, they usually write: 'I am single', 'I want fun', 'Looking for friends', or just nothing, while posing as women looking for dates... But, yes, others writing in their profile: "I don't want to meet you in Thailand, but only your country", most probably look for suckers to send them the money for the flight ticket... Anyway, I'm seriously thinking to leave Thailand for good, possibly checking out the Philippines.
  14. Sorry (to the OP) for butting in here, but I have been asking myself this question like forever; say, the hotel won't do the TM-30 filing (and I follow your advice), can I use that hotel's refusal to do the TM-30 filing (which they are supposed to do by law anyway) to cancel the booking, and get a refund if I paid already?
  15. As the title says; on dating websites, Thai women pretending to be single and looking for someone for a (serious) relationship, but once you contact them... * A very large percentage seem to just look for customers (s*x, videos, etc.), and... * The ones who then still claim to look for a relationship don't want to meet you if you actually live in Thailand, or don't want to meet at all in person. What is going on?
  16. Considering, that many expats and long-term visa holders in Thailand are affected, has there been any attempt to consult them (or their embassies)?
  17. Wonder, if filling in a Thai phone number will lead to confusion. (When travelling to NZ last year, I almost missed my flight, as, truthfully, I had stated for the ETA that my latest passport was issued by my country's consulate in Hong Kong, meaning the system ignored my nationality, but presumed that I was 'Chinese' due to my passport having been issued abroad in a Chinese territory... Same for other online forms that often change back, again and again, the country code, e.g. +66 for Thailand to the one for one's home country...)
  18. Looks like deflation has arrived in Thailand, perhaps mirroring trends in China...
  19. Andrew is welcome to pay 10x the usual price everywhere with his own money. Also, Nepalis (and others) in the so-called "poor countries" would protest, being labelled in such a(n outdated) way. What is a "poor country"? More and more people in 'rich countries' can't pay their bills, living paycheck to paycheck, while increasingly being unable to find an affordable roof over their head... There are, probably, as many homeless people today in 'rich countries' as there are in some "poor countries"... - When I hear 'poor countries', I think of South Sudan, Somalia, etc., which certainly are not countries popular with foreign tourists. Yes, people in Nepal may, mostly, be poor, but more and more people in the 'developed world' aren't much better off either, earning, generally, more money, but paying, at the same time, insane prices for houses, transportation, healthcare, etc.
  20. With many not paying direct taxes, what to deduct it from?
  21. True. Even after many years in Thailand, I still won't 'go native', wearing flip-flops, unless I'm on the way to the beach. On the contrary, I'm often overdressed, so that, years ago, I was even called 'Bangkok mafia' by some bargirls in Pattaya, cause they thought I worked in Thailand...
  22. A delusional statement, possibly due to the belief of believing that it’s okay to hit on adolescents. It's her vs. his statement. However, luring a young girl to a private hotel room says enough about the guy's intentions.
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